An Inside Perspective on Clerking

Mar. 5, 2024
3:00PM - 4:00PM
Baker Room 124
Open to the YLS Community Only

Please join the Yale Federalist Society and the American Constitution Society for an informal conversation with Samantha Bensinger '22, Law Clerk to Chief Judge James E. Boasberg (D.D.C.), and Joshua Altman '22, Law Clerk to Judge Dabney L. Friedrich (D.D.C.), about navigating clerkships and maintaining relationships across divides in law school and beyond. Supported by The Ronnie F. Heyman '72 Crossing Divides Program. 

Due to the limited space, please sign-up for the coffee chat using this online form.

Sponsoring Organization(s)

The Yale Federalist Society, the American Constitution Society, and The Ronnie F. Heyman '72 Crossing Divides Program.