Josh Braun
Contact details
Integrative Learning Center
650 N Pleasant Street
Amherst, MA 01003
United States
Joshua Braun's work examines sociological questions surrounding online media distribution. His book on digital distribution of TV news was published in 2015 by Yale University Press and his papers have appeared in Communication Theory, Communication, Culture & Critique, Journalism, Digital Journalism, and Journalism Practice.
Josh is the co-editor of Distribution Matters, a new series of books on media distribution from The MIT Press. He also serves on the editorial board of Social Media & Society and is a founding member of the "Culture Digitally" NSF working group on cultural production in the digital age.
Josh is currently working on a new book on the civic impacts of media distribution for MIT Press. In recent years, he has also begun a second line of research into the ways problems with the digital advertising ecosystem affect the health of news media.
Josh received his Ph.D. and M.S. in Communication from Cornell University, where his work earned him the Anson E. Rowe award for research productivity, teaching excellence, and service to the community. He also holds a master's in Bioethics from the University of Pennsylvania and an individual-concentration bachelor's degree in "Sciences in the Media" from the University of California Santa Barbara, where he graduated with honors.
Josh is a former science journalist, having worked as a junior editor for Seed Magazine and contributed to WNYC's Radio Lab. He is an affiliated fellow of the Information Society Project at Yale Law School and a former graduate fellow of the National Academy of Sciences.
PGP Public Key and Fingerprint
Public Key
A461 C245 7283 BB3D 25B7 7955 248B 0BB0 533B 7331
Photo Credit: Beth Wallace
New & Selected Publications
Recent Book
- Braun, J.A. (2015). This program is brought to you by… : Distributing television news online. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. [Link]
Other Selected Publications
- Braun, J.A., Coakley, J.D. & West, E. (2019). Activism, advertising, and far-right media: The case of Sleeping Giants. Media and Communication, 7(4), 68–79. [Link]
- Braun, J.A. & Eklund, J.L. (2019). Fake news, real money: Ad tech platforms, profit-driven hoaxes, and the business of journalism. Digital Journalism, 7(1), 1–21. [Link]
- Braun, J.A. (2015). Social media and distribution studies. Social Media & Society, 1(1). [Link]
- Braun, J.A. (2015). News programs: Designing MSNBC.com’s online interfaces. Journalism, 16(1), 27–43. [Link]
- Braun, J.A. (2014). Transparent intermediaries: Building the infrastructures of connected viewing.
- In J. Holt & K. Sanson (Eds.), Connected Viewing: Selling, Streaming & Sharing Media in the
- Digital Era (pp. 124–143). New York: Routledge. [Link]
- Braun, J.A. (2013). Going over the top: Online television distribution as sociotechnical system.
- Communication, Culture & Critique 6(3), 432–458. [link]
- Braun, J.A. & Niederdeppe, J. (2012). Disruption and identity maintenance in risk information
- seeking and processing. Communication Theory 22(2), 138–162. [link]
- Braun, J.A. & Gillespie, T. (2011). Hosting the public discourse, hosting the public: When online news
- and social media converge. Journalism Practice, 5(4), 383–398. [link]