Michael Fischer photo

Michael J. Fischer

About Professor Fischer

Professor received a B.S. (1963) in mathematics from the University of Michigan. He received an M.A. (1965) and Ph.D.(1968) in applied mathematics from Harvard University in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (then the Division of Engineering and Applied Physics).

Professor Fischer's current research interests include


Professor Fischer has recently taught


His CV and publication list is available as a PDF file.

Here are some old hard-to-find technical reports that are now available electronically.

The following papers are available online. More are coming soon (he hopes).


Along with research papers, he is also beginning to release under the GPLv3 license some programs, originally written for other purposes, in the hopes that others might find them useful.

How to Reach Michael Fischer

E-mail: Email address
US Mail:
Department of Computer Science
Yale University
P.O. Box 208285
New Haven, CT 06517
Street address:
Department of Computer Science
Yale University
51 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT 06511

Michael Fischer
Email: Email address

Last Updated: 09/01/2023 01:08:56