Overview of Project-Based Fellowships: Finding Sponsors and Developing Proposals

Apr. 12, 2023
12:10PM - 1:00PM
SLB Room 122
Open to the YLS Community Only

Norma D'Apolito (CDO's Fellowship Director), Hope Metcalf (Schell Center), Mindy Roseman (Gruber Programs), and Jennifer Taylor (Liman Center) will discuss applying for public interest project-based fellowships. They will identify the major project-based fellowships and discuss the timing of the applications, getting a host organization, developing a project, and more. This is an opportunity to ask experienced fellowship administrators questions about putting together a proposal.

Presenters: Hope Metcalf / hope.metcalf@yale.edu

Mindy Roseman / mindy.roseman@yale.edu

Jennifer Taylor / jennifer.taylor@yale.edu

Norma D'Apolito / norma.dapolito@yale.edu

Sponsoring Organization(s)