Collab in Action (CIA)
About this blog
Collab in Action (CIA) is the Justice Collaboratory’s blog written by its senior research team of Camila Gripp, PhD (Criminal Justice issues) and Farzaneh Badiei, PhD (Social Media issues). The Justice Collaboratory’s mission is to bring the latest ideas in the social sciences to bear on current problems. Rooted in the tenets of procedural justice, we seek to improve both the criminal justice and social media governance systems. We do this by:
Transforming the Goal: Legitimacy. The objective of both the criminal justice and social media governance system, must be to increase trust and cooperation between communities and the state.
Transforming the Focus: Communities, not individuals, should be our most meaningful unit of analysis.
Transforming the Language: Public Safety. Public safety is not just the reduction of crime or the maintenance of order. Rather, safety requires freedom from insecurity and victimization, community disenfranchisement, and government overreach.
This blog is published by and reflects the personal views of the individual authors, in their individual capacities. It does not purport to represent Yale University's institutional views, if any. No representation is made about the accuracy of the information, which solely constitutes the authors’ personal views on issues discussed. The information contained in this blog is provided only as general information and personal opinions, and blog topics may be updated after being initially posted.