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Algorithmic Accountability White Paper

MFIA’s Algorithmic Accountability Project has undertaken an exhaustive study of the novel challenges to transparency and accountability posed by state agencies’ increasing use of algorithms. As part of the study, the Clinic filed FOIA requests with three Connecticut state agencies on behalf of Information Society Project non-resident fellow Alicia Solow-Niederman. The agencies’ responses revealed both that agencies do not take sufficient measures to ensure the algorithms are working effectively and fairly, and that public disclosure laws do not permit adequate public oversight of agencies’ use of algorithms. The study also surveys possible legislative solutions to the problems of algorithmic transparency and accountability. 

Read press coverage of the report in the CT Mirror and AP.

Key Documents

Algorthmic Accountability Executive Summary

Algorithmic Accountability Study

Department of Children and Families FOIA Request

Department of Children and Families Production

Department of Education FOIA Request

Department of Education Production

Department of Administrative Services FOIA Request