2019-20 Speaker Series
"Changing Hearts and Minds about Food Animals" with Gene Baur
Gene Baur, President and Co-Founder of Farm Sanctuary, spoke in conversation with LEAP Faculty Co-Director Jonathan Lovvorn about the evolution of the farm animal protection movement.
Lingxi Chenyang: "Is Meat the New Tobacco? Regulating Food Demand in the Age of Climate Change"
Lingxi Chenyang, JD '20, spoke about how regulatory strategies that contributed to changing social norms and reducing cigarette smoking could also be effective in reducing meat consumption.
"State and Local Legislation on Food and Climate" Panel
As part of the 10th annual Yale New Directions in Environmental Law Conference, LEAP sponsored a panel focused on state and local food system solutions to the climate crisis.
Timothy Pachirat: "Industrialized Animal Agriculture in an Age of Complicity"
Dr. Timothy Pachirat, Associate Professor of Political Science at University of Massachusetts Amherst, delivered one of two LEAP Inaugural Lectures. Pachirat is the author of "Every Twelve Seconds: Industrialized Slaughter and the Politics of Sight."
Sheila Jasanoff: "Human and Humane: The Counterpoint of Life and Law"
Dr. Sheila Jasanoff, Pforzheimer Professor of Science and Technology Studies at Harvard University, delivered one of two LEAP Inaugural Lectures. For decades, Jasanoff has been one of the nation’s leading scholars studying the interactions of law, science and politics in democratic societies.
"Climate Activism on Trial: Civil Disobedience and the Climate Necessity Defense" with Ted Hamilton
Ted Hamilton, co-founder of Climate Defense Project, spoke about the climate necessity defense, a legal theory put forward by climate activists to justify their acts of civil disobedience.
Award-winning Journalist Charles Siebert: "What On Earth Are They Saying?”
Award-winning author and journalist Charles Siebert spoke about his many experiences visiting with and writing about non-human animals and what they reveal to us about themselves and us.
"Trillions of Forgotten Animals": Fish, Fisheries, and Ending Factory Fishing and Farming with Dr. Jennifer Jacquet & Dr. Becca Franks
NYU's Jennifer Jacquet and Becca Franks spoke about the global state of fisheries and aquaculture, potential inroads for aquatic animal welfare, and their ongoing research projects, including arguments to end high seas fishing, the case against octopus farming, and positive emotions in fish.
Jonathan Lovvorn: "Canaries in the Coal Mine: Animals, the Climate Crisis, and the Future of Public Interest Law”
LEAP Faculty Co-Director Jonathan Lovvorn discussed the relationship between climate change, humans, and animals. This talk explored how climate change is disrupting traditional wildlife and other animal protection efforts; highlighted the unique role farm animals play as both a cause and victims of climate change; and proposed concrete steps to confront this rapidly emerging global humane crisis.
Beyond Cages: Animal Law and Criminal Punishment - A Book Talk with Justin Marceau
University of Denver Professor of Law Justin Marceau discussed his new book, Beyond Cages: Animal Law and Criminal Punishment, which critiques the alliance between U.S. animal welfare organizations and the prosecuting state.