

Throughout the academic year, LEAP brings thought-provoking visitors to campus from the field of law and beyond. These speakers include lawmakers, scientists, investigative journalists, artists, authors, philosophers, advocates, and scholars who engage in diverse ways on understanding and improving humans’ understanding and treatment of other animals. These leading thinkers and doers visit campus to inspire, deepen, and elevate conversations and to enrich and inform LEAP’s work.

Other Events on Campus

The questions animals raise are highly interdisciplinary. Multiple Yale centers and programs are deeply engaged in and regularly host events to do with issues of animal law and ethics. These include:

  • The Yale Sustainable Foods Project’s Lazarus Events Series invites speakers to campus(link is external)1 with a range of perspectives on and theories of food systems change. These guests include practitioners, academics, policymakers, advocates, and activists who generate critical thinking and discussion about food and agriculture, and their relationships to human values, science, and society.
  • Yale Macmillan Center Program in Agrarian Studies hosts a weekly colloquium(link is external)2 organized around an annual theme. Invited specialists send papers in advance that are the focus of organized discussions by the faculty and graduate students associated with the colloquium.
  • The Environmental Humanities Initiative hosts and promotes campus events(link is external)3 featuring humanities, science, and social science scholars focused on raising new research questions and providing fresh ways to approach long-standing issues in the humanities during this moment of profound environmental transformation.
  • The Yale Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics’s Animal Ethics Study Group sponsors monthly lunch-time seminars and public lectures(link is external)4 related to animal ethics issues throughout the academic year. For more information or to be added to their email list for upcoming study group meetings, reach out to