The New Health Care Industry Blog
Yale Law School's groundbreaking interdisciplinary conference brought together leading voices from health care industry, government, and academia to evaluate the legal, economic, and medical effects of consolidation. Find blog posts about the conference here.
The New Health Care Industry: Integration, Consolidation, Competition in the Wake of the Affordable Care Act
Watch the conference livestream
Watch the address from Kathleen Sebelius — former Secretary, Health and Human Services
November 12-November 13, 2015: Solomon Center Inaugural Conference
Thursday, November 12:
Center Launch, Celebratory Reception with speaker Kathleen Sebelius — former Secretary, Health and Human Services
Friday, November 13:
Inaugural Conference
8:30am – 5:00pm
Attendance to both events is free, but registration2 is required.
This conference marks the launch of the new Solomon Center for Health Policy and Law at Yale Law School. The Solomon Center is the first of its kind to focus on the governance, business, and practice of health care in the United States. This conference will mark the first under the Center, which will focus on bringing together leading experts and practitioners from the public and private sectors to address cutting-edge questions of health law and policy.
And, indeed, one of the most cutting-edge and important issues in health care today is the recent and dramatic consolidation of the healthcare industry. This trend has spanned all sectors of health care, from hospitals and medical practices, to pharmaceuticals and insurance companies. Although the media has given this issue attention, there has been little in-depth academic or interdisciplinary analysis of how consolidation has changed health care markets, financing, and the practice of medicine. Another important question is how the Affordable Care Act has contributed to these developments, with its encouragement of health care integration and "accountable care."
Yale Law School's groundbreaking interdisciplinary conference, which will be co-sponsored by the Yale School of Management, will bring together leading voices from health care industry, government, and academia to evaluate the legal, economic, and medical effects of consolidation.
Keynote Speakers
Thursday, November 12, 4:15pm
Kathleen Sebelius — former Secretary, Health and Human Services
Friday, November 13
Opening Remarks:
William Baer — Assistant Attorney General for the Antitrust Division, Department of Justice
Maura Healey — Attorney General, Massachusetts
Lunch Keynote:
Steven Brill — Author, America’s Bitter Pill: Money, Politics, Backroom Deal, and the Fight to Fix America's Broken Healthcare System
Conference will be held at the Yale Law School, Room 127, except where indicated
Thursday, November 12
Yale Law School Faculty Dining Room
4:15pm: Center Launch and Welcoming Remarks: Levinson Auditorium
Remarks by:
Robert C. Post – Dean and Sol & Lillian Goldman Professor of Law, Yale Law School
Abbe R. Gluck – Professor of Law and Faculty Director, Solomon Center for Health Law and Policy, Yale Law School
The Honorable Kathleen Sebelius, former Secretary of Health and Human Services, former Governor of Kansas, and CEO, Sebelius Resources, LLC
Introduced by:
Marna Borgstrom – President and CEO, Yale-New Haven Health System, CEO, Yale – New Haven Hospital
5:30pm – 6:15pm: Celebratory Cocktail Reception
Yale Law School Dining Hall
Friday, November 13
8:00am: Registration and Breakfast
Room 122
8:45am – 9:45am: Conference Opening: Welcome from Dean Post
Opening Remarks:
Maura Healey – Attorney General of Massachusetts, and William Baer, Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust Division, U.S. Department of Justice
9:45am – 11:00am: Panel I: When Providers Become Payers and Vice Versa (and more): Cross-Sector Blurring
Howard P. Forman – Professor of Diagnostic Radiology, Economics, and Public Health, Yale School of Management and Yale School of Medicine
- Troyen A. Brennan – Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, CVS Health
- Benjamin Chu – Executive Vice President, Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and Health Plan, Inc., and Group President, Kaiser Southern California and Georgia Regions
- Michael J. Dowling – President and CEO, Northwell Health
- Lewis G. Sandy – Executive Vice President, Clinical Advancement, UnitedHealth Group
Barak Richman – Robert Braucher Visiting Professor of Law, Harvard Law School, and Edgar P. & Elizabeth C. Bartlett Professor of Law and Business Administration, Duke University School of Law
11:00am – 11:15am: Break
11:15am – 12:30pm: Panel II: Bigger and Better? Horizontal Consolidation Within Sectors and Antitrust Enforcement
Zack Cooper – Assistant Professor of Public Health and Economics, Yale University
- Alex Azar – President, Lilly USA, LLC, Eli Lilly and Company
- Leemore Dafny – Professor of Strategy and the Herman Smith Research Professor in Hospital and Health Services, Kellogg School of Management, NorthwesternUniversity
- Martin Gaynor – E.J. Barone Professor of Economics and Health Policy, CarnegieMellon University
- Thomas (Tim) Greaney – Chester A. Myers Professor of Law and Co-Director, Center for Health Law Studies, Saint Louis University School of Law
- Peter J. Mucchetti – Chief, Litigation I Section of Antitrust Division, U.S. Department of Justice
12:30pm – 2:00pm: Lunch
Yale Law School Dining Hall
Lunch Keynote: Steven Brill, Author, America's Bitter Pill: Money, Politics, Backroom Deals, and the Fight to Fix Our Broken Healthcare System
Introduced by:
Amy Kapczynski – Professor of Law and Faculty Director, Global Health Justice Partnership, Yale Law School
2:00pm – 3:30pm: Panel III: Building an Accountable Care Organization: WhatServices Do You Need, What Should You Do Without, and What is the Impact on the Physician?
Robert Alpern, Dean and Ensign Professor of Medicine, Yale School of Medicine
- Robert Berenson – Institute Fellow, Urban Institute
- Michael Chernew – Leonard D. Schaeffer Professor of Health Care Policy and Director, Healthcare Markets and Regulation Lab, Harvard Medical School
- Cecilia C. Montalvo – Vice President of Business Development, Kaiser Permanente
- William Sage – James R. Dougherty Chair for Faculty Excellence, University of Texas School of Law, Professor of Surgery and Perioperative Care, Dell Medical School
- Paul Taheri – CEO of Yale Medical Group and Deputy Dean, Yale School of Medicine
Harlan Krumholz – Harold H. Hines, Jr. Professor of Medicine and Director, Yale – New Haven Hospital Center for Outcomes Research and Evaluation, Yale School of Medicine
3:30pm – 3:45pm: Break
3:45pm – 5:00pm: Panel IV: Vertical Integration, The New Frontier in Consolidation: Competitive Implications and Enforcement
Alvin Klevorick – Deputy Dean and John Thomas Smith Professor of Law, Yale Law School, and Professor of Economics, Yale Department of Economics
- Erin C. Fuse Brown – Assistant Professor of Law, Georgia State University College of Law, and Jaime S. King, Professor of Law, Associate Dean and Co – Director, UCSF/UC Hastings Consortium on Science, Law, and Health Policy, UC Hastings College of Law
- Deborah Haas-Wilson – Visiting Professor of Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School, and Marilyn Carlson Nelson Professor of Economics, Smith College
- Brent L. Henry – Vice President and General Counsel, Partners HealthCare
- Toby G. Singer – Partner, Jones Day
- Henry C. Su – Office of Chairwoman Edith Ramirez, Federal Trade Commission
5:00pm – 6:00pm:Closing Reception
Alumni Reading Room, Yale Law School
Co – Sponsors
Yale Health Law and Policy Society (YHeLPS)
Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law, and Ethics
Yale Law and Business Society3
Yale School of Management4
Yale Medical Student Council5
Health Affairs6
National Academy for Social Insurance (NASI)7