
The Prescription Podcast

The Prescription—Yale Law is a podcast on cutting edge issues on health law and policy presented by the Solomon Center for Health Law and Policy at Yale Law School. The Prescription features leading experts in the field covering the continuum of health care topics from bill to pill—from drafting health care legislation to physician prescription practices, to legal challenges, and payment structures. It provides timely insights and analyses that are accessible to non-experts yet valuable to those in the field.

"Regulate Now or Regulate Later?"

In this second of two special episodes of This Week in Health Law, podcast host Indiana University Professor of Law Nic Terry and Solomon Center Executive Director Abbe Gluck '00 speak with roundtable panelists Nathan Cortez, Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Research at the SMU Dedman School of Law, and Sharona Hoffman, Professor of Law, Professor of Bioethics, and Co-Director of the Law-Medicine Center at Case Western Reserve University School of Law. The conversation explores the challenges of FDA regulation of novel technologies and the risks and realities of data-driven health care discrimination.

Automating Drudgery

On November 2, 2018, the Solomon Center and the Information Society Project at Yale Law School co-hosted a groundbreaking interdisciplinary roundtable exploring "The Law and Policy of AI, Robotics, and Telemedicine in Health Care." Following the conference, the Solomon Center teamed up with This Week in Health Law hosted by Indiana University Professor of Law Nic Terry to record two podcast episodes recapping some of the themes explored at the roundtable. In this episode, Nic Terry and Solomon Center Faculty Director Abbe Gluck '00 speak with roundtable panelists Michael Froomkin, Professor of Law at the University of Miami, and Nicholson Price, Assistant Professor of Law at the University of Michigan. The discussion explores topics ranging from consent in the next generation of healthcare research to data protection and appropriate regulatory models.

Addressing the Opioid Crisis - Yale's Interdisciplinary Seminar & Journal Volume

In July 2018 more than two dozen Yale professors, doctors, and students published a series of groundbreaking articles on the opioid crisis in the Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics. In this episode of The Prescription, Yale Law Professors Abbe Gluck ’00 and Kate Stith and Yale School of Medicine Professor David Fiellin discuss the interdisciplinary seminar and the resulting journal issue addressing the opioids crisis. They also explore the importance of cross-disciplinary approaches to address complex health care issues like the opioid epidemic.

Medicaid in the Trump Era

Heather Howard from Princeton University, Thomas Miller from the American Enterprise Institute, and Leo Cuello from the National Health Law Program join Faculty Director Abbe Gluck ’00 and Solomon Center student Erica Turret ’20 to discuss the Trump Administration's latest proposed changes to the Medicaid program, including increased use of waivers, work requirements, and the litigation underway challenging those changes.

The Unsung Heroes of Health Care Legislation: a Conversation with Ed Grossman

Who actually drafted the Affordable Care Act? Guest Ed Grossman ’75, former Deputy and Senior Legislative Counsel for the United States House of Representatives shares his experience drafting federal health policy over the past four decades and discusses the role of legislative counsel in the legislative process with Solomon Center Faculty Director, Abbe Gluck ’00.