
Get Involved


Apply to be a student fellow

Student fellowships are granted to all participants in the Foreign Affairs and International Lawyering seminar in the fall semester. Applications to that seminar take place in the ordinary class enrollment process during the preceding summer. For more information, visit our courses & workshops section

Apply for funding

Current YLS students with project ideas that fit within the Center’s mission may apply for funding to support research, travel, or to invite speakers. To apply, submit a 3-page initial proposal outlining the project, the budget, the reason for the financial need, other sources of support already sought, and whether that support has been awarded, rejected, or is pending decision, with relevant points of contact to Ann-Marie Cooper(link is external)1. You will receive an initial response within 2 weeks. Please bear in mind that, before the project is funded, additional information will be requested.

Attend Events 

Visit our events page for information about upcoming events pertaining to global legal affairs held by the Center. 

For more information click here to subscribe to our newsletter(link is external)2


Sign up for the GLC Email List

Our listserve provides job announcements, announcements about alumni gatherings, and other notices relevant to alumni of the Center. To join, email glcalumni@mailman.yale.edu.

Attend Events

Learn more about attending an event hosted by The Global Legal Challenges Center at Yale Law School.