A central aspect of the Center’s mission is to promote and disseminate scholarship on international law, foreign affairs law, and national security law. Our Center offers law school faculty, Center fellows, and students a forum to present their work, encourages collaboration on shared initiatives, and supports the dissemination of ideas to the policy community outside academia. Our publications include articles and books, white papers, and legal briefs.
Our Publications
Featured Publication
War Reparations: The Case for Countermeasures1
Oona A. Hathaway, Maggie Mills, Thomas M. Poston
Who pays for the terrible destruction wrought by war? This problem is far from new, but it is currently receiving renewed attention as a result of the war in Ukraine. The options currently available to states that are the victims of unlawful wars in the postwar era are limited. For Ukraine, some have proposed addressing this shortfall by seizing frozen Russian sovereign assets, and both the United States and Canada have passed legislation permitting just that. European officials have considered a similar proposal, but they have thus far rejected them as too legally risky. Indeed, such plans run afoul of the longstanding international law doctrine of sovereign immunity. Put simply, they attempt to cure one international legal violation by engaging in another.
Justin Cole & Oona A. Hathaway, Recognition Rules: The Case for a New International Law of Government Recognition2, (Forthcoming 2025)
Oona Hathaway, Maggie Mill & Thomas Poston, Crisis and Change at the United Nations3, Michigan Journal Of International Law (Jan. 2025)
Oona A. Hathaway & Azmat Khan, “Mistakes” In War4, University of Pennsylvania Law Review (Nov. 2024)
Oona Hathaway, International Law Goes to War in Ukraine5, Emory International Law Review (Oct. 8, 2024)
Oona Hathaway, Azmat Khan, & Mara Redlich Revkin, The Dangerous Rise of Dual-Use Objects in War6, Duke Law School Public Law & Legal Theory Series (Sept. 24, 2024)
Oona Hathaway, Alaa Hachem & Justin Cole, A New Tool for Enforcing Human Rights: Erga Omnes Partes Standing7, Columbia Journal of Transnational Law (June 2024)
Oona Hathaway & Kristen E. Eichensehr, Major Questions about International Agreements8, University of Pennsylvania Law Review (Feb. 2, 2024)
Oona Hathaway, Maggie Mill & Thomas Poston, War Reparations: The Case for Countermeasures1, 76 Stanford Law Review 971 (2024)
Oona Hathaway, Preston J. Lim, Alasdair Phillips-Robins & Mark Stevens, The Covid-19 Pandemic and International Law9, 53 Cornell Int’l L.J. 149 (2022)
Oona Hathaway, Tobias Kuehne, Randi Michel & Nicole Ng, Congressional Oversight Over Modern Warfare10, 63 William & Mary L. Rev. 137 (2021)
Oona Hathaway, Srinath Kethireddy, Alexandra Francis, Alyssa Yamamoto & Aaron Haviland, Aiding and Abetting in International Law11, 104 Cornell Law Review 1593 (2020)
Oona Hathaway, Srinath Kethireddy, Alexandra Francis, Alyssa Yamamoto, and Aaron Haviland, Yemen: Is the U.S. Breaking the Law?12, Harvard National Security Review (2019)
Oona Hathaway, Paul Strauch, Beatrice Walton, Zoe Weinberg, What is a War Crime13? Yale Journal of International Law (2019)
Oona Hathaway, William Holste, Scott Shapiro, Jacqueline Van De Velde, and Lisa Wang Lachowicz, War Manifestos14, 85 Chicago Law Review 1139 (2018)
Oona Hathaway, William Holste, Scott Shapiro, Jacqueline Van De Velde, and Lisa Wang Lachowicz, War Manifestos Database15, Yale Law School
Oona Hathaway, Emily Chertoff, Lara Domínguez, Zachary Manfredi and Peter Tzeng, Ensuring Responsibility: Common Article 1 and State Responsibility for Non-State Actors16, 95 Texas Law Review 539 (2017)
Oona Hathaway, Rebecca Crootof, Daniel Hessel, Julia Shu, and Sarah Weiner, Consent is Not Enough: Why States Must Respect the Intensity Threshold in Transnational Conflict17, 165 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 11 (2016)
Oona Hathaway, Julia Brower, Ryan Liss, Tina Thomas, & Jacob Victor, Consent-Based Humanitarian Intervention18, 46 Cornell International Law Journal 499 (2013)
Oona Hathaway, Samuel Adelsberg, Spencer Amdur, Philip Levitz, Freya Pitts, and Sirine Shebaya The Power to Detain: Detention of Terrorism Suspects After 9/11,19 Yale Journal of International Law (2013)
Oona Hathaway, Aileen Nowlan & Julia Spiegel, Tortured Reasoning: The Intent to Torture Under International and Domestic Law20, 52 Virginia Journal of International Law 791 (2012)
Oona Hathaway, Human Rights Abroad: When Do Human Rights Treaty Obligations Apply Extraterritorially? Ariz. St. L.J. 43. (2013)
Oona A. Hathaway, Sabria McElroy, Sara Aronchick Solow, International Law at Home: Enforcing Treaties in U.S. Courts, Yale Journal of International Law, (2012)
Oona A. Hathaway, Rebecca Crootof, Philip Levitz, Haley Nix, Aileen Nowlan, William Perdue, Julia Spiegel, The Law Of Cyber-Attack, California Law Review, (2012)
Oona A. Hathaway, Rebecca Crootof, Philip Levitz, Haley Nix, William Perdue, Chelsea Purvis, Julia Spiegel, The Relationship Between International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law in Armed Conflict, Minnesota Law Review, (2012)
Oona Hathaway, Spencer Amdur, Celia Choy, Samir Deger-Sen, Haley Nix, John Paredes, and Sally Pei, The Treaty Power: Its History, Scope, and Limits21, Cornell Law Review, (2012)
Oona Hathaway, Samuel Adelsberg, Spencer Amdur, Philip Levitz, Freya Pitts, And Sirine Shebaya, The Power To Detain: Detention Of Terrorism Suspects After 9/11, forthcoming Yale Journal Of International Law (2012)
Justin Cole and Oona A. Hathaway, Should the Rebels be Recognized as the New Government of Syria? How International Law Could Provide a Clearer Answer22, (Jan. 6, 2025)
Oona A. Hathaway, Abu Ghraib Torture Survivors’ Landmark Win Gives Hope for Alien Tort Statute Cases23, (Nov. 20, 2024)
Oona A. Hathaway, We’re About to Find Out How Much America’s Leadership Matters,24 (Nov. 18, 2024)
Oona A. Hathaway, For the Rest of the World, the U.S. President Has Always Been Above the Law25, (July 16, 2024)
Oona A. Hathaway, Maggie M. Mills, and Heather Zimmerman, How to Reform the UN Without Amending Its Charter26, (July 15, 2024)
Oona A. Hathaway and Stewart Patrick, Can the UN Security Council Still Help Keep the Peace? Reassessing Its Role, Relevance, and Potential for Reform27, (July 2, 2024)
Oona A. Hathaway, War Unbound: Gaza, Ukraine, and the Breakdown of International Law28, (May/June 2024)
Oona A. Hathaway, Don’t Go to War With the ICC29, (May 24, 2024)
Oona Hathaway, Madeline Babin, & Isabel Gensler, New Report Documents Russia’s Systematic Program of Coerced Adoption and Fostering of Ukraine’s Children30, (Dec. 3, 2024)
Oona Hathaway, Abu Ghraib Torture Survivors’ Landmark Win Gives Hope for Alien Tort Statute Cases23, (Nov. 20, 2024)
Oona Hathaway, We’re About to Find Out How Much America’s Leadership Matters24, (Nov. 18, 2024)
Oona Hathaway & Jack Goldsmith, The ODNI’s New and Disappointing Prepublication Review Process31, (Sept. 4, 2024)
Oona Hathaway, Curtis A. Bradley, & Jack Goldsmith, Transparency of International Agreements Under the Revised Case-Zablocki Act: An Assessment After Six Months32, (June 10, 2024)
Oona Hathaway, Maggie Mill & Thomas Poston How to Make Russia Pay to Rebuild Ukraine33, (Feb. 20, 2024)
Oona Hathaway, Taking Stock of ICJ Decisions in the ‘Ukraine v. Russia’ Cases—And implications for South Africa’s case against Israel34, (Feb. 5, 2024)
Oona Hathaway, Alaa Hachem, The Promise and Risk of South Africa’s Case Against Israel35, (Jan. 4, 2024)
Oona Hathaway, Maggie Mill & Thomas Poston, Seizing Sovereign Assets Violates International Law36, (Nov. 16, 2023)
Oona Hathaway, Maggie Mill & Thomas Poston, The Emergence of Collective Countermeasures37, (Nov. 1, 2023)
Oona Hathaway, Alaa Hachem & Justin Cole, In the Case Against Syria, a New Tool for Enforcing Human Rights38, (Oct. 9, 2023)
Oona Hathaway, Recovering a Role for the Courts in Decisions to Wage War: How Congress Can Overcome the Political Question Doctrine (Some of the Time)39, (June 12, 2023)
Oona Hathaway, Aaron X. Sobel & Michael Sullivan, It’s Time to Fix Congress’ Classification Infrastructure40, (May 31, 2023)
Oona Hathaway, Chris Ewell & Ellen Nohle, Why We Need the Alien Tort Clarification Act Now41, (Oct. 27, 2022)
Oona Hathaway, International Law Goes to War in Ukraine42, (March 15, 2022)
Oona Hathaway, Scott Shapiro, Supplying Arms to Ukraine is Not an Act of War43, (March 12, 2022)
Oona Hathaway, Scott Shapiro, Putin Can’t Destroy the International Order by Himself44, (Feb. 24, 2022)
Oona Hathaway, Keeping the Wrong Secrets: How Washington Misses the Real Security Threat45, (January/February 2022)
Oona Hathaway, Fewer troops won’t end wars. Most U.S. combat involves airstrikes46 (2020)
Oona Hathaway, Alasdair Phillips-Robins, Mark Stevens, Preston Lim, Covid-19 and International Law: A 12-Part Series47 (2020)
Oona Hathaway, Reengaging on Treaties and Other International Agreements (Part II): A Path Forward48 (2020)
Oona Hathaway, Reengaging on Treaties and Other International Agreements (Part I): President Donald Trump’s Rejection of International Law49 (2020)
Oona Hathaway, Scott J. Shapiro, Welcome to the Post-Leader World50 (2020)
Oona Hathaway, Daniel Markovits Black Lives Matter Might Just Rescue American Democracy51 (2020)
Oona Hathaway, The Trump Administration’s Indefensible Legal Defense of Its Asylum Ban52 (2020)
Oona Hathaway, After Covid-19, We Need to Redefine “National Security”53 (2020)
Oona Hathaway, Jacob S. Hacker, Universal Health Care is a National Security Issue54 (2020)
Oona Hathaway, The Soleimani Strike Defied the U.S. Constitution55 (2020)
Oona Hathaway and Geoffrey Block, How to Recover a Role for Congress and the Courts in Decisions to Wage War56 (2020)
Oona Hathaway, How to Revive Congress’s War Powers57 (2019)
Oona Hathaway, Turkey is Violating International Law. It Took Lessons from the U.S58. (2019)
Oona Hathaway, The Missing State Department Memo on US Officials’ Possible Aiding and Abetting Saudi War Crimes59 (2019)
Oona Hathaway, Bolton’s Stated Predicate for War With Iran Doesn’t Work60 (2019)
Oona Hathaway and Scott J. Shapiro, Trump’s Golan Policy and Its Threat to the Post-War International Legal Order61 (2019)
Oona Hathaway, Paul Strauch, Beatrice Walton, and Zoe Weinberg What is a War Crime?62 (2019)
Oona Hathaway, Paul Strauch, Beatrice Walton, and Zoe Weinberg Accountability for War Crimes in Syria: The “Criminalization” Confusion63 (2019)
Oona Hathaway, Saudi Coalition “Admission” of Error in Bombing Cholera Treatment Center Implicates the United States64 (2019)
Emily Chertoff, Lara Domínguez, Zachary Manfredi, Peter Tzeng, State Responsibility for Non-State Actors That Detain In The Course of a NIAC (2015)
Sarah Weiner, The Applicability of International and Domestic Immigration Law to Relocated Guantanamo Detainees (2015)
Zachary Manfredi, Common Article 1 and Duty to “Ensure Respect” (2015)
Daniel Hessel, Julia Shu, Sarah Weiner, Below the Threshold: The Law Governing the Use of Force Against Non-State Actors in the Absence of a Non-International Armed Conflict (2015)
Eric Chung, General Principles Regarding the Legal Validity of RUDs (2015)
Julie Brower, State Practice on Sovereign Immunity in Employment Disputes Involving Embassy and Consular Staff (2015)
Ryan Liss, The Internationally Protected Persons: The Status of Consular Employees (2012)
Julia Brower, Christina Koningisor, Ryan Liss, and Michael Shih, UNCLOS Dispute Settlement in Context: The United States’ Record in International Arbitration Proceedings (2012)
Carlton Forbes, Jacob Victor, EU Privacy Regulation: Implications for U.S. and EI Law Enforcement (2012)
Aadhithi Padmanabhan, Tina Thomas & Jacob Victor, Optimal Deterrence: An Evaluation of the Leaks-Regulating Regime (2012)
Christina Koningisor, The Meaning of “Assist, Encourage, or Induce,” in the Weapons Ban Context (2012)
Aadhithi Padmanabhan, Michael Shih, Collective Self-Defense (2012)
Julia Brower, Ryan Liss, Tina Thomas, & Jacob Victor, Historical Examples of Unauthorized Humanitarian Intervention (2013)
Oona A. Hathaway, Elizabeth Nielsen, Chelsea Purvis, Saurabh Sanghvi, Sara Solow, Arms Trafficking: The International And Domestic Legal Framework (2011)
Chelsea Purvis, The Role Of The Committee To The Convention On The Elimination Of All Forms Of Discrimination Against Women (2011)
Saurabh Sanghvi, Lessons from the Past for Foreign Sovereign Immunity After Samantar v. Yousuf (2011)
Oona A. Hathaway, Haley Nix, Saurabh Sanghvi, Sara Solow, Tacit Amendments (2011)
Nestlé v. Doe & Cargill v. Doe Brief of Yale Law School Center for Global Legal Challenges as Amicus Curiae in Support of Respondent65. United States Supreme Court (October 2020).
Edgar v. Ratcliffe, Brief of Yale Law School Center for Global Legal Challenges as Amicus Curiae In Support of Appellants and Reversal66. U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit (August 2020) (on appeal from the U.S. District Court)
Al-Alwi v. Trump, Brief of Yale Law School Center for Global Legal Challenges as Amicus Curiae In Support of Initial Hearing En Banc.67 U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (October 2017) (on appeal from the U.S. District Court)
Joseph Jesner, et. al., v. Arab Bank, PLC, Brief of Yale Law School Center for Global Legal Challenges as Amicus Curiae in Support of Respondent. United States Supreme Court (July 2017)
Carol Anne Bond v. United States of America, Brief of Yale Law School Center for Global Legal Challenges as Amicus Curiae in Support of Respondent. United States Supreme Court (October 2012).
Esther Kiobel, et al. v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co., et al.; Asid Mohamad, et al. v. Palestinian Authority, et al., Brief Of Yale Law School Center For Global Legal Challenges as Amicus Curiae In Support Of Petitioners
Esther Kiobel, et al. v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co., et al., Supplemental Brief Of Yale Law School Center For Global Legal Challenges as Amicus Curiae In Support Of Petitioners
Ghaleeb Nassar v. Barack Obama, Brief for Non Governmental Organizations and Scholars as Amici Curiae in Support of Rehearing or Rehearing en Banc
Jamal Kiyemba, Next Friend, et al. v. Barak Obama, President of the United States, et al., Brief of International Law Experts as Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioners, United States Supreme Court (December 2009)