
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Grant, in Support of a Cyber Conflict Project at Yale University – Resource Webpage

This cross-disciplinary project is a collaboration between Yale Law School and Yale University’s Department of Computer Science focused on legal and technical aspects of cyber conflict.  Traditionally, cyber security research and policy have proceeded on the (sometimes tacit) assumption that attackers are motivated by “profit, protest, challenge, enjoyment, or [the desire to] evaluate security weaknesses to assist in removing them.” Such motivations naturally impose limits on the resources that attackers can or will bring to bear. Preventive security technology such as firewalls, authentication protocols, access controls, and encryption can fend off many such attacks. System redundancy and information back-up can help targeted organizations continue to operate while under attack, or at least resume operation after an attack. Increasingly, however, international conflict and other political motivations are playing a role in cyber attacks. How do attacks motivated by conflicts between nations or between rival factions within nations differ from the better-studied attacks motivated by profit, protest, challenge, enjoyment, or security testing? Do they pose new technical challenges for defenders of computer networks and other cyber and physical resources?

Will attackers of this sort be far better resourced, able to attack continuously for long periods of time, eliminating the targets’ option of simply waiting out the attack and then reconstituting their operations? These questions are the starting point for exploration of what the investigators call “cyber conflict.”

Syllabus for 2016-2017 Course on Law and Technology of Cyber Conflict1
Website for Spring 2018 Course on Topics in Computer Science and Law(link is external)2



Oona Hathaway8 - Gerard C. and Bernice Latrobe Smith Professor of International Law and Counselor to the Dean

Scott Shapiro9 - Charles F. Southmayd Professor of Law and Professor of Philosophy

Joan Feigenbaum(link is external)10 - Grace Murray Hopper Professor of Computer Science


Mahdi Zamani(link is external)11 - Advisor & Angel Investor in Crypto in Palo Alto, CA

Ido Kilovaty12 - Research Scholar in Law; Cyber Fellow, Center for Global Legal Challenges; and Resident Fellow, Information Society Project

Publications by the Project’s associates/members

"On the incommensurability of laws and technical mechanisms: Or, what cryptography can't do(link is external)13," to appear in Proceedings of the 26th International Workshop on Security Protocols, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, 2018. (by Joan Feigenbaum(link is external)14 and Daniel J. Weitzner(link is external)15)

"Multiple Objectives of Lawful-Surveillance Protocols,"(link is external)16 in Proceedings of the 25th International Workshop on Security Protocols, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 10476, Springer, 2017, pp. 1–8. (by Joan Feigenbaum(link is external)14 and Bryan Ford,(link is external)17)

"Avoiding The Man on the Wire: Improving Tor's Security with Trust-Aware Path Selection," in Proceedings of the 24th Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, 2017. 
(by Aaron Johnson(link is external)18Rob Jansen(link is external)19Aaron D. Jaggard(link is external)20Joan Feigenbaum(link is external)14, and Paul Syverson(link is external)21.)

"PriFi: A Low-Latency and Tracking-Resistant Protocol for Local-Area Anonymous Communication,"(link is external)22 in Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society,(link is external)23 2016, pp. 181 - 184.
(by Ludovic Barman, Mahdi Zamani, Italo Dacosta, Joan Feigenbaum,(link is external)14 Bryan Ford,(link is external)17 Jean-Pierre Hubaux, and David Wolinsky.)

"Privacy-Preserving Lawful Contact Chaining (Preliminary Report),"(link is external)24 in Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society,(link is external)23 2016, pp. 185 - 188.
(by Aaron Segal, Joan Feigenbaum,(link is external)14 and Bryan Ford(link is external)17.)

"Open, privacy-preserving protocols for lawful surveillance,"(link is external)25 http://arxiv.org/abs/1607.03659(link is external)25. Also available as YALEU/DCS/TR1526.
(by Aaron Segal, Joan Feigenbaum,(link is external)14 and Bryan Ford(link is external)17.)

Doxfare – Politically Motivated Leaks and the Future of the Norm on Non-Intervention in the Era of Weaponized Information, 9 Harv. Nat’l. Sec. J. (Forthcoming Fall 2017)(link is external)26
(by Ido Kilovaty12.)

World Wide Web of Exploitations: The Case of Peacetime Cyber Espionage Operations Under International Law: Towards a Contextual Approach, 18 Columb. Sci. & Tech. L. Rev. 42 (2017).
(by Ido Kilovaty12.)

Virtual Violence – Disruptive Cyberspace Operations as "Attacks" under International Humanitarian Law, 22 Mich. Telecomm. & Tech. L. Rev. 113 (2017).(link is external)27
(by Ido Kilovaty12.)

ICRC, NATO and the U.S. – Direct Participation in “Hacktivities” – Targeting Private Contractors in Cyberspace under the Law of Armed Conflict, 15 Duke L. & Tech. Rev. 1 (2016).(link is external)28
(by Ido Kilovaty12.)