2011 - 2012 Schedule
Fall 2011 Semester
September 13: Introduction to Class, Professor Paul Gewirtz; and Katherine Wilhelm, Senior Fellow, Yale Law School and Beijing Director, The China Law Center, “Does China Need a Media Law?”
September 20: Jerome A. Cohen, Professor, New York University Law School, Director, US-Asia Law Institute, “Justice in China 100 Years after the Collapse of Qing Dynasty”
September 27: Henry Levine, Senior Vice President, Stonebridge International, and former U.S. Consul General, Shanghai, China, and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Asia, “U.S.-China Economic Relations: Current Trends and Implications”
October 4: Benjamin Liebman, Robert L. Lieff Professor of Law; Director of the Center for Chinese Legal Studies, Columbia Law School, "Law in the Shadow of Protest: Medical Malpractice Litigation in China"
October 11: Daniel H. Rosen, Professor, Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs, &Visiting Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics, “China Investment into the United States”
October 18: Joseph Fewsmith, Professor of Political Science, Boston University, “"Blurring the Lines: The Logic and Limits of Political Reform in China"”
October 25: He Xin, Professor of Law, City University of Hong Kong, “Judicial Innovation and Local Politics: Judicialization of Administrative Governance in East China”November 1: John Balzano, Senior Research Scholar and Lecturer in Law, Yale Law School; Senior Fellow, The China Law Center, “Effectiveness & Accountability in the Implementation of China’s Food Safety Law”
November 8: Wang Xixin, Professor and Vice Dean, Peking University Law School, “Reflections on the Development and Impact of Administrative Transparency in China”
November 15: Zhu Suli, Professor and Former Dean, Peking University Law School; Visiting Professor, Cornell Law School, “The Current Legal, Judicial and Political Controversy Over the Death Penalty in China”
November 22: NO CLASS-Thanksgiving break
December 2: Nicholas C. Howson, Professor of Law, University of Michigan Law School, "Enforcement Without Foundation? -- China's Insider Trading Regime and the Abuse of Administrative Law" (changed from November 29)
December 6: Andrew Mertha, Associate Professor of Government, Cornell University, “Society in the State”
December 13: Paul Gewirtz, Yale law School, “The Taiwan Relations Act and U.S.-China Relations”