
Schell Center Fellow Spotlight: Nixon Boumba
A Q&A with Schell Center Visiting Human Rights Fellow Nixon Boumba.

Nixon Boumba and Ellie Happel on Building Solidarity in Haiti
Schell Center Visiting Human Rights Fellow Nixon Boumba and Ellie Happel, the Haiti Project Director at the Global Justice Clinic at NYU, discussed their partnership to fight the development of mining projects and related human rights violations in Haiti, on February 22, 2019

Panel Details China’s Surveillance and Mass Incarceration of Uyghurs
Abuses by the Chinese government against the Uyghur people have escalated in recent years, panelists at a Schell Center event said.

Former Robina Fellow Lani Inverarity ’15 Shares Win for Land Rights in Haiti
Lani Inverarity ’15 L.L.M worked with a group of Haitian farmers and their families on a historic agreement with the bank that once displaced them.

Julieta Lemaitre on the “Embattled and Groundbreaking” Peace Process in Colombia
Former Robina Human Rights Visiting Scholar Julieta Lemaitre spoke about the challenges and breakthroughs of Colombia’s Special Jurisdiction for Peace, a tribunal created in 2016 to try the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and former members of the Colombian military for war crimes, on February 21, 2019.

Lowenstein Clinic Defends Victims of Human Rights Abuses in War on Terror
The Lowenstein International Human Rights Clinic at Yale Law School is representing three men who have endured an extended period of arbitrary detention in Afghanistan.

Human Rights Experts Denounce the “Extraterritorialization” of Migration Controls
Two European human rights scholars discussed efforts to deter migration and potential legal avenues for stopping these tactics at the 2019 Human Rights Workshop.

Human Rights Program Alum Discusses Work on Transitional Justice in Sri Lanka
A Q&A with Emily Rice, former member of the Schell Center's Multidisciplinary Academic Program in Human Rights and her work today.

Masih Alinejad and Roya Hakakian on Feminism and Freedom in Iran
The Schell Center hosted Iranian feminist Masih Alinejad to speak about her activism for women’s rights in Iran on February 7, 2019.

Lowenstein Clinic Argues for New Haven Homeless Bill of Rights
On February 5, 2019, the New Haven Human Services Committee of the city Board of Alders held a hearing on two proposals to promote the rights of the city’s homeless residents, both of which were developed with significant input from the Allard K. Lowenstein International Human Rights Clinic at Yale Law School.