- Pathways and entryways to Baker Hall building must be kept clear and accessible.
- All water and electricity requirements must be provided by the requesting organization.
- Prior approval from the fire marshal is required for the use of any materials involving electricity, heat or fire.
- Grills will not be allowed without the approval of Fire Code Compliance Services. Please call: 203-432-9923.
- No firearms or other weapons are permitted on Yale’s campus or grounds.
- No wax candles or other live fires will be allowed at vigils, memorial services or other community or campus events.
- Grounds must be left in their original state. Charges will be assessed to groups and organizations who leave the grounds in disrepair after the event.
- Vehicular activity is not allowed on the Baker Hall front lawn.
Additional requirements may apply as part of any permission, in the discretion of the YLS Facilities. If any University rules are broken, whether by the organizers or by any participants in the event, the organizing group may be barred from future use of Law School space and fines will be charged to cover any damage that result from violations.