magnolia in bloom

Studying Law at Yale

As a leader in legal education, Yale Law School provides unparalleled opportunities to engage with the law


Yale Law School is one of the world’s premier law schools, offering an unmatched environment of excellence, a flourishing intellectual life, and an abundance of opportunities to engage with the law.

With almost 200 courses taught each year by world-renowned faculty and a thriving network of legal clinics and intellectual centers, students are equipped with a supercharged ability to effect meaningful change in the world at large. 

Explore all that Yale Law School has to offer by browsing our areas of interest, degree programs, list of clinics, and student and alumni profiles below.

Explore this Section

Areas of Study

Areas of Study

Centers, programs and workshops enrich the curriculum

Degree Programs

Degree Programs

Yale Law School offers five degree-granting programs



Choose from nearly 200 courses

Clinical & Experiential Learning

Clinical & Experiential Learning

Yale Law School has one of the most robust clinical programs in the country

Career Paths & Outcomes

Alumni & Student Profiles

Hear student perspectives and learn about alumni career paths

Academic Calendar & Resources

Academic Calendar & Resources

Yale Law School academic calendar and other resources

YLS Library Reading Room
YLS Library Reading Room

Lillian Goldman Law Library

Located in the Sterling Law Building, The Lillian Goldman Law Library has nearly one million print volumes as well as unparalleled access to domestic, foreign, and international law databases.

Areas of Study at Yale Law School

Although there are no specific areas of concentration at Yale Law School, here are some areas currently of interest to students looking at the Law School’s programs and courses.

Areas of Interest
gold gradient image of SLB
gold gradient image of SLB

The Tsai Leadership Program

The Tsai Leadership Program empowers a new generation of mission-driven, multidimensional leaders who will champion excellence, effectiveness, and ethics as they drive the world forward.

If I had to identify the two things which taken in combination make Yale Law School such a special place, it would have to be the school’s longstanding commitment to intellectualism, and its equally long-lived and deep-seated commitment to public service.