The vibrant programming and critical scholarly work of the dozens of centers, programs, and workshops at the Law School enrich the School’s intellectual life. As part of their wide-ranging work, centers bring speakers from around the globe to New Haven and make a difference in communities around the world. Centers cover a remarkable range of inquiry, spanning health law and policy, international human rights, as well as new technology, corporate law, racial justice, animals and ethics, U.S.-China relations, private law, and much more.
Abdallah S. Kamel Center for the Study of Islamic Law and Civilization
The Center's Kamel Lectures feature speakers from a range of disciplines who examine Islamic law and civilization.
Brodie Center for Jewish and Israeli Law
The Howard Wexler Brodie ’93 Center for Jewish and Israeli Law supports research and engagement with Jewish law, Israeli law, and their intersection.
Center for Academic Freedom and Free Speech
The Center for Academic Freedom and Free Speech (CAFFS) aims to become a leading hub for academic freedom and free speech and seeks to safeguard these values for future generations.
Center for Global Legal Challenges
GLC promotes the understanding of international law, national security law, and foreign affairs law.
Global Health Justice Partnership
GHJP promotes research, projects, and academic exchanges in the areas of law, health, and human rights.
Gruber Program for Global Justice and Women’s Rights
The Gruber Program includes lectures, fellowships, and seminars on global justice and women's rights, including the Global Constitutionalism Seminar.
Information Society Project
ISP addresses the implications of the Internet and new information technologies for law and society.
John M. Olin Center for Law, Economics and Public Policy
The Olin Center facilitates the scholarly work of the Yale law and economics faculty and supports student interest and research in the field.
Justice Collaboratory
The Justice Collaboratory brings together scholars and researchers to work on issues related to institutional reform, policy innovation, and advancement in criminal justice.
Law and Political Economy at Yale
The intellectual home for consideration of questions of political economy at Yale Law School, supporting an interdisciplinary network of scholars who explore connections between politics and the economy.
Law and Racial Justice Center
The Law and Racial Justice Center brings together New Haveners; Yale students, staff, and faculty; local government officials; and local and national experts to imagine and implement projects that advance racial justice.
Law, Environment & Animals Program
LEAP is a multidisciplinary think-and-do tank dedicated to addressing industrialized animal cruelty and its impacts.
Orville H. Schell, Jr. Center for International Human Rights
The Schell Center coordinates human rights activities for students and scholars at Yale.
Paul Tsai China Center
The Tsai Center carries out research, promotes academic exchanges, and undertakes a variety of cooperative projects on issues in Chinese law and policy reform.
Program in the Foundations of American Legal Thought
The Program in the Foundations of American Legal Thought promotes the study at Yale Law School of legal theory past and present.
Solomon Center for Health Law & Policy
The Solomon Center responds to the rapidly evolving environment of health care and its centrality in the nation’s economy and government.
The Arthur Liman Center for Public Interest Law
The Liman Center works to improve access to justice for those without resources.
The Budget Lab at Yale
The Budget Lab at Yale provides in-depth analysis for federal policy proposals impacting the American economy and aims to fill a critical gap in policy evaluation.
The Chae Initiative in Private Sector Leadership
The Chae Initiative provides focused educational and professional development to students who aspire to nontraditional careers and leadership roles in the private sector.
The Ludwig Program in Public Sector Leadership
The Ludwig Program prepares students for careers in areas such as government, nonprofits, and other institutions focused on serving the public.
Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy
YCELP develops and advances environmental policy on local, regional, national, and global levels.
Yale Center for Law and Philosophy
The Yale Center for Law and Philosophy encourages advanced work, including research degrees, at the interface of philosophy and law.
Yale Law School Center for Private Law
The Center for Private Law promotes teaching and research in contracts, property, and torts.
Yale Law School Center for the Study of Corporate Law
CCL aims to increase exposure to and engagement with contemporary business law issues.
Yale Law School Latin American Legal Studies
Yale Law School Projects in South America include SELA, the Linkage Program student exchange, and the Latin American speaker series.

Vital Places: YLS Centers
Read a feature about the intellectual work, engaging events, and worldwide impact of Yale Law School’s dynamic centers.