Clerkship Nuts & Bolts with Prof. Oona Hathaway and CDO’s Rochelle McCain
12:10PM - 1:00PM
SLB Room 120
Join Professor Oona Hathaway, Chair of the Faculty Clerkships Committee, and CDO’s Clerkship Director Rochelle McCain for a conversation about clerkship scheduling, researching judges, and identifying...
HR Workshop: Fionnuala D. Ní Aoláin, “The Rise of Counter-Terrorism and the Demise of Human Rights”
12:10PM - 1:15PM
SLB Room 128
Professor Fionnuala Ní Aoláin is concurrently Regents Professor and Robina Professor of Law, Public Policy and Society at the University of Minnesota Law School and Professor of Law at the Queens...
LPE Presents: “Sticking Together in Tough Times” with Dean Spade
12:10PM - 1:30PM
SLB Room 122
Dean Spade is a Professor at Seattle University School of Law, where he teaches courses in Administrative Law, Poverty Law, Gender and Law, Policing and Imprisonment, Professional Responsibility, and...
Paul Tsai China Center Lunch Discussion: “Will America Build?”
12:10PM - 1:30PM
SLB Room 129
Please join a panel discussion on the urgent need America faces to build: homes to confront the housing crisis; mass transit to meet the infrastructure deficit; manufacturing capacity to meet the...
Shari’a, Fiqh, and the Possibility / Impossibility of Islamic Law
4:15PM - 5:45PM
SLB Room 128
Mohsen Kadivar, Duke University Open to members of the Yale community, registration required. Contact kamel.center@yale.edu for more information.
Palestinian Food Sovereignty and Starvation with Michael Fakhri
6:10PM - 7:30PM
SLB Room 127
We warmly invite you to join a conversation with Professor Michael Fakhri, the U.N. Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, on Palestinian food sovereignty and starvation. Professor Claudia Flores...