Judge Calabresi to Receive Premio Columbus Award in Italy
Sterling Professor Emeritus of Law Guido Calabresi ’58 will be honored with the Premio Columbus on October 12, 2014 in Italy.
The prize is given each year to a person or organization in recognition of achievements in the arts, industry, and sciences. Judge Calabresi will be receiving the honor this year in the science category. He will receive the award from the Mayor of Florence.
Previous winners include Nobel Laureates and other distinguished recipients such as Umberto Eco, Norberto Bobbio, Harold Acton, Rita Levi Montalcini, Boris Christoff, Umberto Veronesi, Franco Modigliani, and Zubin Mehta.
Judge Calabresi has served as a United States Circuit Judge since July 1994. Prior to his appointment, he was Dean and Sterling Professor at Yale Law School, where he began teaching in 1959. He has been awarded some 50 honorary degrees from universities in the United States and abroad, and is the author of five books and more than 100 articles on law and related subjects.
Judge Calabresi is also the subject of a new issue of Law and Contemporary Problems. The issue is titled “The Legacy of Guido Calabresi,” and features a number of articles on his career and jurisprudence. The issue also includes an article penned by Calabresi titled "A Broader View of the Cathedral: The Significance of the Liability Rule, Correcting a Misapprehension.”