Professor Kysar Receives Teaching Award
Professor Doug Kysar has been selected as one of the winners of the Yale School of Management’s 2016-17 MBA for Executives Teaching Awards. Selected in a vote by the MBA for Executives Class of 2017, the professors received their awards at the program’s Commencement Dinner on May 21, 2017.
This year, students named individual professors for teaching in each of the MBA for Executives program’s three focus areas—healthcare, sustainability, and asset management—as well as citing a professor for core curriculum teaching.
Kysar won the Award for Teaching in Sustainability. “I feel incredibly fortunate to have had the chance to work with the 2017 sustainability cohort,” Kysar said. “Every professor’s dream is to walk into a classroom of sharp, talented, caring, and fun individuals. This group made that dream come true for me."
Professor Kysar is Joseph M. Field ’55 Professor of Law at Yale Law School. His teaching and research areas include torts, environmental law, climate change, products liability, and risk regulation.