Gene Kimmelman will describe his experiences, coming out of law school and embarking on over 40 years of legal, legislative and regulatory advocacy for consumer protection, competition policy and human rights before Congress, the courts and regulatory agencies. His experiences fighting to preserve anti-bribery and strong tort laws, promote competition starting with the breakup of the telephone monopoly, and pass gun control legislation should provide ideas for how young lawyers can engage to promote the public interest in today’s challenging policy climate.
Bio: Four decades of experience in federal policy advocacy, leading nonprofit advocacy programs using a range of strategies, including lobbying, litigation, regulatory interventions, coalition
building, media outreach and personally testifying nearly 200 times before Congress. Deputy Associate Attorney General and Deputy to the head of the Antitrust Division, plus Chief Counsel
overseeing the Senate Antitrust Subcommittee. Experience includes thousands of public speaking and media engagements, mentoring advocates, engaging foundations and other funders, and building a fellowship program of diverse talent to fuel a new generation of public interest advocacy. Extensive international experience providing training for nonprofit groups in Latin America, Africa and Asia designed to share knowledge and advocacy experiences across cultures.
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