YLJ Presents: "How to Write a Note or Comment"

Feb. 9, 2023
12:10PM - 1:00PM
SLB Room 122
Open to the YLS Community Only

The YLJ Vol. 133 Notes & Comments Committee invites you to join us this Thursday, February 9 from 12:10-1:00 pm ET in SLB 122 for a presentation and discussion on how to write a Note or Comment. During the event, we’ll discuss why this is an exciting avenue for students to publish their ideas, explain the differences between Notes and Comments, and provide advice on how to choose a topic and structure your piece. We will also be joined by one of our student authors for Volume 132, Laura Hallas, who will share her own process for writing her Note, COVID-19’s New Cosmopolitanism? Structural Considerations for the Proposed Pandemic Treaty, 132 Yale L.J. (forthcoming 2023).

The event will close with an overview of the Notes & Comments Committee’s review process, tips for first-time submissions and responding to Feedback Letters, and suggestions for crafting a Statement of Originality. We’ll also introduce you to various resources that both YLJ and the school provide to support student scholarship. The session will include ample time for Q&A. All class years, including 1Ls, are welcome and encouraged to attend! Lunch will be provided. The event will be recorded for those unable to attend.

Sponsoring Organization(s)

The Yale Law Journal