Anjali Pathmanathan

Visiting Lecturer in Law, Criminal Legal Clinic Fellow, and Associate Research Scholar in Law

J.D., Boston College Law School, 2013 
B.A., New York University, 2009

Courses Taught
  • Criminal Justice Clinic
  • Challenging Mass Incarceration Clinic
  • Criminal Justice Advocacy Clinic
Anjali Pathmanathan stands smiling at the camera with her arms crossed.

Anjali Pathmanathan is a Visiting Lecturer in Law, Criminal Legal Clinic Fellow, and Associate Research Scholar in Law at Yale Law School. Prior to joining Yale, she was an Assistant Professor of Legal Writing at St. John's University School of Law and an Adjunct Professor of Clinical Law at Brooklyn Law School. Before she began teaching, Pathmanathan was a Senior Appellate Counsel for the Center for Appellate Litigation, where she represented incarcerated individuals in all aspects of their direct appeals and post-conviction claims before the New York State courts. She also previously served as a Program Associate for the former Center on Immigration & Justice at the Vera Institute of Justice, after beginning her legal career as a Staff Attorney for the Criminal Defense Practice of the Legal Aid Society of New York. As an experienced public defender, her scholarship focuses on issues related to due process and the criminal legal system, and has been published in the International Criminal Law Review, The Harbinger of The N.Y.U. Review of Law & Social Change, and the New York Law Journal. She holds a J.D. from Boston College Law School and a B.A. from New York University.