The Olin Center for Studies in Law, Economics, and Public Policy is designed to facilitate the scholarly interests of the many distinguished law and economics scholars at Yale, including Professors Ackerman, Ayres, Calabresi, Ellickson, Hansmann, Jolls, Klevorick, Kronman, Liscow, Listokin, Morley, Macey, Markovits, Mashaw, Priest, Romano, Rose, Sarin, Schuck, and Schwartz.
The center supports the Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization; a Working Paper Series; and the Law, Economics, and Organization Workshop, at which scholars from other institutions and from Yale present papers for student and faculty criticism.
The center also provides an umbrella for two programs: the Program in Civil Liability, established to promote comprehensive reanalysis of the modern law of torts, products liability, professional malpractice, insurance, and other subjects related to our civil liability system; and the Program for Studies in Capitalism, which supports research on the operation of capitalism as a mechanism of economic growth, the ethical bases of capitalism, and the relation between capitalism and the poor, and between capitalism and democracy.
Related Links
Yale Law School’s Economics & Public Policy Research Paper Series on SSRN