Private Law Center News
Professor Markovits Delivers Lecture in New Delhi
Professor Daniel Markovits ’00 delivered the 10th Distinguished Lecture at the UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP) in New Delhi on Dec. 8.
Transatlantic Seminar Series Concludes with Panel on Big Tech
The final Transatlantic Seminar Series panel on Consumer Law, Technology, and Inequality focused on the impact of Big Tech on consumers, consumer protection law, and inequality.
Danielle Allen and Thomas Piketty Discuss the Global Move Toward Equality
The economist and the political theorist discuss how to move the world toward equality.
Transatlantic Seminar Explores Digital Economy and Inequality
After prior sessions on consumer privacy and consumer financial services, the Transatlantic Seminar Series on Consumer Law, Technology and Inequality hosted the first of two panel discussions dedicated to exploring the role of the digital economy for and in connection with inequality more broadly.
Seminar Explores Private Law and Public Justice
"Private Orderings and Public Justice" will explore how private law and the private arrangements that it enables and facilitates may promote or hamper public justice goals.
Seminar Explores Consumer Financial Services
The second panel of the Transatlantic Seminar Series on Consumer Law, Technology and Inequality series focused on consumer financial services and inequality.
Seminar Focuses on Consumer Privacy and Inequality
The inaugural event of the Transatlantic Seminar Series on Consumer Law, Technology and Inequality focused on consumer privacy and inequality.
Amy Dru Stanley on the Sovereign Market and Sex Difference
University of Chicago Professor Amy Dru Stanley discussed her book chapter titled, “The Sovereign Market and Sex Difference,” at the Seminar in Private Law.
Daria Roithmayr on How “Racism Pays”
Daria Roithmayr, Richard L. and Antoinette S. Kirtland Professor of Law at USC Gould School of Law, discussed links between racism and economic exploitation at the Seminar in Private Law on April 7, 2020.