
Our Faculty

Members of the Yale Law School faculty include some of the nation’s most prominent scholars in every area of law, along with leading experts in economics, philosophy, and history

Faculty Type

Andrew A. Lyonsberg

Visiting Clinical Lecturer in Law
Courses Taught
Supreme Court Advocacy Clinic
Andrew A. Lyonsberg

Evelyn L. Ma

Reference Librarian for Foreign and International Law and Lecturer in Legal Research
Courses Taught
Research Methods in Foreign and International Law
Evelyn Ma

Alaa Majeed

Visiting Clinical Lecturer in Law
Courses Taught
International Refugee Assistance Project
Alaa Majeed

Hope R. Metcalf

Lecturer in Law; Research Scholar in Law; and Executive Director, Orville H. Schell, Jr. Center for International Human Rights
Courses Taught
Human Rights Workshop
Liman Public Interest Practicum
Lowenstein Clinic
Peter Gruber Rule of Law Clinic
Hope Metcalf

Nicholas Mignanelli

Research Librarian and Lecturer in Legal Research
Courses Taught
Introduction to Legal Research
Research Methods in Judicial History
Advanced Legal Research
Research Methods and Sources in Critical Legal Theory
Nicholas Mignanelli headshot

Peter R. Mitchell

Visiting Lecturer in Law
Courses Taught
Criminal Procedure: Investigations
Peter R. Mitchell

Steven A Mitchell

Research and Instructional Librarian and Lecturer in Legal Research
Courses Taught
Introduction to Research Methods in U.S. Law
Practical AI
History and Language Research in Legal Practice
Headshot of Steven Mitchell

Viveca Morris

Clinical Lecturer in Law, Research Scholar in Law, and Executive Director, Law, Ethics & Animals Program
Courses Taught
Climate, Animals, Food & Environment Law and Policy Lab
Advanced Climate, Animals, Food & Environment Law and Policy Lab
Viveca Morris

Now it is time to pivot and ask, where are your extraordinary gifts needed? How do you make this legal world that you are entering a better world? One where no one is shut out; one where the weak and vulnerable are not exploited; one that produces fair results based on the merits of the issues before it.