Members of the Yale Law School faculty include some of the nation’s most prominent scholars in every area of law, along with leading experts in economics, philosophy, and history
Courses Taught
Technology in the Practice of Law
Guido Calabresi
Sterling Professor Emeritus of Law and Professorial Lecturer in Law
Courses Taught
Constitutional Litigation
Courses Taught
Just War Theory
Law, Secrets, and Lying
Six Books on Law, Religion, and Culture
Courses Taught
International Business Transactions
Courses Taught
Comparative Sentencing Law
Ethics in the Practice of Law
Hurricane Relief Law Project
Lawyering Ethics Clinic
Courses Taught
The Formation of Lawyers
Law and Human Flourishing
Law and Organizing
Procedure I
Courses Taught
International Criminal Law
Problems in Evidence
Fiona Doherty
Deputy Dean for Experiential Education and Nathan Baker Clinical Professor of Law
Courses Taught
Samuel Jacobs Criminal Justice Clinic
Criminal Law
Criminal Justice Advocacy Clinic
Courses Taught
Constitutional Law
Education Law
Narratives from Prison
The Law of Racial Inequality
Courses Taught
Convicting the Innocent
Criminal Procedure
Federal Crimes
Problems in Evidence