Cloud based case management system used to manage legal case data
Available to
Standard Features
- Legal matter and document management
- Integrated time keeping, calendar and task based productivity tools
- Ability to securely share specific matters or files with others outside the organization
User Requirements
- Enrollment in a Yale Law School clinic that uses CLIO
Using This Service
Get This Service
- CLIO accounts for students are issued when they enroll in a clinic that uses CLIO, or as needed
- Clinics or organizations that wish to start using CLIO should contact Law IT about having their group included
Get Help
Contact YLS Information Technology Services
- Phone: 203-432-0821
- Email:
- Walk in: L2 Monday - Friday 8:30AM - 4:30PM
- Submit request online:
Contact CLIO Support
- CLIO Support Website3
- Phone: 1-888-858-2546 (toll-free)
Service Availability
- 24/7
- No Cost for YLS Clinics and Organizations