Nafees Syed

Visiting Fellow, Information Society Project

Nafees Syed works on the rapidly evolving legal landscape of Artificial Intelligence, cryptocurrency, First Amendment and privacy. 

 She has served as a Senior Official in the federal government, a Deputy Attorney General in California, and a trial lawyer at litigation powerhouses for clients in Big Tech and financial services. She earned degrees from Yale Law and Harvard College, where she graduated magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa. 

 As a TV legal analyst for Law and Crime Network, she covered high profile trials including the murder trial of George Floyd and the seminal First Amendment trial, Johnny Depp v. Amber Heard. 

 Nafees previously advised two U.S. Congress Committee Chairs on the successful bipartisan impeachment trial of Judge Porteous Jr. A writer and public speaker, she has spoken at several universities and law schools, and her work has been read by millions.