Sandra S. Baron

Sr. Resident Fellow
Sandra Baron

Sandra S. Baron served as a Visiting Clinical Lecturer in Law at Yale Law School and co-founder of its DocProject clinical program. Her programmatic focus is on First Amendment media law issues. She is the past Executive Director of the Media Law Resource Center (MLRC), a nonprofit membership association for content creators and providers in all media and for their defense lawyers, providing a wide range of resources on media and content law and policy issues.

In addition to private practice, Baron has served as Senior Managing Attorney at the National Broadcasting Company, Inc., as Associate General Counsel of the Educational Broadcasting Company, in New York, and the counsel for Public Broadcasting's American Playhouse. She is a member of the American Law Institute and regularly serves on bar association media and communications law committees. She has taught media law to journalism students and written articles for MLRC and other publications on media law topics. She received her B.A. from Brandeis University and her J.D. from Columbia University School of Law.