Page Building & Content Management

Content Management

Table of Contents

  1. Yale Law School CMS Documentation. 2
  2. Accessing the CMS Environment 5
  3. Drupal Overview.. 6
  4. Customizing the Right Rail Navigation. 8
  5. Managing the Site Menus. 10
  6. Adding New Modules to a Panel Page. 12
  7. Hiding the Title on Specific Modules. 13
  8. Adding Existing Modules to a Panel Page. 14
  9. Removing Modules from a Page. 15
  10. Headers in Content Modules. 16
  11. URL Redirects. 17
  12. Advanced Menu Link Configuration. 18
  13. Website Overview.. 19
  14. Site Alert
  15. Main Navigation Bar 24
  16. Breadcrumb Navigation. 27
  17. Content Modules. 28
  18. One-Column Content 29
  19. Two-Column Content 30
  20. Three-Column Content 31
  21. Image with Caption. 32
  22. Large Promotion. 33
  23. Accordions. 35
  24. Photo Gallery 1. 36
  25. Photo Gallery 2. 38
  26. In Page Navigation. 40
  27. Content Callout with No Image. 42
  28. Promo Content with no Taxonomy A.. 43
  29. Promo Content with no Taxonomy B.. 45
  30. Promo Content with Taxonomy. 47
  31. Quote Module. 49
  32. Dynamic Feed: AKA YLS Today Module. 50
  33. Table Module. 51
  34. Tabs. 52
  35. Social Module. 53
  36. Footer 56
  37. Page Layouts. 57
  38. Right Rail Navigation Customizations. 59
  39. Faculty Profiles. 61
  40. News Story Page. 65
  41. Primary News Page. 68
  42. News Listing Module. 69
  43. Event Calendar 71
  44. Event Pages. 72
  45. Event Listing Module. 73
  46. Short Event Listing Module. 74
  47. Managing Event Submissions. 75
  48. Videos. 77
  49. In The News. 78
  50. Panel Page Listing Module. 79
  51. Subsites. 80
  52. Adding Pages to an Existing Subsite. 81
  53. Subsite Carousel 82
  54. YLS Today Page. 85
  55. Areas of Interest 86
  56. Homepage Areas of Interest 88

Accessing the CMS Environment

Note: These instructions are related specifically to the site prior to launch.The URL for accessing the site after launch is anticipated to be

·User Login: 

Click 'Log in' to log in to the CMS with your CAS credentials (NetID).

Drupal Overview

·Most Content items in Drupal are known as “Nodes”

  • Pages
  • Page modules
  • Sub-components of page modules

    ·Nodes have “Types”: Content Types

  • Define the data fields available for a Node.
  • E.g. News might have a headline, date, photo, etc.

    ·Menus organize the site pages into the sitemap hierarchy

    Creating a new Content Page

    Most content pages on the Yale Law School website support a range of content modules.These include one, two and three column text modules, photo galleries, social media feeds, and others.Any combination and number of modules can be placed onto a page.

    In the CMS, the Page upon which these content modules may be placed is called a 'Panel Page'.This special type of page allows for placing and arranging modules.

    To add a new Panel Page to the site:

    ·On the main administrative menu bar, choose Content > Add Content > Panel Page.(Click Add Content to view the full list of content which may be added.)

  • Select a Layout (Wide or Right Rail)
  • Configure the page Title
  • Always Choose “In-Place Editor”
  • Most of the remaining fields are used when a page is being listed somewhere.This can be left blank for most pages.
  • Two checkboxes can be modified if the page is a right rail menu page – recycle navigation, and hide children.See Right Rail Navigation Customizations – Page 8
  • Revision – you are all administrators, so you don’t need to go through approval.Other accounts might.
  • Select a menu item parent.
  • URL can be automatically generated based off of the menu path selected earlier.Recommended to leave this, but can be customized if desired.
  • Meta tags are auto-generated from the page content, but can be customized if desired.
  • Publishing options – choose whether or not to publish.

    ·Note the page’s breadcrumbs are automatically generated based on the menu path, and the page can now be found in the menu.

  • If the menu location needs to be changed or re-ordered, use the structure > menu option.

    ·After saving a page, you can edit by finding the page under Content.

  • You have a few more options available now, including URL redirects.
  • If you change the URL, a redirect is created automatically.

    ·You can have multiple URLs redirect to the same page.

    ·To change a layout, use the option at the bottom of the screen, or the tab in Content.

    Customizing the Right Rail Navigation

    All Right Rail Navigation pages will have the option of how to handle the side navigation.

    By default, a page will always show the following in the side navigation:

    1.A link to the page's immediate parent.

    2.The highlighted text to the page itself.

    3.Links for the siblings of the current page, ordered via the navigation hierarchy.

    4.Links for the children of the current page (if any) will be shown beneath the current page.

    This option will only be for pages with side navigation.A sample is shown below:

    Alternatively, a content author can choose to Recycle the side navigation for a particular page.With this alternate display, the parent and siblings of the current are not shown.Only the title of the current page, and links to its children are displayed.Example:

    There is also an option to just hide children.

    Managing the Site Menus

    Typically, you will manage the menu location of a new page when creating the Panel Page for the first time (via the 'Provide a Menu Link' option.)However, you may find a need to reorder menu items, or add links to non-Drupal webpages (e.g. external websites).

    These tasks can be accomplished via the Structure / Menus option on the administrative menu bar, then by choosing the menu to edit:

  • n the menu management screen, you can drag and drop items to reorder the menu (remember to Save Configuration via the button at the button).

    Menu items can be hidden (disabled) by unchecking the 'enabled' option. The link can be modified or removed using the corresponding links.

    You may also expand menu items to view the pages underneath that item (i.e. the child pages).These can be reordered as well.

    Add new links (e.g. to an external website) via the Add Link option.During this process you will select the parent of the new menu item to determine where it will appear in the menu structure.

    Adding New Modules to a Panel Page

    1.Select Customize this Page located on the bottom of the screen.


    3.Add new pane in Introduction or Main Content section by selecting (+).

    4.On the left hand side, select the "Content" category.

    5.Choose 02 - One Column Content.

    6.Insert the title in the title field.

    Note, this text will be displayed as <h2>.

    7.Insert the body of the content in the content field.

    Note, the body text will default to <p>.

    8.Click continue.

    9.Check the box for "leave node title" if you'd like to display the <h2> title of the one-column content module. Leave the box unchecked if you'd like to hide the <h2> title.

    10.Under Build mode, select Full content from the drop-down menu. Click finish.

    11.Always click save on the bottom of the screen before working on any other module.

    Hiding the Title on Specific Modules

    Most modules can be customized to either show or hide their title.

    How to Change "Leave Node Title" Settings on an Existing Module

    1.Click on "customize this page" located on the bottom of the screen.

    2.Click on settings (gears), located on top left of the module.

    3.Menu of Configurations will pop up.

    4.Check or uncheck the 'Leave Node Title' checkbox to control the display of the title.

    Node title shown - "Leave Node Title" checked

    Node title hidden - "Leave Node Title" unchecked

    Adding Existing Modules to a Panel Page

    It is also possible to add Modules which already exist in Drupal to a Panel Page.This is commonly used to share modules across multiple pages.

    How to Reuse Modules

    1.Click on "customize this page" located on the bottom of the screen.

    2.Add new pane in Introduction or Main Content section by selecting (+).
    Note that some modules can only live in Main Content due to its large width.

    3.Select Content on the left-hand side.

    4.Select Choose an existing content.

    5.Use the filtering options to help locate the module you'd like to add.The 'Type' filter is particularly helpful.

    6.Click Select next to the desired module in the list.

    7.Determine whether you "leave node title" or not.This shows or hides the title of the module.

    8.Click finish.

    9.Always click save on the bottom of the screen before editing this module, or adding any other modules to the page.

    Editing an Existing Module on a Page

    First, ensure that you are not currently 'Customizing this page' along the bottom of the screen.You should see the 'Customize this page' and 'Change layout' buttons.If you see 'Save' and 'Cancel' instead, you must first exit the 'Customizing the page' interface by saving or cancelling.

    To edit an existing module:

    1.Hover over the top-right corner of the module you would like to edit.

    2.Select the gear icon.

    3.Choose edit.

    Removing Modules from a Page

    There are several things to consider when removing a module from a page.Consider the following:

    1.A module can be removed from a page without removing the module from Drupal's Content storage area.This is ideal if the Module happens to be shared with other pages on the site, or if you might want to restore it at some point in the future.

    2.A module can be deleted from the page and deleted from Drupal's Content area.In this case, it will be permanently removed.

    To remove the module from the page but not completely from it from the system:

    1.Customize the page.

    2.Delete the leftover node/pane using the Trash Can button.

    To remove the module from the page and completely remove it from the system:

    1.Hover over the top-right corner of the module you would like to delete.

    2.Select the gear icon.

    3.Choose delete.

    4.Customize the page.

    5.Delete the leftover node/pane using the Trash Can button.

    Headers in Content Modules


    Headings should follow a logical hierarchy.The banner and module titles use <h1> and <h2>, so standard content modules should start by using <h3> headers.Additional levels (h4, h5, h6) can be used for additional hierarchy levels.

    URL Redirects

    Redirects are configured in one of two ways:

    1. On a particular page (e.g. Panel Page), you can specify alternate URLs that should also direct to that page.Edit the page node, scroll down to 'URL Redirects', and click 'Add URL redirect to this node'.You just need to populate the source path - the destination will automatically be the node you were viewing.

    2. Alternatively, you can manage all redirects on the site via can add redirects regardless of whether or not the destination is a node in Drupal.

    Advanced Menu Link Configuration

    There are two advanced scenarios that may arise for menu link configuration:

    A Page "lives" within a Subsite Menu, but also needs a link within a Main Site menu (Main Menu, Secondary Menu, Utility Menu)

    Example: the Paul Tsai China Center subsite homepage exists in the 'China Center' menu, but also needs to appear on the navigation under 'Centers & Programs' on the main site navigation.

    Normally, a menu link is configured via a Node by "Providing a Menu Link" at the bottom of the Node Edit form.However, this option does not enable adding multiple menu links.

    Instead, go to Structure > Menus > select a menu.Add a Link.Enter the title into the title field, and then enter the path directly to the node in the URL field.

    The node path is ‘node/NN', where NN is the node ID.You can acquire the node ID by locating the page in the Content tab, hovering over the ‘Edit’ link, and looking at the URL.

    A page needs multiple links within the site's main menus (Main Menu, Secondary Menu, Utility Menu)

    It is not possible/recommended to add the same Node Path (e.g. 'node/NN') to the same Drupal menu (e.g. Main Menu) twice.The system would not be able to identify which one should be prioritized for the 'real' location of the page, and the breadcrumbs would be determined in an arbitrary fashion.

    To properly control where the page 'lives', while creating other links to the page that simply redirect to that location, follow the steps:

    1.Create an External Link content item.

    2.Set the Link to the desired page URL.

    3.Provide a menu link.

    4.Clicking the new External Link in the menu will automatically redirect anonymous users to the destination page.Admins will see an intermediate page which indicates where you would be redirected to.You can click the URL to test the redirect.

    Website Overview

    A typical Yale Law School webpage consists of the following elements:

    1.Site Alert - an optional, site-wide alert.

    2.Main Navigation Bar - Includes

    a.Main Menu,

    b.Secondary Menu


    3.Banner - a customized banner for most pages.

    4.Any number of Content Modules.These include a variety of content, including:

    a.Text content

    b.Content Promotions and Links

    c.Photo Galleries

    d.Social Media Feeds

    e.News Stories


    5.Footer - a site-wide listing of information about YLS, including additional links.

    Site Alert

    ·When activated, an Alert Notice appears on all site pages at the top, above the main navigation.

  • This includes all subsites, not just the main YLS site.

    ·The main navigation is "pushed down", the alert does not obscure it.

    ·There will be the option to keep the alert on all pages without the option to close the alert, this will be for campus security threats, etc.

    ·There should also be the option for the user to X out of the alert, for things such as weather alerts etc.

    ·The alert text will be free-form web content and may include links.

    Managing the Site Alert:

    The Site Alert is a special type of content Node: Alert

    Use the Content tab, filter by Alert, to find the item.

    Publish / Un-Publish Workflow:

    It is recommended to maintain exactly one copy of the Alert item in the System, and publish/unpublish it as needed.This will eliminate extra steps when needing to activate the site alert.Note: the alert will still appear for CMS authors with appropriate permissions when unpublished.It will not appear for site visitors when not published.

    To Add an Alert:

    1.Locate the existing Alert content item via the Content tab, and filter by the Alert content type.

    2.Click Edit.

    3.Choose whether or not the alert should be dismissible (the site visitor can close the alert via an X) via the checkbox.

    4.Enter the body copy for the alert.Switch to 'Full HTML' via the dropdown if this is not already selected.

    a.A typical alert will consist of a single line of text, fully linked to another page.The first few words can be bolded.For example:


    5.Under 'Publishing Options', be sure to check the 'Published' checkbox.

    6.Click Save.

    To remove/hide an alert:

    1.Locate the existing Alert content item via the Content tab, and filter by the Alert content type.

    2.Click Edit.

    3.At the bottom of the form, choose Publishing Options.

    4.Uncheck the 'Published' checkbox.

    5.Click Save.

    6.The alert will no longer be shown to site visitors.However, it will still appear for CMS authors with appropriate permissions.

    Alternate Workflow:

    Although the process of publishing/unpublishing a single Alert content item is the solution with the least overhead, it would also be possible to have multiple Alert items in the system, and then add them to the site as needed.This would enable a workflow to completely remove alerts from the system (via delete) so that they do not appear to content authors either.

    To add an alert (alternate workflow):

    1.Content > Add Content > Alert

    2.Populate the alert body and 'dismissible' option (detailed info above).

    3.Mark the item 'published' and save.

    4.Go to Structure > Blocks on the administrative navigation bar.

    5.Locate the new alert (by title) in the listing.It will be listed under the 'Disabled' section initially.

    6.Change the Region for the new Alert to 'Alert' via the dropdown.

    7.At the bottom of the page, Save.

    To remove an alert (alternate workflow):

    1.Locate the existing Alert content item via the Content tab, and filter by the Alert content type.

    2.Click Delete, confirm the deletion.

    Main Navigation Bar

    The site's main navigation consists of:

    ·Main tier navigation: Studying Law at Yale; Our Faculty; Centers & Programs; Student Life

    ·Hovering on the main navigation expands to display a sub navigation menu.

    ·When visiting a page within one of the tier page sections, the appropriate navigation link will be highlighted.

    ·Desktop has graphical rollover states for the navigation items (no hover for tablet and mobile)

    ·Secondary navigation is composed of Admissions; YLS Today; Info For

    ·Clicking any of these items bring the user directly to the page.

    ·Hovering over the "Quick Links" navigation displays condensed sub navigation

    See Managing the Site Menus for information about altering the menu structure.

    Main Navigation

    Secondary Navigation


    Banner images will be assigned on a page-by-page basis.

    A banner consists of:



    c.Description (optional)

    d.Checkbox – Thin Banner

    If thin is not checked:

    If description is empty, a light blue background is shown with the title

    If description is not empty, a dark blue background is shown with both title and description

    If ‘thin’ is checked – only the image is shown (regardless of what is defined for title or description).It is constrained to a small height.

    To add a banner to a Panel Page:

    ·Use the “Customize this Page” option.

    ·Use the + icon to add an item to the Banner placeholder.

    ·Each page should have exactly one banner.No other types of content should be placed in the banner placeholder.

    ·Save the page (via the button at the bottom).

    Breadcrumb Navigation

    Each page automatically displays breadcrumb links showing the ancestry of the current page in the site's navigation hierarchy.These links are automatically generated based on the current page's location within the menu.

    Content Modules

    The YLS website supports a variety of standard content modules.Any number of these modules can be placed on a particular content page, in any order.Panel Pages have a 'Main Content' placeholder in which these modules can be placed.This container spans the full width of the page.Additionally, pages with the Right Rail Navigation layout has an 'Introductory Content' placeholder in which a module can be placed.This content will appear next to the right rail navigation.There is also a Right Rail placeholder, but use of this should be limited.

    Note that these modules should not be placed in the banner placeholder region.Only Banners should be placed there.

    ·Content Callout w/ No Image

    ·One-Column Content

    ·Two-Column Content

    ·Large Promo Module with Image

    ·Three-Column Content

    ·Promo Content w/ No Taxonomy A

    ·Promo Content w/ No Taxonomy B



    ·Dynamic Feeds

    ·Promo Content w/ Taxonomy

    ·Photo Gallery

    ·Photo Gallery 2

    ·Social Media

    ·In-Page Navigation

    ·Quote Module

    ·Image with Caption

    ·Table Module

    One-Column Content


    The one-column content layout has a single block
    of rich text content via the CMS’ rich text editor.

    How to Build:

    1.Select Customize this Page located on the bottom of the screen.

    2.Add new pane in Introduction or Main Content section by selecting (+).

    3.On the left hand side, select the "Content" category.

    4.Choose 02 - One Column Content.

    5.Insert the title in the title field.

    6.Insert the body of the content in the content field.

    7.Click continue.

    8.If you'd prefer the title of this module not to appear above it, uncheck the 'Leave Node Title' option.

    9.Click Save on the dialog window.

    10.Always click Save on the bottom of the screen before editing the module or adding another module.


    Two-Column Content


    The two column layout supports separate blocks
    of rich text content via the CMS’ rich text editor.
    On desktop and tablet these will be shown side-by-
    side, and will stack on mobile.

    How to Build:

    1.Click on Customize this Page located on the bottom of the screen.

    2.Add new pane in Main Content section by selecting (+).
    Note that two-column content module can only live in Main Content due to its large width.

    3.On the left hand side, select "Content"

    4.Choose 03 - Two Column Content.

    5.Insert the title in the title field.

    6.Insert the body of the content in the left and right column field.

    7.Click continue.

    8.If you'd prefer the title of this module not to appear above it, uncheck the 'Leave Node Title' option.

    9.Click Save on the dialog window.

    10.Always click Save on the bottom of the screen before editing the module or adding another module.

    Three-Column Content


    This is a three column layout consisting of rich
    text blocks.


    Note that the width of first column is larger than the second and third column.
    The first column works best with body text, while the second and third column
    work best with links.

    How to Build:

    1.Click on Customize this Page located on the bottom of the screen.

    2.Add new pane in Main Content section by selecting (+).

    Note that three-column content module can only live in Main Content due to its large width.

    3.On the left hand side, select "Content"

    4.Choose 05 - Three Column Content.

    5.Insert the title in the title field.

    6.Insert the body of the content in the left, center and right column field.

    7.Click continue.

    8.If you'd prefer the title of this module not to appear above it, uncheck the 'Leave Node Title' option.

    9.Click Save on the dialog window.

    10.Always click Save on the bottom of the screen before editing the module or adding another module.

    Image with Caption

    How to Build:

    1.Click on "customize this page" located on the bottom of the screen.

    2.Click on "+” within the Introduction or Main Content to add a new pane.

    3.On the left hand side, select the category, "Content"

    4.Choose 16 - Image with Caption Module.

    5.Fill in the title.

    6.Find image to insert using the blue Open File Browser link.

    7.Fill in the Caption field.

    8.Scroll down and save.

    9.Click Finish.

    10.Always click Save on the bottom of the screen before editing the module or adding another module.

    Large Promotion


    The large promotion module layout supports one
    background image and one block of rich text
    content via the CMS’ rich text editor. On desktop
    and tablet the image and the content will be
    shown side-by-side, and will stack on mobile.

    Image Dimensions:

    1275 x 450 px


    How to Build:

    1.Click on "customize this page" located on the bottom of the screen.

    2.Add new pane in Main Content section by selecting (+).
    Note that Large Promotion should only be placed in Main Content due to its large width.

    3.Select Content on the left-hand side.

    4.Choose 04 - Large Promotion.

    5.Fill in the required Title field with Heading Title

    6.Insert the body text in the content field.

    Note, this text must not exceed 360 characters (about 55 words) or it will push the links out of view.

    7.Insert the background image using Open File Browser.

    8.Under Link, insert the Link Title and URL.

    Note, there is a maximum of two links.

    9.Click continue.

    10.Click Save on the dialog window.

    11.Always click Save on the bottom of the screen before editing the module or adding another module.



    The accordions module enables users to browse through different content topics one accordion section at a time.The body content for each can be freeform content including formatted text, images, and links.

    This module will support a variable number of accordions

    How to Build:

    1.Click on "customize this page" located on the bottom of the screen.

    2.Add new pane in Introduction or Main Content section by selecting (+).

    3.Select Content on the left-hand side.

    4.Choose 08 - Accordion Module.

    5.Insert Title for Accordion Section in the required Title field.

    6.Leave the non-required fields blank. Scroll down and save.

    7.Determine whether to keep or hide node title.

    8.Click finish.

    9.Click save located on the bottom of the screen before going back into the module.

    10.Hover over the top-right corner of the blank module and select the gear icon. Select edit.

    11.Under Accordion Sections, click "Add Node"

    12.Insert the Accordion Header in the Title field and Accordion Content in the Content field. Save.

    13.To create another accordion section, click Add Node again.Repeat Step 12. Save.

    Photo Gallery 1


    A photo gallery module can be created and placed within a page. A photo gallery consists of a set of photos, each of which might have a caption. The photo gallery (and its set of photos) may be reused on multiple pages as desired. Alternatively, a different module (and photo set) can be applied to different pages. The user may click the circles to view particular slide, but the gallery does not rotate automatically.

    1275 x 600 px

    Primacy will implement one photo gallery module (or configurable module) which provides a standard slideshow gallery, which may be used throughout the Yale Law School site. Modules can have unique sets of photos. Slides may have captions.
    In mobile/tablet view, the images will cut off at the sides and the blue background will extend to the entire width of the page.

    How to Build:

    1.Click on "customize this page" located on the bottom of the screen.

    2.Add new pane in Main Content section by selecting (+).
    Note that Photo Gallery can only live in Main Content due to its large width.

    3.Select Content on the left-hand side.

    4.Choose 11 - Photo Gallery 1 Module.

    5.Fill in the required Title field with Heading Title.
    Note, the title will appear as <h2>.

    6.Leave the unrequired fields blank. Scroll down and save.

    7.Check the box for "Leave Node Title" in order to display the Heading Title.

    8.Under Build mode, select Full content from the drop-down menu. Click finish.

    9.Click save located on the bottom of the screen before going back into the module.

    10.Hover over the top-right corner of the blank module and select the gear icon. Select edit.

    11.Under Slides, click Create Photo Gallery Slide.

    12.A new window will pop up. Insert the Title.

    13.Insert the background image using Open File Browser.

    14.Insert a caption, if given, and save.

    15.To create another photo gallery slide, click add another item.

    16.Remember to save again at the bottom of the screen before working on any other module.

    Photo Gallery 2


    Module allows YLS to showcase large amounts of images with captions. Acts as a carousel where the user will need to interact/click to view additional images. This photo gallery module is suggested when there are large quantities of images in one gallery.

    The photo gallery will be managed in the same fashion as the first. However, the visual treatment of the module will also include a line of photo thumbnails. Clicking a thumbnail will advance the gallery to that photo. The module also features left / right navigation to view more of the photo thumbnails, when applicable.


    1000 x 500 px

    How to Build:

    1.Click on "customize this page" located on the bottom of the screen.

    2.Add new pane in Main Content section by selecting (+).
    Note that Photo Gallery can only live in Main Content due to its large width.

    3.Select Content on the left-hand side.

    4.Choose 12 - Photo Gallery 2 Module.

    5.Fill in the required Title field with Heading Title.

    6.Leave the unrequired fields blank. Scroll down and save.

    7.Click finish.

    8.Click save located on the bottom of the screen before going back into the module.

    9.Hover over the top-right corner of the blank module and select the gear icon. Select edit.

    10.Under Slides, click on Create Photo Gallery Slide.

    11.A new window will pop up. Insert the Title.

    12.Insert the image using Open File Browser.

    13.Insert a caption, if given, and save.

    14.To create another photo gallery slide, click add another item.

    15.Click Save.

    In Page Navigation

    Displays image, page link and description. Used for in-page navigation with content being dynamic from tier page. This module provides large callout components for each of the tier pages which are children of the current page. A title, and short teaser will be included in each navigation callout. The title will be linked to the full page. All pages which have been included in the navigation for the section will be shown, and will fill left to right in three columns.

    Note: This section will have the ability to link off to another site. This will need to be a content type so that Yale only has to develop the links with teaser content once and then be able to re-use the links across multiple pages. A teaser will need to be configured for each navigation item in order to appear here. If either is not populated, it will simply be hidden for the item. This might mean that only the navigation item title/link appears.

    Per 07/27 discussion, this is not an automatic feed based on the page's children in the menu structure.All items are created manually for each page on which the module is used.This enables the use of links to any externals sites, full re-ordering, etc.


    How to Build:

    1.Click on "customize this page" located on the bottom of the screen.

    2.Add new pane in Main Content section by selecting (+).
    Note that in-page navigation can only live in Main Content due to its large width.

    3.Select Content on the left-hand side.

    4.Choose 14 - In Page Navigation.

    5.Fill in the required Title field with Section Heading.
    Note that the title will display as <h2>.

    6.Leave the unrequired fields blank. Scroll down and save.

    7.Determine whether to keep or hide node title.

    8.Under Build mode, select Full content from the drop-down menu. Click finish.

    9.Click save located on the bottom of the screen before going back into the module.

    10.Hover over the top-right corner of the blank module and select the gear icon. Select edit. (Edit existing module).

    11.Under Callouts, click on Create Content Callout Item.

    12.A new window will pop up. Paste the first section title in the title field.
    Note, this section title will be hidden.

    13.Paste the components of the in-page navigation in the content field.

    14.Under Link, insert the Link Title and URL.
    Note that the Link Title will be shown as <h3>.

    15.Leave Image, Corner Text, Subtitle and Taxonomy Terms blank. Click continue.

    16.Repeat steps 10-14 to create more Content Callout Items.
    Note, to revise or review a content callout item, click edit beneath the content callout.
    To create multiple content callouts, click Add another item.

    17.Always click save on the bottom of the screen before working on any other module.

    Content Callout with No Image


    Displays title, brief description, and link. Used for in-page navigation, callouts, and access to related content. This callout module uses the same format and functions in the same way as the In Page Navigation, and separate link text for each callout item. The title will link the user to another page.


    How to Build:

    1.Click on "customize this page" located on the bottom of the screen.

    2.Add new pane in Main Content section by selecting (+).
    Note that the Content Callout with No Image can only live in Main Content due to its large width.

    3.Select Content on the left-hand side.

    4.Choose 01 - Content Callout with No Image Module.

    5.Fill in the required Title field.

    6.Leave the unrequired fields blank. Scroll down and save.

    7.Click finish.

    8.Click save located on the bottom of the screen before going back into the module.

    9.Hover over the top-right corner of the blank module and select the gear icon. Select edit.

    10.Under Callouts, click on Create Content Callout Item.

    11.A new window will pop up. Enter the first section title in the title field.

    12.Enter the components of the content callout in the content field.

    13.Under Link, insert the Link Title and URL.

    14.Leave Image, Corner Text, Subtitle and Taxonomy Terms blank. Click continue.

    15.Repeat steps 10-14 to create more Content Callout Items. (Note: To revise or review a content callout item, click edit beneath the content callout. To create multiple content callouts, click Add another item).

    16.Click Save to finalize the module.

    Promo Content with no Taxonomy A


    All content for this module is created and chosen by the content author, and does not feed in automatically. Please see the “Promo Content w/ Taxonomy” module for an automated version. There are two versions of this module in design
    to choose from, A and B.

    305 x 280 px

    How to Build:

    1.Click on "customize this page" located on the bottom of the screen.

    2.Add new pane in Main Content section by selecting (+).
    Note that Promo Content with No Taxonomy can only live in Main Content due to its large width.

    3.Select Content on the left-hand side.

    4.Choose 06a - Promotion Content - No Taxonomy Module - A Module.

    5.Fill in the required Title field.

    6.Leave the unrequired fields blank. Scroll down and save.

    7.Click finish.

    8.Click save located on the bottom of the screen before going back into the module.

    9.Hover over the top-right corner of the blank module and select the gear icon. Select edit.

    10.Under Callouts, click on Create Content Callout Item.

    11.A new window will pop up. Paste the first section title in the title field.

    12.Paste the body text of the content callout in the content field. Links can go in the WYSIWYG.

    13.Insert Link Title and URL, if you want the title of the callout section to be a link. Note, link title will not be seen.

    14.Leave Image, Corner Text, Subtitle and Taxonomy Terms blank. Click continue.

    15.Repeat steps 11-15 to create more Content Callout Items. (Note: To revise or review a content callout item, click edit beneath the content callout. To create multiple content callouts, click Add another item).

    16.Click Save.

    Promo Content with no Taxonomy B


    All content for this module is created and chosen by the content author, and does not feed in automatically. Please see the “Promo Content w/ Taxonomy” module for an automated version. There are two versions of this module in design to choose from, A and B.

    305 x 305 px

    How to Build:

    1.Click on "customize this page" located on the bottom of the screen.

    2.Add new pane in Main Content section by selecting (+).
    Note that Promo Content with No Taxonomy can only live in Main Content due to its large width.

    3.Select Content on the left-hand side.

    4.Choose 06b - Promotion Content - No Taxonomy Module - B Module.

    5.Fill in the required Title field.

    6.Leave the unrequired fields blank. Scroll down and save.

    7.Click finish.

    8.Click save located on the bottom of the screen before going back into the module.

    9.Hover over the top-right corner of the blank module and select the gear icon. Select edit.

    10.Insert Link Title and URL.
    Note, this will show up on the top right corner of the module.

    11.Under Callouts, click on Create Content Callout Item.

    12.A new window will pop up. Paste the first section title in the title field.

    13.Paste the body text of the content callout in the content field. Links can go in the WYSIWYG.

    14.Insert Link Title and URL, if you want the title of the callout section to be a link. Note, link title will not be seen.

    15.Leave Image, Corner Text, Subtitle and Taxonomy Terms blank. Click continue.

    16.Repeat steps 12-16 to create more Content Callout Items. (Note: To revise or review a content callout item, click edit beneath the content callout. To create multiple content callouts, click Add another item).

    17.Click Save.

    Promo Content with Taxonomy


    This module provides an automated feed of callout modules which link to other pages within the YLS website. Each callout contains a photo, title, and description. These will be mainly used for success stories/bios/profiles of people. These will feed in automatically from each item.

    The CMS author will choose the category of items which should be pulled into the module. At most three items from the matching taxonomy category will be fed in. The module title and main link (at the top right) can be customized in the CMS for each module usage, and won’t be automatically set based on the feed category. The category text listed within each item will be the audience type assigned to that item (e.g. TAG). If multiple are defined, only one will be displayed. If none are displayed, nothing will be shown in this area.

    305 x 305 px


    How to Build:

    1.Click on "customize this page" located on the bottom of the screen.

    2.Add new pane in Main Content section by selecting (+).
    Note that Promotion Content with Taxonomy can only live in Main Content due to its large width.

    3.Select Content on the left-hand side.

    4.Choose 10 - Promotion Content - Taxonomy Module.

    5.Fill in the required Title field.

    Note, the title will display as <h2>.

    6.Leave the unrequired fields blank. Scroll down and save.

    7.Check the box for "Leave Node Title" in order to display the Title.

    8.Under Build mode, select Full content from the drop-down menu. Click finish.

    9.Click save located on the bottom of the screen before going back into the module.

    10.Hover over the top-right corner of the blank module and select the gear icon. Select edit.

    11.Under Link, insert the Link Title and URL.

    Note, this link will show up in the top right corner of the module.

    12.Check off taxonomy terms as listed.

    13.Save. Then save again at the bottom of the screen before working on any other module.

    Quote Module

    Pulls in a random quote on each page refresh from the inventory of quotes in the CMS.

    How to Build:

    1.Click on "customize this page" located on the bottom of the screen.

    2.Click on "+” within the Main Content to add a new pane.

    Note, the Quote module can only live in Main Content due to its large width.

    3.On the left hand side, select the category, "View Panes"

    4.Select "View: Quotes: Random Quote"

    5.Click Finish.

    6.Always click save on the bottom of the screen before working on any other module.

    To Add Quotes (to be displayed randomly in the module):

    1.Add Content

    2.Type: Quote

    3.Title: internal use only to help identify the quote.

    4.Quote text – main quote body

    5.Attribution – person’s name

    6.Attribution Detail – grey text (class of xxxx)

    Dynamic Feed: AKA YLS Today Module

    The Dynamic Feed Module (also known as the YLS Today Module on the site homepage) provides a feed of News, Events, and Videos.When adding the module to a page, the CMS author selects a Taxonomy Term to limit which items are pulled into the module.For the homepage, this is the 'YLS Today' > 'Homepage' term.In other cases where this module might be used on a Center page, the term could be set to filter stories related to that particular center.

    In order for an item to appear in the Featured tab, it must be tagged with either 'YLS Today' > 'Featured' or 'YLS Today' > 'Top Featured'.One Top Featured item will at the top of the left column, while the remaining items are only 'Featured'.Items should not be tagged with both terms.

    Within the 'Featured' and 'Top Featured' listed items, items are pulled into this module based on date.For Videos and News, this means the most recent items in the past (based on the item's Release Date), and for Events, the earliest upcoming events in the future.

    Table Module

    The table module can be used to help make tables work better on mobile devices.The module enables mobile users to scroll the table side to side.Normally, tables could cause a responsive layout to break.

    Tables consist of a single Rich Text editor field.It is recommended that only a table be placed into this editor - other text should be created as other modules.E.g. One Column Content.

    This module has two options: bordered and non-bordered.The default is non-bordered.Change this via the 'Bordered' checkbox.

    How to Build:

    1.Click on "customize this page" located on the bottom of the screen.

    2.Add new pane in Introduction or Main Content section by selecting (+).

    3.Select Content on the left-hand side.

    4.Choose 17 - Table Module.

    5.Fill in the required Title field with Heading Title.
    Note, the title will display as <h2>.

    6.Leave the unrequired fields blank. Scroll down and save.

    7.Check the box for "Leave Node Title" in order to display the Heading Title.

    8.Under Build mode, select Full content from the drop-down menu. Click finish.

    9.Click save located on the bottom of the screen before going back into the module.

    10.Hover over the top-right corner of the blank module and select the gear icon. Select edit.

    11.Next to Text format, select Full HTML on the drop-down menu.

    12.Click on the Table button, seen next to the Styles drop-down menu.

    13.A screen called Tables Properties will appear. Enter in the number of rows and columns needed. Then enter 0 for width and height. Leave the rest as is.

    14.Enter the content in each cell.

    15.Save. Then save again at the bottom of the screen before working on any other module.

    To Edit an Existing Table

    Within the WYSIWYG edit mode, right click on the table and select Table Properties.

  • r right click and pick from cell, column or row options to adjust the table accordingly



    The tabs module enables users to browse through different content topics one tab at a time. Each tab consists of a header and body.The body for each tab can be freeform content including formatted text, images, and links. This module will support a variable number of tabs up to five.

    Social Module

    1.Place a new Social Media module onto a page via Customize this page > Content > Add New Social Media Module.

    2.Set the Twitter and Instagram user names.No need for @ symbols or anything else - just the username.

    3.Under configuration > Web Services > Tweet Feed > Twitter Feeds:

    a.Check if a feed already exists with a Feed Criteria of "from:USERNAME" where USERNAME is the Twitter username for your module.If not, proceed with the following steps to add a new feed for that username.

    b.When adding a feed, enter a name (usually the username), use the default API account, select 'type of twitter query': Twitter Search, SearchTerm: "from:USERNAME", and pull 1 item.No need to remove all tweets from the feed prior to import.

    c.Run the import initially once by clicking import.It will run in an automated fashion in the future.


    4.Under Content, filter by the Type of Instagram Feed.

    a.Check if there is already a feed for the Instagram username.If not, create one via the following steps:

    b.Add Content > Instagram Feed.

    c.Name the feed the name of the Instagram username.

    d.Select 'All Images' for the type of feed.

    e.Enter the Instagram user.

    f.Leave hash tags empty.

    g.Click Apply.

    h.Run the import via the Import tab.



    The YLS footer is consistent across the entire main YLS website.It contains various links and information about the school.Each subsite has a separate footer, which can be customized as needed for that subsite.

    Footers belong to a 'Footer' content type in Drupal.Use the Content tab on the administration menu to locate them.There will be one footer for the main YLS website called 'YLS Footer', and one item for each subsite.

    To edit a footer, click Edit and alter the form's values as desired.

    An image is randomly displayed each time the page is loaded from the set provided in the Footer content item.

    Page Layouts

    There are two page layouts to choose from for standard content pages on the YLS website.The first is a Wide layout that provides a full-width container for content modules.This layout does not provide any navigation to children of this page in the navigation.The 'In-Page Navigation' module can be used to fulfill this purpose.

    Alternatively, the Right Rail layout provides a navigation menu in the right rail of the page.By default, this menu will list the Parent, Siblings, and Children of the current page.There are additional options to customize this menu further, usually to help address areas of the site where the menu could become very lengthy.

    Wide Layout

    Right Rail Layout

    Right Rail Navigation Customizations

    All pages/menu items will have the option of how to handle the side navigation.

    By default, a page will always show the following in the side navigation:

    1.A link to the page's immediate parent.

    2.The highlighted text to the page itself.

    3.Links for the siblings of the current page, ordered via the navigation hierarchy.

    4.Links for the children of the current page (if any) will be shown beneath the current page.

    This option will only be for pages with side navigation.A sample is shown below:

    Alternatively, a content author can choose to Recycle the side navigation for a particular page.With this alternate display, the parent and siblings of the current are not shown.Only the title of the current page, and links to its children are displayed.Example:

    Faculty Profiles

    The faculty profiles section provides an index of profile pages for Faculty and Lecturers/Affiliates.

    Faculty profiles consist of detailed information about each Faculty or Lecturer/Affiliate.

    A listing page enables visitors to browse the available profiles.It provides the ability to view either Faculty or Lecturers/Affiliates, and provides search capability.Newly added faculty profiles automatically appear on this page after being created.

    Authoring Instructions

    1.First, add a new Taxonomy Term to represent this profile for the purpose of feeding in News items.Navigate to Structure > Taxonomy on the administration menu bar.Then choose Yale Law School > List Terms.

    a.Typically the person's last name is used for the taxonomy term.Review the list of existing terms to ensure you will not create a duplicate for this new profile.If so, make the term unique by appending some of the person's first name.You can also edit existing terms to help differentiate the two.

    b.Click Add Term, enter the Name, and under 'Relations', select 'Faculty' as the Parent.Other options can remain at their default.

    2.Now add a new profile page via Access Content > Add Content > Faculty Profile on the administration menu bar.

    3.Enter a Name for the person.This should be the person's full name that should appear on the website.

    4.Enter a Sort Name for the person.Typically, this is the person's last name.This portion of the name will be used for the alphabetical sorting on the listing page.

    5.Populate the Short Biography field - it will be shown at the top of the faculty profile.

    6.Populate the Full Biography field - it will be shown at the bottom of the faculty profile (under the 'Biography' tab).

    7.Select the profile 'Type': Faculty or Lecturer/Affiliate.This controls which listing view the profile appears under (filterable by the site visitor).

    8.Enter the person's Title(s).

    9.For the Taxonomy Terms selector, locate the person's Taxonomy Term under the 'Faculty' selector.This controls which News Stories are fed into the profile's News tab.Note: the 'Faculty' term itself should not be selected, nor any other taxonomy terms from different sections of the taxonomy tree.


    11.Select or upload a photo via the Open File Browser option.

    12.Optionally, fill the 'Detail' field with extra information about the person.For example, if they are On Leave, provide that information here.This text is shown both on the listing and profile pages.

    13.Provide location and contact information:



    c.Phone Number

    d.Email Address

    14.Provide any additional links you'd like to appear in the Contact Information box.You can add as many links as desired - continue clicking the 'Add Another Item' button.You can leave both the Title and URL fields blank to remove an item.

    15.Provide Education information and choose/upload a CV via the Open File Browser option.

    16.Enter the courses that the person teaches.You can use the 'Add Another Item' button to add as many courses as needed.

    17.Optionally, provide information for the Publications tab.If none is provided, the tab will be hidden.

    18.If you would prefer no News to be pulled in to this faculty profile, mark the 'Hide News Tab' checkbox.

    19.Finally, enter any Additional links you'd like to appear in the Education / CV middle box.


    Note that despite the 'optional' nature of some of the above fields, the page design is not altered in the event that some are not provided.For example, the 'Courses Taught' box and header are not hidden when there are no courses listed - it is simply empty.For this reason, it is recommended to have at least one of the following fields filled out for each 'box':

    1.Address, Room, Phone Number, Email Address, or Additional Links

    2.Education, Curriculum Vitae, Middle Column Additional Links

    3.Courses Taught


    The News section of the site manages and displays News stories created by Yale Law School and posted on the Yale Law School website.

    News stories in this section are always internal stories and do not link out to third party websites - they bring the user to a news story page on the YLS site.The body copy for the news story page is rich text, and may provide links elsewhere at that point.

    In addition to the page dedicated to each News story, items can be fed into or featured on various sections of the site via several different mechanisms:

    1.The main 'News' page features several items, and then provides a filterable, paginated listing of all news stories:

    2.'YLS Today' (on the Homepage and the dedicated YLS Today page) provides a tab of News stories, and may also feature News items on the 'Featured' tab.

    3.The 'Dynamic Feed Module' (of which the YLS Today section on the homepage is an instance of) can be placed on other pages of the site, and feature News belonging to a particular taxonomy term.E.g. a center homepage might include this module, and pull in News specific to that term.

    4.The 'News Listing Module' provides a paginated listing of News stories, filtered to those with a particular taxonomy term.This module can be added to any page throughout the site.

    News Story Page

    Each News Story had a page dedicated to that particular story.This is automatically created when a new News item is entered into the system.

    In addition to displaying the News Story itself, this page feeds in several of the most recent 'In The News' items, as well as listing some 'Related News' items at the bottom of the page.

    Authoring a News Story

    1.Content > Add Content > News

    2.Enter a Headline (i.e. Title) for the news story.

    3.Enter the Release Date for the news story.This is the date that will be used to determine the sorting of news stories, and is the date shown at the top of the story.

    4.Select or upload an image via the Open File Browser option.

    5.Enter the story Body into the rich text editor.Optionally, customize the Summary.

    6.Select the Taxonomy Terms to which this story applies.This will be used to determine where the story feeds into throughout the site, and also determines what stories may appear as 'Related' at the bottom of the page.

    Primary News Page

    The Primary News Page features several News stories, and also provides a full paginated listing of all News stories in the system.The site visitor can also filter this paginated listing by Topic or Year.

    Items will automatically appear in the main filtered/paginated listing of news stories upon creation.No further action is required to have items appear there.They will be listed chronologically.

    However, items must be tagged in a special manner for them to appear at the top of the page in the 'Featured' area.There are two different types of featured placements on this page:

    1.'Top Featured' - the first item with the large image on the top left.This item is tagged with the taxonomy term 'YLS Today' > 'Top Featured', and will remain at this position under a newer News story (via the Release Date) is tagged with the same term.

    2.'Featured' - up to three news stories will appear on the right of the Top Featured item.These items need to be tagged with the 'YLS Today' > 'Featured' taxonomy term.The three most recent items (based on Release Date) will appear here.

    Note: items should not be tagged with both Featured and Top Featured.They may appear in both places.

    News Listing Module

    The News Listing Module provides a simple listing (no filtering, but does include pagination) for News Stories.It is typically used to list News stories for a particular taxonomy term.For instance, a News Listing Module might be added as part of a Center's site pages to list the News specific to that Center.

    Authoring Instructions:

    1.On an existing Panel Page, choose 'Customize this page' at the bottom.

    2.Choose 'Content'.

    3.Choose 'New News Listing Module'.

    4.Enter a Title for the module, and choose a Taxonomy Term.Only News stories with this Term will be shown in the module.

    5.Click Continue.

    6.Indicate whether or not to display the module title should be shown via the 'Leave Node Title' option.

    7.Click Finish.

    8.Save the page.

    Event Calendar

    The main Event Calendar page enables site visitors to browse the full history of events on the YLS website.They can browse by different date ranges, filter to specific topics, and select dates.

    Events are automatically listed on the page after being created, based on their Start Date.An item will be listed for each occurrence of a recurring event.

    There are no featured events or other similar functionality on this page (unlike the News page), so there is no need for any special tagging instructions for this page.

    Event Pages

    Each event (or series of events, in the case of recurring events) has a dedicated content item in the Drupal CMS.These items have fields such as Date (w/ recurrences), Event Location, Event Body, and taxonomy terms.

    Events each have their own 'Event Page' where the full information of an event is displayed.There is also a section showing Related Events on these pages.

    Authoring Instructions:

    1.To create a new Event, go to Content > Add Content > Event on the administration bar.

    2.Set up the event date(s).

    a.You can choose 'All Day' to specify an all-day event - otherwise, set Times.

    b.Use the 'Show End Date' option to set an End date / time.Typically this is just used for setting the End Time, set the Date to be the same as the start date.You can use recurrences to have events that span multiple days.

    c.Use the 'Repeat' option to set up recurring events.

    3.Enter a Location for the event in the Location field.

    4.Populate and customize the Event Description (and summary) as desired.Some sample headers are provided by default.

    5.Tag the Event with the appropriate taxonomy terms.These control both where the event might be displayed elsewhere on the site, and also which events might appear under Similar Events.

    6.Provide an Image for the event via the Open File Browser option.

    7.Leave the Author and Category fields blank - these fields were carried over as part of the initial event import.


    Event Listing Module

    The Event Listing Module provides a listing of future events chronologically.It is optionally filtered to items only with a particular taxonomy term.

    This module provides full pagination, but no filtering.

    When adding this module to a page (via Customize this page > Content > Add New Event Listing Module), select the desired taxonomy term to which the module should be limited:

    Short Event Listing Module

    The Short Event Listing Module features two of the soonest occurring events from a particular taxonomy term.

    The 'View All' link can also be customized for each module.

    Use this module by viewing a Panel Page, Customize this Page > Content > Add New Event Listing Module - Short.

    Select the Taxonomy term, then customize the View All link as desired.

    Managing Event Submissions

    The Submit an Event form enables anonymous users to submit events to Yale Law School CMS authors.The system will automatically create a draft Event based on the information provided.

    The Submit an Event form is accessed through the main YLS Events page:

    To review event submissions:

    1.Go to Content on the top administration bar.

    2.Select a Type of 'Event' and change 'Published' to 'No'.


    4.Click 'Edit' to manage each event submission.

    5.The Date for the event is not automatically populated.You can find the information for the event in the body under the "Date Information for Review" header.Populate the Date field at the top of the form with this information (including any reoccurrences as needed), and then remove this section from the Event Description.

    6.Review and update the event information: location, Event Description, Taxonomy Terms, Image, etc.

    7.Under 'Publishing Options, mark the page as 'Published' to approve it.


    To delete a submission instead of publishing it, simply use the Delete option on the main Content view.



    For accessibly reasons, all videos on the site are embedded on pages dedicated to that particular video.These pages include the transcript for the video.

  • ther pages can link to these video pages, but videos should not be embedded directly anywhere else on the site.

    Plunking instructions:

    1.Add a content item of type ‘Video’.

    2.Title: Video name

    3.Release Date: the date the video was created or posted to the site.

    4.Select a preview image (e.g. a frame from the video)

    5.Video Embed:

    a.Paste in iFrame code from YouTube/Vimeo

    b.Ensure the format is Full HTML

    6.Enter Transcript, if available.Otherwise, the button will be hidden.

    7.Enter Body (and customize Summary if desired)

    8.Apply any relevant taxonomy terms, as desired.These terms define where this Video may appear elsewhere on the site, and also controls which videos may appear as Related Videos at the bottom of the page.

    9.Specify the video duration in the format HH:MM:SS.(omit HH and MM if no longer)

    In The News

    YLS has an In The News section that displays news articles and a brief description of the article. These articles will always be links out to 3rd party websites.

    These items are of the 'External Link' content type, and should be indicated as belonging to the 'FacultyInTheNews' feed type.

    To create an In The News item:

    1.Content > Add Content > External Link

    2.Enter a Title for the item.

    3.Enter a Site Name (e.g. Washington Post)

    4.Enter the link Title and URL.

    5.Select the Taxonomy Terms for which this item applies (e.g. law topics)

    6.Set the Feed Type as FacultyInTheNews.

    7.Select an image via the Open File Browser option.

    The new item will automatically appear on the main In The News listing page, and recent In The News items also appear on News Story pages.

    Panel Page Listing Module

    The Panel Page Listing Module is used to generate automated listings of Pages on the site, based on Taxonomy Term tagging.This is used for sections of the site such as Ask Asha and Student Perspectives.

    Use of this module requires additional fields of the Panel Pages you intend to list to be populated.Edit each Panel Page (via Content) and populate the following:



    3.Feed Type

    4.Release Date (if you want the listing to be by date - otherwise leave blank for the listing to be alphabetical).

    Next, use the Customize this Page button on the Panel Page you'd like the listing to appear.Create a new Panel Page Listing Module, and indicate the Feed Type of items you'd like to pull in.This should match the Feed Type you specified on the Panel Pages earlier.


    Subsites are separate sections of the main YLS website that act independently.They do not share the same header, navigation, footer, etc.

    Subsites do reside within the main domain name.For example:

    Subsites are stored within the same Drupal CMS instance, so it would be possible to share content modules, images, etc. between the main YLS site and subsites.

    Adding Pages to an Existing Subsite

    For the most part, managing pages on subsites is very similar to managing normal content pages on the main YLS website.Subsite pages support all of the same banners and standard content modules that are used on the main YLS site.

    The differences between main YLS site pages and subsite pages are:

    1.Instead of using the 'Wide Page' and 'Right Rail Navigation Page' layouts, subsites use 'Subsite Wide Page' and 'Subsite Right Rail Navigation Page' layouts.

    2.Each subsite has its own menu, based on the Subsite's name.Pages should be placed under this menu rather than under the Main Menu or Secondary Menu.

    3.Subsite homepages (Subsite Wide Page layout) have the option to include a Subsite Carousel module.This is intended to be used only on Subsite homepages, and provides a similar story carousel as the main YLS homepage.However, it provides additional customization options, such as color.

    In general, it is recommended that Subsite pages use a Thin Banner option.

    Subsite Carousel

    The Subsite Carousel module is a unique module intended only for use on Subsite homepages.Subsite homepages should use the 'Subsite Wide Page' panel layout.Generally this module is placed as the first item within the 'Main Content' panel placeholder.

    This module consists of an image carousel with the ability to link to another page.Each slide consists of a title, image, and link.The module can support any number of slides, but in general a few slides are recommended.

    Visual Appearance

    How to Build:

    1.Click on "customize this page" located on the bottom of the screen.

    2.Add new pane in Main Content section by selecting (+).

    3.Select Content on the left-hand side.

    4.Choose Subsite Carousel.

    5.Fill in the required Title field with Heading Title.

    6.Leave the unrequired fields blank. Scroll down and save.

    7.Click save located on the bottom of the screen before going back into the module.

    8.Hover over the top-right corner of the blank module and select the gear icon. Select edit.

    9.Under Slides, click Add Node.

    10.A form will expand.Insert the Title.

    11.Insert the background image using Open File Browser.

    12.Insert the Link Text and destination URL.

    13.Save the Node.Add more Slides as desired.

    14.Finally, save the carousel module.

    Creating a new Subsite

    1.Add a menu for the subsite.In top nav: Structure > Menus > Add Menu.Title is the center’s name.

    2.Allow pages to be added to the new menu.In top nav: Structure > Content Types > Panel Pages > Edit.

    a.Menu Settings in the bottom tabs:

    i.Check the box for the new subsite menu.

    3.Create the Subsite Homepage next.In top nav: Content > Add Content > Panel Page

    a.Layout: Subsite Wide Page

    b.Title: Center name

    c.Select the In place Editor option

    d.Tabs at bottom:

    .Menu Settings: Provide a menu link

    1.From the dropdown, choose your subsite menu.

    2.Click the menu item to select it (green check mark)

    4.Create a subsite header:

    a.Top nav: Content > Add Content > Subsite Header

    i.Title: Subsite name, append the word “Header” at the end.

    ii.Display Title: Enter the subsite name that should appear in the header.If empty, the Logo will be shown.

    iii.Logo – select the image via the file browser.Otherwise, the title will be shown.

    iv.Subsite URL - enter the URL to the subsite homepage.

    b.Apply the header to the subsite.Top Nav: Structure > Blocks

    i.Find the newly created subsite header by name.

    ii.Select “Subsite Header” from the dropdown, and save.

    iii.Click Configure on the Subsite header block.

    0.At the bottom, find the section “Show block on specific pages”.

    1.Change this option to “Only the listed pages”

    2.Enter the following URLs into the textfield:

    a.Obtain the URL for the subsite from the menu (or the homepage).

    b.Enter the base URL into the textfield on line one (e.g. “china-center”)

    c.Enter the base URL appended with “/*” on line two (e.g. “china-center/*”)

    5.Set up subsite main navigation:

    a.Top Navigation: Structure > Blocks > Add Menu Block.

    b.Switch to advanced options

    c.Block Name: subsite name appended with “Main Navigation”

    d.From the menu dropdown, choose the created subsite menu.

    e.Starting Level: 2

    f.Maximum Depth: 2

    g.Expand All Children: True

    h.Region Settings for YLS: Subsite Main Navigation region

    i.Set up Show block on specific pages the same as above.

    6.Set up subsite main navigation dropdown menu:

    a.Same steps for creating Subsite Main Navigation, except it should be appended with the words “Main Navigation Dropdown”.

    b.Region Settings for YLS: Subsite Main Navigation Dropdown region

    7.Set up the subsite right rail navigation menu:

    a.Top Navigation: Structure > Blocks > Add Menu Block.

    b.Switch to advanced options

    c.Block Name: subsite name appended with “Right Rail Navigation”

    d.From the menu dropdown, choose the created subsite menu.

    e.Starting Level: 1

    f.Checkbox: Make the starting level follow the active menu item.: True

    g.Maximum Depth: 2

    h.Make the maximum depth relative to the starting level while following the active menu item: True

    i.Expand All Children: True

    j.Region Settings for YLS: Subsite Right Navigation Region

    k.Set up Show block on specific pages the same as above.

    8.Create a subsite footer:

    a.Create a copy of the main site Footer:

    i.Content > Filter by content type of “Footer”

    ii.Find the “YLS Footer” item.View it.

    iii.Click “Clone Node”

    iv.Change title of the clone (subsite name appended with “footer”).Modify the footer as desired for the subsite.

    b.Place the new footer into the Subsite Footer region.

    i.Top Nav: Structure > Blocks

    ii.Find the new Subsite Footer block.Change its region to “Subsite Footer”.

    iii.Configure the “block appears on pages” the same as the blocks above.

    9.Add Subsite Carousel Module to the homepage.

    .Browse to the subsite homepage

    a.“Customize this Page”

    b.Main Content region:

    .Add Content: New Subsite Carousel

    i.Title: Subsite name

    ii.Select the color for the subsite.

    iii.Save, then go back in to Edit.Add the Slides.

    iv.Add additional modules as desired.

    10.Add Pages as children of the subsite menu.Use the ‘Subsite Wide Page’ or ‘Subsite Right Rail Navigation’ layouts.

    .Banner: is required.Use the “thin banner” option.

    YLS Today Page

    The YLS Today page functions in a very similar manner to the Dynamic Feed Module, except items in the News/Events/Videos tabs do not need to be tagged in any special manner to appear.The most recent (or soonest upcoming events) appear in each of those tabs.

    Items in the Featured tab still need to be tagged as 'YLS Today' > 'Featured' to appear.The first item on the Featured tab will be tagged with 'YLS Today' > 'Top Featured'.

    Additionally, the YLS Today page enables the site visitor to filter the page based upon Law Topics.For this reason, News, Videos, and Events should be tagged with Law Topics so that these filtering options have items available for listing.

    Areas of Interest

    Areas of Interest (also known as Areas of Study) is a pair of modules that showcase the main Law Topics at Yale Law School.The Homepage has a module which displays three topics in a callout, and then provides links to the other topics.

    There is also a dedicated Areas of Interest page which shows callouts for all twelve topics:

    Each Area of Interest is represented by a Content item of type 'Content Callout Item'.They are tagged with the Feed Type of 'Area of Interest Callout'.

    ·Create a new Content Callout Item via Content > Add Content > Content Callout Item.

    ·Title: name of the area of interest (e.g. Corporate Law)

    ·Content: text that shows on the homepage, or on the areas of interest page.This text should be kept fairly short to fit within the callout.

    ·Set the image (browse to select)

    ·Link Name: Same as title

    ·Link URL: The URL to full page dedicated to this area of interest

    ·Corner text/subtitle: empty

    ·Taxonomy Terms: none

    ·Feed Type: Area of Interest callouts

    After adding an item and tagging it with the Feed Type of 'Area of Interest Callouts', the item will automatically appear on the main Area of Interests page.

    Homepage Areas of Interest

    The Homepage Areas of Interest module works slightly differently from the main Areas of Interest page.Although newly added Content Callout Items with the Feed Type of 'Area of Interest Callouts' will automatically be shown as a link under 'All Areas of Interest', an extra action is required to set that item as one of the three featured images on the homepage.

    1.Edit the module via the gear icon.

    2.Remove one of the existing Callouts - only three should be selected.Note: do not choose 'Delete this node from the system' unless you also want it removed from the main Areas of Interest page.

    3.Select Add Existing Node and type in the name of the callout you would like to add.

    4.Alternatively, you can create a new Area of Interest via the Add New Node option.

    5.Save the module.