Testing Checklists

Testing Checklists

General: Module & Security Updates

  • Test basic site functionality (click through links, check images, appearance of modules, make sure breadcrumbs work, play a video, etc).  Check Home Page, ALL first tier pages, spot check second and third level pages
  • Test basic Search functionality to make sure to get expected results.  Note about testing search functionality on dev and stage, these sites are not allowed to write to the solr index, so results will always be from PROD. 
  • Test apachesolr_access.module *modified by Primacy this module will “show the lock” when searching for protected content.  Search for “Cdo Videos” and you should see the lock next to the video content.  Note about testing search functionality on dev and stage, these sites are not allowed to write to the solr index, so results will always be from PROD. 
  • Check that pages that are selected to not be included as part of SOLR search do not appear in results. 
  • Testing Web Forms: Make sure you are on TEST and use TEST Data/INFO.  Giving Site Gift Intention form
    Add / Edit /Approve /Tag an event 
  • Download different Event iCal/gCal examples (all day, repeating, single)
  • Check the Search Events for proper results 
  • Login as an authenticated test user and make sure the Drupal overlay and user role function as expected
  • Login as Admin user and make sure the Drupal overlay and role function as expected 
  • Check workflow of new content being created, tagged, saved as draft and then published 
  • Spot check permissions for roles and TAC 
  • Check dynamic RSS and All Social Media feeds 
  • Test all outstanding issues 
  • Test Alert System