
International Law Programs E-Newsletter & Archive

The YLS International Programs Newsletter contains information about campus events, grants and fellowships, miscellaneous opportunities, and additional resources. It aims to help students navigate events and opportunities relating to international, transnational, foreign, and comparative law. From reminders of deadlines for abstract submissions to the American Society of International Law to pointing out resources for searching international career opportunities, the newsletter is the product of great devotion and effort. All YLS students receive the weekly newsletter via email each Monday during the semester. In addition, YLS events can be found on the online calendar.

For all its qualities, the newsletter does not and cannot encapsulate all of the international opportunities that bloom in the hallways of YLS. Stay appraised of opportunities by taking classes with an international focus, joining student groups, and attending extracurricular events and conferences. The myriad of centers and programs at YLS are always bringing in outside scholars and professionals interested in recruiting YLS students.

May 1, 2023

Featured in this issue: Campus events including a talk on the ‘Criminalization of Children during Guatemala’s Civil War,’ a film screening of ‘Land of Azaba’ followed by a Q&A with the director, and a GLC book talk with Samuel Ringgold Ward on ‘A Life of Struggle;’ other opportunities including the ICCA Guillermo Aguilar-Alvarez Memorial Prize and the Streicker Scholar Fund for International Research.

April 24, 2023

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a discussion on ‘Health for All: Addressing Barriers to Gender-Affirming Care for Adults in Selected African Countries;’ campus events including a Latin American Studied Working Group talk on ‘Toward a History of the Long Colombian War’ by Steven Cohen, a lecture on ‘Reparations, the Refugee Crisis and European Neocolonialism,’ and a film screening of ‘Paper City;’ other opportunities including the Smit-Lowenfeld Prize, the ICCA Guillermo Aguilar-Alvarez Memorial Prize, and the Streicker Scholar Fund for International Research.

April 17, 2023

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a career event on ‘National Security and Working in the CIA,’ a talk by Professor Nartnirun Junngam on ‘Corruption & International Arbitration,’ and a discussion with Elizabeth Yeampierre on ‘Creating a Sustainable Movement for Climate Justice;’ campus events including a PRFDHR seminar with Professor Elisa Cavatorta on ‘Revealing the Space for a Peace Agreement between Parties in Conflict,’ a national screening of ‘Terror and Hope’ on PBS, and a career conversation with Ignacio Carvajal; other opportunities including the Smit-Lowenfeld Prize, the ICCA Guillermo Aguilar-Alvarez Memorial Prize, and the Streicker Scholar Fund for International Research.

April 10, 2023

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a panel discussion titled ‘Welcome Ukraine? Navigating Ukraine’s Accession to the EU,’ an in-person information session on ‘The Gruber Program for Global Justice and Women’s Rights Fellowships,’ and the opening conversation of the Bernstein Symposium on ‘China’s 21st Century Authoritarianism;’ campus events including a presentation on ‘Jangar: The Heroic Epic of the Kalmyk Nomads,’ a Leitner seminar with Cesi Cruz, and an SASC colloquium with Sanaa Alimia on ‘Refugee Cities;’ other opportunities including other opportunities including the Smit-Lowenfeld Prize for article on international arbitration, the ICCA Guillermo Aguilar-Alvarez Memorial Prize, and the Streicker Scholar Fund for International Research.

April 3, 2023

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a virtual information session on ‘The Gruber Program for Global Justice and Women’s Rights Fellowships,’ a YJIL symposium on ‘Third-World Perspectives on Sanctions,’ and a human rights workshop with Douglas Kysar on ‘The Duty of Climate Change;’ campus events including a discussion on ‘Humanitarian Assistance and National Security,’ a presentation on ‘Feminist Theory on Fire and Revolt,’ and a film screening of ‘Harmonium (2016, Fukada Koji);’ other opportunities including other opportunities including the Smit-Lowenfeld Prize for article on international arbitration, the ICCA Guillermo Aguilar-Alvarez Memorial Prize, and the Streicker Scholar Fund for International Research.

March 27, 2023

Featured in this issue: YLS events including the ‘Spring 2023 Gruber Lecture in Global Justice with Lynsey Addario,’ a conversation on ‘(State) Legality and (Sociopolitical) Legitimacy in Peru,’ and a human rights workshop with Michael Gerrard on ‘International Adjudication and Climate Change Loss and Damage;’ campus events including a modern Europe colloquium on ‘Dutch Diseases: Race, Oil, and Intimacy in Offshore Europe,’ a screening of Jennifer Cárcamo’s ‘Los Eternos Indocumentados,’ and a talk titled ‘Paradoxes of Neoliberal Politics in a Post-Communist Society;’ other opportunities including the WIIT Charitable Trust Future Global Leaders Scholarship, the ICCA Guillermo Aguilar-Alvarez Memorial Prize, and the 2023-2024 Dean Acheson Legal Stage Program in Luxembourg at the Court of Justice of the European Union.

March 6, 2023

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a ‘Conversation on Leadership with Ian Solomon ‘02,’ a book talk on ‘The Ideological Foundations of Qing Taxation,’ and a human rights workshop with Sunil Amrith on ‘Migration and Environmental Justice: A Perspective from South Asia;’ campus events including a discussion led by Aleksandar Uskokov on ‘The Philosophy of the Brahmasutra,’ a talk on ‘Russia, Ukraine, and the Laws of War,’ and an SASC colloquium on ‘Nation and Violence: Reflections on recent vigilante violence in India;’ other opportunities including other opportunities including the 2023 Kirby Simon Summer Fellowships, the 2023 ASIL Annual Meeting from March 29-31, and the 2023 John N. Hazard Fund.

February 27, 2023

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a discussion on ‘Protecting Independent Russian Media: The EU’s Role,’ a human rights workshop with John Knox on ‘Climate Change and UN Human Rights Bodies,’ and a YLS conference titled ‘Intersections: Dialogues on Memory, Restitution, and Justice;’ campus events including a symposium on ‘Lessons and Legacies of Iraq 20 Years On,’ an Iran colloquium on ‘The Making of the Modern Carceral State in Iran,’ and a film screening of ‘Mariupolis 2’ followed by a conversation with Marci Shore; other opportunities including the Streicker Scholar Fund for International Research, the 2023 Kirby Simon Summer Fellowships, and 2023 John N. Hazard Fund.

February 20, 2023

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a talk by incoming Asst. Professor of American Studies Julian Posada on ‘The Coloniality of Data Work,’ a discussion on ‘Democratic Backsliding and Declining Rule of Law in Poland’ led by Michał Wawrykiewicz, and a human rights workshop led by César Rodríguez-Garavito on ‘Climatizing Human Rights;’ campus events including a discussion on ‘The Impact of Aid on Ethiopian Politics and Geopolitical Relations,’ a talk on “The Chinese Government’s Systematic Destruction of Uyghur Cultural Heritage,’ and a GLC book talk on ‘Blood on the River: A Chronicle of Mutiny and Freedom on the Wild Coast;’ other opportunities including 2023 Kirby Simon Summer Fellowships, the 2023 ASIL Annual Meeting from March 29-31, and the 2023-2024 Dean Acheson Legal Stage Program in Luxembourg at the Court of Justice of the European Union.

February 13, 2023

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a book launch of ‘Public Freedoms in the Islamic State’ and a human rights workshop with Vijaya Ramachandran titled ‘Climate Colonialism: A Discussion of Rich Countries’ Energy Policies Towards Poor Countries;’ campus events including a panel discussion on ‘Balkan Communism Revisited,’ a PRFRHR colloquium led by Rizvi Hassan on ‘Living in Impermanence,’ and a conversation on ‘The Ancient Cultural Exchange of Korea and Eurasia;’ other opportunities including the Streicker Scholar Fund for International Research, the WIIT Charitable Trust Global Leaders Scholarship, and the Smit-Lowenfeld Prize.

February 6, 2023

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a discussion of the film ‘Argentina, 1985,’ a talk with Stephen Wertheim on ‘The Anti-Imperial Moment: The Ukraine War and the Promise and Perils of Fighting Imperialism,’ and a human rights workshop with Kamal Amakrane on ‘The Sovereignty, Statehood & Rights Amidst the Climate Crisis: The Case of Atoll Island Countries;’ campus events including a discussion on ‘Greece’s China Policy: The Exceptional Case of a Small Western State,’ a CMES colloquium on ‘The Labor Movement in Lebanon: Power on Hold,’ and a virtual panel discussion on ‘Democratic Backsliding in Latin America;’ other opportunities including the 6th Annual John D. Greenwald Writing Competition, 2023 Kirby Simon Summer Fellowships, and the 2023 ASIL Annual Meeting from March 29-31.

January 30, 2023

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a panel on ‘The Future of Immigrant Rights,’ a human rights workshop with Alyssa Battistoni titled ‘After Carbon Democracy: Towards Democratic Decarbonization,’ and a PTCC student roundtable presented by Alyssa Resar ‘25; campus events including a lunch talk with Melissa Tores on ‘Latinxs Experiences of Trafficking Throughout the Americas,’ a CMES colloquium titled ‘The Right Kind of Suffering: Gender, Sexuality, and Arab Asylum Seekers in America,’ and a film screening of ‘BURIAL’ and conversation with director and writer Emilija Škarnulytė; other opportunities including the 6th Streicker Scholar Fund for International Research, 2023-24 Bernstein and Robina Post-Graduate Fellowships, and 2023-24 Gruber Post-Graduate Fellowships.

January 23, 2023

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a conversation with John Bellinger on ‘National Security Lawyering,’ a film screening of ‘My Imaginary Country,’ and a human rights workshop with Alfred Brownell on ‘The Frontlines of the Climate Crisis;’ campus events including a conversation on ‘Discipline and Care: Institutional Spaces in Late Soviet Estonia,’ a CSEAS Brown Bag Seminar titled ‘The Linguist and the King of Siam: Yale in the History of Thai Linguistics,’ and a Poynter Fellowship Lecture by Valeria Hopkins, an international correspondent for the New York Times; other opportunities including the 6th Annual John D. Greenwald Writing Competition and the 2023-24 Judicial Fellowship Programme at the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

January 16, 2023

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a talk led by Sareeta Amrute on ‘Cyber-Fugitivity and Anti-Caste Thought’ and a Paul Tsai China Center open house; campus events including a Leitner Seminar with Alexander Trubowitz and a discussion on ‘Institutional Racism in International Relations;’ other opportunities including the 2023-24 Judicial Fellowship Programme at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the 2023-4 Fellowship at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague.

December 12, 2022

Featured in this issue: Campus events including a REEES and Fortunoff Video Archive talk with Natalia Otrishchenko, a SAAB Series discussion on ‘Oil and the Arc of Anticolonialism: India and the Abadan Crisis, 1951-53,’ and a panel discussion by the ISPS Democracy Series on the 2022 Midterms; other opportunities including a call for applications to the 2023 FASPE Law Fellows program, the Yale Law School Latin American Linkages Exchange Program, and the 2023-4 Fellowship at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague.


December 5, 2022

Featured in this issue: Campus events including a PRFDHR seminar with Prof. Kaveh Khoshnood on the ‘Role of Public Health in Response to Armed Conflict,’ a CMES colloquium titled ‘Tales of Tangier: The Case of Mohamed Choukri,’ and an Agrarian Studies colloquium on ‘Socializing the Technosphere;’ other opportunities including the SIEL JIEL OUP Essay Prize, the Smit-Lowenfeld Prize, and a call for applications to the 2023 FASPE Law Fellows program.


November 28, 2022

Featured in this issue: Campus events including a presentation by Han Zhang on ‘Surveillance, Preventive Repression, and Collective Action: Evidence from China,’ a talk on ‘Japan’s Strategic Review,’ and a documentary screening titled ‘With Olive Groves in the Aegean: Greeks & Turks;’ other opportunities including a call for applications to the 2023 Salzburg Lloyd N. Cutler Fellows Program, the Smit-Lowenfeld Prize, and the ICCA Guillermo Aguilar-Alvarez Memorial Prize.


November 21, 2022

Featured in this issue: Other opportunities including the 6th Annual John D. Greenwald Writing Competition, the WIIT Charitable Trust Future Global Leaders Scholarship, and a call for applications to the 2023-4 Fellowship at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague.


November 14, 2022

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a conversation with Musa Mahmodi on ‘Why the World Must Stop Ignoring Afghanistan’s Genocide of the Hazara,’ a book talk with Harvard Gov. Prof. Yuhua Wang on ‘The Rise and Fall of Imperial China: The Social Origins of State Development,’ and a human rights workshop with Roya Hakakian on ‘Woman, Life, Liberty: How Iran Became the Cradle of George Washington’s Legacy;’ campus events including a two-day colloquium on ‘Strategies for Sustainable Peacebuilding: Implementation and Policy,’ a talk led by Prof. Song Chong Lee on ‘Ham Sok Hon and an Imagination of Korean Civil Religion,’ and a conversation with award-winning writer Marianna Kiyanovska on ‘Reading Ukraine’; other opportunities including a call for applications to the 6th Annual John D. Greenwald Writing Competition for works related to international trade law and a call for applications to the 2023-24 Fellowship at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague.


November 7, 2022

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a Kirby Simon panel on ‘Human Rights Through Museums and Education Initiatives,’ a discussion on Brazil’s 2022 presidential election, and a human rights workshop with Raif Zreik titled ‘Historical Justice: First and Second Order Arguments;’ campus events including a presentation on ‘Dominance Through Division: Group-Based Clientelism in Japan,’ a CMES colloquium on ‘Decolonial Science: Muslims in Interwar Germany and the Making of Modern Afghanistan,’ and a conversation on ‘Maritime Commodity Trade with the Jiankang Empire;’ other opportunities including a lunch discussion with Peter Laszlo Vincze on the World Bank Group’s Legal Vice Presidency and Internship Program and the 10th Annual Clara Barton International Humanitarian Law (IHL) Competition in March 2023.


October 31, 2022

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a private dinner with Paul Tsai China Center visiting scholar Yanhui Peng, a book talk on ‘Come to This Court’ by Linda Kinstler, and a human rights workshop with Dinesha Samaratne titled ‘Of State Capture, Human Rights and Crises: Insights from Sri Lanka;’ campus events including a presentation on ‘Europe and the War in Ukraine: Russia’s Intent and Impacts on the EU System and Transatlantic Relations,’ a Modern Europe Colloquium on ‘Racial and Reproductive Regimes,’ and a talk titled ‘A Jewish Poetics of Exile: Benjamin Fondane and Jewish Émigré Authors in Occupied France;’ other opportunities including a call for applications to be a 2023 FASPE Law Fellow and the YLS Latin American Linkages Exchange Program.


October 24, 2022

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a coffee chat with trial attorney Dmitry Slavin, a panel discussion on ‘China after the 20th Party Congress,’ and a conversation with Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton ‘73 and Dean Heather K. Gerken; campus events including a Modern Europe Colloquium on ‘Political Men: Masculinity and Politics in 20th Century Europe,’ a photo exhibition by Prof. Pablo Vidal, and a discussion on ‘Perspectives on Slavery and Freedom in Brazil;’ other opportunities including the ASIL Dispute Resolution Interest Group (DRIG) Prize and the ICCA Guillermo Aguilar-Alvarez Memorial Prize for outstanding published works on international arbitration, conciliation, or other forms of dispute settlement over the past two years.


October 17, 2022

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a Latin American Linkage Program information session, a presentation by Prof. Dr. Boris P. Paal on ‘Access to Data - A European Law Perspective,’ and a student-faculty career lunch with Prof. James Cavallaro; campus events including a talk on ‘Malaysia’s upcoming elections: the state of play,’ a PRFDHR seminar on ‘Constructing Asylum in a Non-Signatory State: Urban Power and Refugee Resilience in Bangkok,’ and a conversation on ‘Museums and Mass Violence: Perils and Potential;’ other opportunities including a call for applications for the WIIT Charitable Trust Future Global Leaders Scholarship and for the Smit-Lowenfeld Prize, which recognizes outstanding articles on international arbitration.


October 10, 2022

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a panel discussion with upper-class students on ‘1L Summer Jobs in National Security’ and a human rights workshop with Fernando Atria on ‘Creating Chile’s New Constitution;’ campus events including a conversation with Natalie Alkiviadou on ‘The Far Right in Greece and the Law,’ a CMES lecture on ‘Sextarianism: Sovereignty, Secularism, and the State in Lebanon,’ and a conference honoring the work and life of Frances Rosenbluth titled ‘The Political Economy of Institutions;’ other opportunities including an information session on October 11th for the 10th Annual Clara Barton International Humanitarian Law Competition next March and a call for applications to the Middle East Legal Studies Seminar’s three-day conference to be held in Barcelona in January.


October 3, 2022

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a lecture by Lawrence H. Summers, the Charles W. Eliot Professor and President Emeritus of Harvard University, on ‘Inflation Risks for America and the Global Economy’ and a human rights workshop with Lourdes Rivera titled ‘Beyond Dobbs: Lessons from Abroad for the Fight for Reproductive Rights in the US;’ campus events including a roundtable discussion on ‘Africa and the Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Challenges and Lessons for the Future,’ a lecture by Ramachandra Guha on ‘Personality Cults and Democratic Decline,’ and a screening of the British film ‘The Third Man;’ other opportunities including the ASIL Dispute Resolution Interest Group (DRIG) Prize for the best article in international dispute resolution and the ICCA Guillermo Aguilar-Alvarez Memorial Prize which recognizes the best published work on international arbitration, conciliation or other forms of dispute settlement over the past two years.


September 26, 2022

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a conversation on ‘LGBTQ Rights Advocacy in China,’ a human rights workshop led by Foreign Policy writer Nosmot Gbadamosi on ‘China’s Future in Africa in the New Cold War,’ and a Mandarin language table hosted by the Paul Tsai China Center; campus events including an Iran colloquium on ‘Minority Pasts: Poetry, Patronage, and Sovereignty in Princely Rampur,’ a Gilder Lehrman Center lunch with Nicola Denzey Lewis and Brishette Mendoza on ‘Freedpeople and Mortuary Industries in Imperial Rome and the Postbellum American South,’ and a book discussion on ‘The Idea of Italy: Photography and the British Imagination, 1840-1900;’ other opportunities including the WIIT Charitable Trust Future Global Leaders Scholarship for women studying international trade and the Smit-Lowenfeld Prize which recognizes outstanding articles on international arbitration.


September 19, 2022

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a presentation on ‘Vestiges of Colonialism: Puerto Rico and Sovereignty,’ an information session on Gruber Fellowships in Global Justice and Women’s Rights, and a conversation with three LPE scholars on ‘Rewriting the Economy: Race, Gender, and Economy in LPE;’ campus events including a conversation with Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Gabrielius Landsbergis on ‘The Future of Trans-Atlantic Relations and the Global Implications of Russia’s War in Ukraine,’ a lecture on the book ‘Born in Blackness: Centering Africa in the Birth of the Modern World,’ and a screening of Edward Yang’s ‘Yi Yi’ from the Yale Film Archive; other opportunities including discounted membership with the American Society of International Law (ASIL) and the ASIL 2022 Midyear Meeting on November 11 and 12 at University of Miami School of Law.


September 12, 2022

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a conversation with Sushma Raman on her book with Bill Schulz ‘The Coming Good Society: Why New Realities Demand New Rights,’ a discussion on ‘Climate Change Progress: The Path Beyond the Paris Agreement,’ and a human rights workshop with Justyna Gudzowska ‘04 on ‘Targeted Sanctions as a Tool for Human Rights and Accountability;’ campus events including a conversation with foreign policy advisor Matt Duss, a screening of the film ‘The Ice Cream Sellers’ followed by a Q&A with director Sohel Rahman, and a conference on ‘Ethnic Relations in the Baltic Reconsidered;’ other opportunities including discounted membership with the American Society of International Law (ASIL).


September 5, 2022

Featured in this issue: YLS events including an information session on Gruber Fellowships in Global Justice and Women’s Rights, a human rights workshop with Harold Hongju Koh on ‘Litigating Human Rights in the Russia-Ukraine Crisis,’ and an open house for the Paul Tsai China Center; campus events including the REEES Program’s welcome reception; other opportunities including discounted membership with the American Society of International Law (ASIL).


August 29, 2022

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a roundtable discussion over lunch on ‘Military Justice’ hosted by the Yale Law National Security Group and a human rights workshop with Timothy Snyder titled ‘How to Think About the Russian Invasion of Ukraine;’ campus events including a seminar on ‘Diplomasi Santri (Santri Diplomacy)’ and a conversation on ‘Russia’s War in Ukraine: A Baltic Perspective;’ other opportunities including discounted membership with the American Society of International Law (ASIL).


April 25, 2022

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a talk with Nicholas Bequelin and Susan Thornton on ‘China’s Response to the War in Ukraine,’ a panel on ‘EU’s Citizenship Apartheid,’ and a conversation titled ‘Journal of Free Speech Law: Revisiting Defamation, Incitement, and Hate Speech in the era of Social Media;’ campus events including a discussion on ‘Trinidad: Diplomacy Matters Especially in 2022” with Kumar Gupta, High Commissioner of Canada in Trinidad & Tobago, a piano recital and presentation titled ‘Russian Mirages of New York,’ and the an Iran colloquium on “Universal History in the Late Mughal Empire;’ other opportunities including a call for papers for the Nabert Prize Competition and paid traineeships with the International Committee of the Red Cross’ Legal Division.


April 18, 2022 

Featured in this issue: YLS events including the Judge Ralph K. Winter Lecture on Corporate Law on Governance delivered by Sir Paul Tucker titled ‘Regulating for International Economic Resilience During Fractured Geopolitics,’ the final installment of the Transatlantic Seminar on Consumer Law, Technology, and Inequality on big tech, and a human rights workshop with Sarah Belal on ‘Campaigning to End Torture in Pakistan: Ten Years of Struggle and Progress;’ campus events including a CSEAS seminar on ‘Spirit Possession in Buddhist Southeast Asia,’ a conversation with NYU’s Professor Bruce Grant on ‘Empire, Satire, and Political Ambition in the Caucasus,’ and a talk with Columbia’s Professor Camille Robcis on ‘Disalienation: Politics, Philosophy and Radical Psychiatry in Postwar France;’ other opportunities including a call for papers for the Nabert Prize Competition.


April 11, 2022

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a discussion on ‘The Elusive Quest for Human Rights in Uganda’s Military Regime: Voices from the Trenches,’ a talk on the ‘Convention on Animal Protection: A Global Treaty for Animal Welfare, Public Health, and the Environment,’ and a human rights workshop with Sarah Stillman on ‘Reporting on Structural Justice;’ campus events including an SASC special lecture with Rajeev Gowda on ‘The Perverse Impacts of Electoral Laws on India’s Political Economy,’ a conversation with IBM’s Mark Ritter on ‘Quantum Computing and Global Affairs,’ and CMES colloquium on ‘The Best of Hard Times: Palestinian Refugee Masculinities in Lebanon;’ other opportunities including a call for papers for the Nabert Prize Competition.


April 4, 2022

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a conversation with Lilly Irani on ‘Claiming Democracy over Digital Infrastructure,’ a human rights workshop with Michael Breen on ‘Human Rights in Crisis: Meeting the Moment at Home and Abroad,’ and a discussion on ‘The Histories of Muslims and the Universal History of Impiety’; campus events including a talk on ‘Women Writers and the Discourse on Postwar Japan,’ a CSEAS seminar on ‘Human Rights, Myanmar and the UN,’ and a documentary screening of ‘Black Russians: The Red Experience;’ other opportunities including a call for papers for the Nabert Prize Competition and the 2022 ASIL Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C.


March 28, 2022

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a talk with David Thaw of the University of Pittsburgh on Election Interference titled ‘From Russia With Love,’ a panel on ‘Exile: Struggling for Human Rights from Afar,’ and a student roundtable on ‘Intellectual Property in China and in U.S.-China Relations;’ campus events including a film screening of ‘Parlika’ and Q&A with the director, a CMES colloquium on ‘Turkish Foreign Policy, the Arab Spring, and State Reformation,’ and the annual Global Governance Debate; other opportunities including a call for papers for the Nabert Prize Competition and the 2022 ASIL Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C.


March 14, 2022

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a conversation with Zhou Dan and Peng Yanhui on ‘LGBT Rights Advocacy in China,’ a human rights workshop with Claudia Flores on ‘The Failure of the World’s Richest Countries to Restrain Law Enforcement,’ and a conversation with Gurbir Grewal and John McCormick on ‘The SEC in the Digital Age;’ campus events including an ISS discussion forum on ‘Challenges to World Order,’ a PRFDHR seminar with Professor Torsten Persson on ‘The Political Economics of Green Transitions,’ and a documentary screening and discussion of ‘Black Russians;’ other opportunities including the Cornell-Paris 1 Summer Institute and the 2022 ASIL Annual Meeting.

March 7, 2022

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a Yale Legal History Forum on ‘Ideology and Contours of Economic Change in Modern China, 1850-1950,’ a human rights workshop on ‘Mexico’s Constitutional Crisis and the War on Drugs,’ and a virtual information session on Gruber Fellowships in Global Justice and Women’s Rights; campus events including a talk with Pierre Birnbaum on ‘The End of American Exceptionalism? Antisemitism from Leo Frank to Pittsburgh,’ a GLC panel on ‘Re:Structuring the Global Economy to Prevent Forced Labor,’ and an SASC special lecture with Vinay Sitapati on ‘India Before Modi How the BJP Came to Power;’ other opportunities including the Cornell-Paris 1 Summer Institute and the Nappert Prize Competition.


February 28, 2022

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a presentation and discussion on ‘Turbulence in Latin America,’ a book talk on ‘Democracy and Executive Power: Policymaking Accountability in the US, the UK, Germany, and France,’ and a panel on ‘Neoliberalism and Health Care;’ campus events including the second session of the Yale Cyber Leadership Forum on ‘Disinformation and the Future of Democracy,’ a Gender and Policy Forum on ‘Equality and Civil Society after COVID-19,’ and a conference on ‘African Epistemologies for the 21st Century;’ other opportunities including the Cornell-Paris 1 Summer Institute and the Nappert Prize Competition.


February 21, 2022

Featured in this issue: YLS events including an information session on the Tsai Leadership Program, a human rights workshop with Dr. Luke Moffet on ‘Reparations by Non-State Armed Groups,’ and an AI governance virtual symposium on ‘The Geopolitics of European AI;’ campus events including a CSEAS seminar on ‘The Unimagined Community: Imperialism and Culture in South Vietnam,’ a discussion with former Afghan Education Minister Rangina Hamidi, and the first session of the Latin American Policy Leader Series; other opportunities including the Cornell-Paris 1 Summer Institute and the European Court of Auditors (ECA) Virtual Open Day.


February 14, 2022

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a discussion on ‘Platform Governance: Lessons from IP Regulation on the Internet,’ a seminar on ‘Digital Economy and Inequality (Part II),’ and a human rights workshop with Alfred Brownell on ‘International Strategies to Build Solidarity and Protect Frontline Defenders;’ campus events including a book talk on ‘Utopia’s Discontents: Russia’s Emigres,’ a discussion on ‘The War Next Door: Society and Conflict in Ukraine and Russia,’ and the Yale Cyber Leadership Forum; other opportunities including the Cornell-Paris 1 Summer Institute and the European Court of Auditors (ECA) Virtual Open Day.


February 7, 2022

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a lecture by Carmen Reinhart, Senior Vice President and Chief Economist of the World Bank Group, on ‘Central Banks and the Inflationary Aftermath of COVID-19,’ a seminar on ‘Digital Economy and Inequality,’ and a human rights workshop with Leilani Farha on ‘Profit Grab: When Housing Creates Homelessness;’ campus events including a panel on ‘Kazakhstan 2022 and the Culture of Protest,’ a movie screening of ‘Border South,’ and a gender and policy forum on ‘Women and Development: Empowering Individuals, Building Communities;’ other opportunities including the 2022-2023 Judicial Fellowship Programme and the Cornell-Paris 1 Summer Institute.


January 31, 2022

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a discussion on ‘Partisan US News Media Representations of the Syrian Refugee Crisis,’ a panel on ‘Health, Movements, and Power-building,’ and a human rights workshop with David Marshall on ‘The Unfolding Atrocities in Tigray;’ campus events including a PRFDHR seminar on ‘Stories of Belonging from the New Syrian Diaspora,’ a Foreign Affairs virtual open house, and CMES colloquium on ‘Security in MENA: Critical Considerations from the Global South Perspective;’ other opportunities including a call for proposals for the Third Annual International Conference of European Studies Graduate Fellows and the 2022-2023 Judicial Fellowship Programme.


January 24, 2022

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a talk with Sandra Ritovska, Assistant Professor of Media Studies at the University of Colorado Boulder, on ‘Seeing Human Rights: Video Activism as a Proxy Profession;’ campus events including a conversation with Arkotong Longkumer and Clare Harris on ‘The Art of the Borderland across South and Southeast Asia,’ a CSEAS seminar on ‘Disunion: Anticommunist Nationalism and the Making of the Republic of Vietnam,’ and a CAS lecture on ‘Chokepoints: Temporalities of Navigation in the Red Sea;’ other opportunities including a call for proposals for the Third Annual International Conference of European Studies Graduate Fellows and the 2022-2023 Judicial Fellowship Programme.

December 13, 2021

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a book colloquium with Dr Weixia Gu on ‘Dispute Resolution in China: Litigation, Arbitration, Meditation and Their Interactions;’ campus eventsincluding a Latin American studies Working Group Meeting and a webinar on ‘Feminist Surveillance Art of Central and East Europe;’ other opportunities including the 2022 DODSummer Honors Legal Internship Program and the 25th Conference of the Model WTO.

December 6, 2021

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a talk with award-winning journalist Yi-Ling Liu on ‘Metaphors of Online Life in China;’ campus events including a conversation on ‘Candidate Behavior in Modern Japan,’ a CAS lecture on ‘The Miracles of the Virgin Mary in Medieval African Literature and Art,’ and a book discussion with Adam Mahler on ‘Clepsydra and Other Poems;’ other opportunities including the 2022 Salzburg Lloyd N. Cutler Fellows Program and the 25th Conference of the Model WTO.

November 29, 2021

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a virtual panel on ‘Care Extractivism’ and a conversation on ‘Green Law and Policy in the EU;’ campus events including a webinar on ‘Political Competition as a Trigger for Instability in Africa,’ an Iran Colloquium on ‘Radio in Afghanistan: Sounds of Resistance through Literary Cultural Production,’ and the Latin American Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Annual Conference; other opportunities including the 2022 FASPE Fellowship Programs and the 25th Conference of the Model WTO.

November 22, 2021

Featured in this issue: No YLS or campus events due to Thanksgiving Recess; other opportunities including the 2022 DOD Summer Honors Legal Internship Program and the 2022 FASPE Fellowship Programs.

November 15, 2021

Featured in this issue: YLS events including an introduction to international arbitration with Hugh Carlson and Kimberly Larkin, a discussion on ‘The European Union vs. International and Domestic Courts: A Contentious Coexistence,’ and a human rights workshop with Renata Mustafina on ‘Protestors on Trial and Legal Activism in Russia;’ campus events including a Latin American Studies Working Group meeting, a career conversation with Tim Rivera, ‘10 B.A., and a Modern Europe Colloquium with Tiffany Florvil; other opportunities including the 9th Annual Clara Barton International Humanitarian Law Competition and the 2022 DOD Summer Honors Legal Internship Program.

November 08, 2021

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a YLBS dinner talk with Magdalena Biereder of Allen & Overy on ‘International Capital Markets,’ a conversation with Rayhan Asat and Samuel Moyn on ‘China, The Uyghurs & the Future of Internationalism,’ and a human rights workshop on ‘The Long Shadow of the United State’s ‘War on Terror’;’ campus events including an ISS colloquium with Chris Miller, assistant professor of international history at Tufts, a CMES colloquium on ‘North African Poetry in French,’ and a discussion on ‘Sino-Indian Affairs: Competition and Conflict;’ other opportunities including legal fellowships at REDRESS and the ASIL 2021 Virtual Midyear Meeting.

October 25, 2021

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a human rights workshop with Anna Spain Bradley on ‘Ending Global Racism as a Human Rights’ and the 2021 Global Environmental Justice Conference; campus events including a PRFDHR seminar with Professor Marshall Burke on ‘Understanding the Causal Impact of Climate on Human Conflict’ and an SASC Colloquium with Sushant Singh on ‘India’s civil-military relations post-2014;’ other opportunities including CITBA and ASIL careers and internships in international trade, customs, and exports law and the 9th Annual Clara Barton International Humanitarian Law Competition.

October 18, 2021

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a talk with Leila Nadya Sadat on ‘The Pivotal Role of Crimes Against Humanity Law in Atrocity Prevention’ and a discussion with Michael Liu on ‘LGBT Rights in China: Dawn or Dusk?;’ campus events including a discussion at La Casa Cultural called ‘Last in Line? The Struggle for LGBTQ Rights in Peru, Within the South American Context’ and a panel on ‘Haroldopedia: Haroldo de Campos in International Perspective;’ other opportunities including ASIL’s Virtual Midyear Meeting and 2022 FASPE Fellowship Program.

October 11, 2021

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a human rights workshop on ‘The Past and Future of the International Refugee Regime’ and a virtual event on ‘The end of the refugee crisis in the EU? At what price?’ campus events including a PRFDHR seminar on ‘Global Mobile Inventors,’ an Iran colloquium on ‘Racial Blackness and Iranian Modernity: A Cinematic Anti-history,’ and a CMES colloquium on ‘What is Post-Classical Philosophy in Islam and How Did it Emerge?’ other opportunities including 2022 FASPE Fellowship Program and Legal Fellowships at REDRESS.

October 4, 2021

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a legal theory workshop and a virtual event on ‘The Facebook Files: What’s Next?;’ campus events including a movie screening, talk, and Q&A on ‘Notturno,’ an SASC Colloquium on ‘Reproductive Politics and the Making of Modern India,’ and a CMES colloquium on ‘Marital States: The Reproductive Politics of UnCitizenship in Jordan;’ other opportunities including American Society of International Law’s Virtual Midyear Meeting and Legal Fellowships at REDRESS.

September 27, 2021

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a human rights workshop on ‘A War on Global Poverty: The Lost Promise of Redistribution and the Rise of Microcredit,’ a virtual session on the Gruber Program at YLS, and a law, economics & organization workshop on ‘The Contradictions of Platform Regulation;’ campus events including a PFRDHR seminar on ‘The Return of Pachamama,’ a career conversation with Brazil-based journalist Catherine Osborn, and a CMES colloquium on ‘Decolonizing Memory: Algeria and the Politics of Testimony;’ other opportunities including American Society of International Law’s Virtual Midyear Meeting and 2022 FASPE Fellowship Programs.

September 20, 2021

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a conversation on ‘Division and Dissent in Cuba,’ a virtual session on international law programs at YLS, and a human rights workshop on ‘A Human Rights Conundrum: The Crisis in Haiti and the Need for Haitian Solutions;’ campus events including a CSEAS panel on ‘Events Since the Coup in Myanmar,’ a career conversation with CIPE’s Anti-Corruption & Governance Center director Frank Brown, and a SASC colloquium on ‘Mughals in Bombay: Migration, Community and Border-making in a Colonial Port City, Tania Bhattacharya;’ other opportunities including Legal Fellowships at REDRESS and 2022 FASPE Fellowship Programs.

September 13, 2021

Featured in this issue: YLS events including an information session on Gruber Fellowships and a human rights workshop on ‘Fighting for a Higher Law: Race, Class & the Bonds of Complicity in Cuba;’ campus events including a CSEAS seminar on ‘Engineering public hostility against popular movements: Tatmadaw’s suppressive repertoire in urban Myanmar,’ a career conversation with human rights lawyer Liz Jordan, and a CMES colloquium on ‘Escaping the trap of ‘uncivic’ societies: Experimental evidence from a Lebanese recycling program;’ other opportunities including American Society of International Law’s Virtual Midyear Meeting and 2022 FASPE Fellowship Programs.

April 19, 2021

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a Yale Cyber Leadership Forum Virtual Series on 'Disinformation and Active Measures,' a conversation with President Zhengyu Huang on 'Chinese Americans' Contributions to America,' and the Indigenous Nations and Climate Change Summit; campus events including a talk on 'Britain and the EU after Brexit,' the Foreign Affairs Virtual Open House, and a CAS Lecture on 'Cholera, Crisis & Citizenship in Zimbabwe'; other opportunities including the Women's Mental Health Conference at Yale and the American Society of International Law.

April 12, 2021

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a 'Panel Talk with Sullivan & Cromwell on Sovereign Finance,' a Yale Cyber Leadership Forum Virtual Series on 'Global Cooperation and Conflict' and a Justice Collaboratory Tea with Prof. Yanilda González; campus events including the SAYI Conference 2021, a talk on 'Sustainable Development on an Urbanizing Planet,' and a CAS Lecture on 'Thorazine and Terror'; other opportunities including an internship at the United Nations OHCHR and the Women's Mental Health Conference at Yale.

April 5, 2021

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a talk on 'The Future of U.S.-China Climate Cooperation,' a conversation with current Bernstein and Robina Fellows, and a Bernstein Symposium talk on 'End Times for the Age of Human Rights'; campus events including a talk on 'Fluid Horizons: Sinophone Literature and the Sea,' a CSEAS Brown Bag Seminar on 'The Politics of Good Reading,' and a CAS Lecture on 'African's Indigenous Medicinal Knowledge'; other opportunities including an internship at the United Nations OHCHR and the Women's Mental Health Conference at Yale.

March 29, 2021

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a Book Talk on 'Chinese Antitrust Exceptionalism,' a Yale Cyber Leadership Forum Virtual Series on 'Organizing to Address Cyber Threats,' and a Human Rights Workshop on 'Nigeria’s #ENDSARS Movement'; campus events including the InterAsia Waters Conference, a Yale Turkey Webinar Series on 'Turkish Mosques in the National Imaginary,' and a Conversation with Senator Mark Kelly; other opportunities including the 2021-2022 Dean Acheson Legal Stage Program and an internship at the United Nations OHCHR.

March 22, 2021

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a discussion on 'COVID-19 Vaccines: Regulation, Distribution & Equity,' a conversation with Aparna Bawa on 'Leading in an Age of Zoom,' and a human rights workshop on 'Myanmar in Crisis'; campus events including a talk on 'Aid, Geopolitics, And Power,' a conference on 'Japanese Soft Power in East Asia' and a discussion on 'Anti-Racist Feminisms in Brazil'; other opportunities including the 2021 ASIL Virtual Annual Meeting and the 2021-2022 Dean Acheson Legal Stage Program.

March 15, 2021

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a talk with Stephen Hadley on 'The Future of U.S.-China Relations,' a Harvard-Yale COVID and the Law Forum discussion on 'The Health Care System in the Age of COVID-19,' and a human rights workshop on 'India's Rising Authoritarianism'; campus events including a Yale Turkey Webinar on 'The Political Theology of Turkish-Kurdish Conflict,' an InterAsia Online Lecture with Professor Shankar Nair, and a digital talk on 'Ecocriticism and African Diasporic Cultural Production'; other opportunities including the 2021 ASIL Virtual Annual Meeting and the Women's Mental Health Conference at Yale.

March 8, 2021

Featured in this issue: YLS events including the Gruber Distinguished Lecture in Women's Rights with Cecile Richards, a conversation with Wang Yongmei on 'Litigating Trans Equal Employment Rights in China,' and a book talk on 'Crisis Lawyering: Effective Legal Advocacy in Emergency Situations'; campus events including a talk on '2034: A Novel of the Next World War,' an Emerging Voices in REEES Colloquium with Zukhra Kasimova, and a digital event on 'Exposing Corruption in the Global Arms Trade'; other opportunities including the 2021-2022 Dean Acheson Legal Stage Program and the Women's Mental Health Conference at Yale.

March 1, 2021

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a Harvard-Yale COVID and the Law Forum on 'The Disparate Burdens of COVID-19,' a digital talk on 'Racism, land loss, and the creation of modern agriculture,' and a human rights workshop on 'Chile's Constitutional Awakening'; campus events including an InterAsia Initiative Online Lecture with Professor Arash Khazeni, a PRFDHR Seminar on 'Evaluation of Camps for Syrian Refugees,' and a CAS Lecture on 'Nigeria and the Nation-State'; other opportunities including the 2021 ASIL Virtual Annual Meeting and the 2021-2022 Dean Acheson Legal Stage Program.

February 22, 2021

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a Harvard-Yale COVID and the Law Forum on 'The Use of Biotech in the COVID-19 Pandemic,' a digital talk on 'Unpacking Brexit and the New EU-UK Relationship,' and a human rights workshop on 'Yemen, Justice and the Biden Administration'; campus events including a Global Health Studies Speaker series with The Honorable Michel Sidibe, a panel on 'Bordering China, Bordering Reform,' and a talk on 'The Struggle for Legal Abortion in Latin America'; other opportunities including the 2021 ASIL Virtual Annual Meeting and the 2021-2022 Dean Acheson Legal Stage Program.

February 15, 2021

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a digital talk on 'The Beijing Effect,' a discussion on 'Controlling Power in the Digital Economy,' and a human rights workshop on 'The Fight for Women’s Rights in Poland'; campus events including a digital talk on 'Arab Cultural Figures Through Art,' a Cyber Leadership Forum discussion on 'Criminal Law Enforcement Across National Borders,' and a Poynter Event on 'Africa's Whistleblower Paradox'; other opportunities including an internship with the UN OHCHR and the 2021 ASIL Virtual Annual Meeting.

February 8, 2021

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a digital talk on 'The Beijing Effect,' a discussion on 'Qur'anic Semantics and the Nascency of an Islamic Lexicon,' and a human rights workshop on 'Decolonizing the Vaccine'; campus events including a digital talk on 'Equitable Vaccine Distribution,' a SASC Colloquium talk on 'A Spatial Biography of the Begum Samru' and a discussion on 'Great Power Competition and post-Brexit Britain'; other opportunities including the 3rd Annual CIArb NY Branch International Arbitration Student Article Competition and the 2021-2022 Dean Acheson Legal Stage Program.

February 1, 2021

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a Harvard-Yale COVID and the Law Forum on 'COVID 19's Legacy,' a book talk on 'Wildlife as Property Owners,' and a discussion with the authors of 'The President and Immigration Law'; campus events including a CSEAS Brown Bag Seminar on 'More-Than-Human Anthropology in Borneo,' a Yale Cyber Leadership Forum talk on 'Data is Everywhere and Nowhere,' and an Iran Colloquium talk on 'Gestures of Perplexity in Persian Compendiums'; other opportunities including The Center for Civilians in Conflict and the 3rd Annual CIArb NY Branch International Arbitration Student Article Competition.

November 9, 2020

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a Human Rights Workshop on 'Rethinking Social Protection,' a Law, Economics & Organization Workshop with Professor Melissa Dell and a talk on 'Elite Politics in the CCP;' campus events including a seminar on 'The Philippine Revolution,' a panel on 'American Choices in Afghanistan's Peace Process' and the Global Environmental Justice Conference; other opportunities including the American Society of International Law.

November 2, 2020

Featured in this issue: a YLS Human Rights Workshop on 'Race, Transitional Justice and Accountability in the US;' campus events including a talk on 'The Rise and Fall of Greek Neo-Nazims,' an InterAsia Online Lecture on 'The All India Radio Urdu Service's Letters of Longing' and a CSEAS Brown Bag Seminar on 'Biodiversity Conservation in Papau New Guinea;' other opportunities including the Clara Barton International Humanitarian Law Competition and the Jean Pictet Competition.

October 26, 2020

Distinguished Lecture in Global Justice by Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha and a Law, Economics & Organization Workshop on 'How the Rich Rule in American Foreign Policy;' campus events including a talk on 'The Virus in the Age of Madness,' a YIGH Global Health Conversation with Dr. Anthony Fauci, and a digital event on 'Genocide & Forgiveness;' other opportunities including the ASIL Virtual Midyear Meeting and the 7th Annual Clara Barton International Humanitarian Law Competition.

October 19, 2020

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a student roundtable on 'The U.S.-China Trade War' and a Human Rights Fellowship Panel; campus events including a Jackson Visiting Fellow Discussion Forum, a CAS Lecture on 'Making an African City' and a talk on 'Hong Kong and the United States;' other opportunities including the ASIL Virtual Midyear Meeting and the 2021 Jean Pictet Competition.

October 12, 2020

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a Human Rights Workshop on 'Racial Justice, Human Rights and the UN System,' a Wasserman Workshop on 'Reputational Economies of Scale' and a talk on 'Assessing the Xinjiang Crisis;' campus events including a Jackson Visiting Fellow Discussion Forum with Susan Rice, a webinar on 'Organizing in and around Migrant Detention' and a talk on 'Lebanon: 100 Years On;' other opportunities including a 'China and International Legal Order' Virtual Symposium and the Annual Clara Barton International Humanitarian Law Competition.

October 5, 2020

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a Human Rights Career Panel and a COVID-19 workshop on 'COVID and Employment Law;' campus events including a roundtable on 'Protests in Latin America,' a CAS Lecture on 'West African Screen Media,' and a talk on 'Korean Romanization;' other opportunities including the 'China and International Legal Order' Virtual Symposium and the 2021 Jean Pictet Competition.

September 28, 2020

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a COVID-19 workshop on 'COVID and Health Care Systems' and a human rights workshop on 'The Need for Democratic Dialogue;' campus events including an art exhibition on 'Visual Acts of Radical Care,' a seminar on 'Creating Coexistence in Post-ISIS Iraq' and the Annual Gandhi Lecture on 'Ecologies of Life;' other opportunities including the 'Annual Clara Barton International Humanitarian Law Competition' and the ASIL Virtual Midyear Meeting.

September 21, 2020

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a virtual talk on the 'Role of Corporate Accountability in the Digital Age,' and a COVID-19 workshop on 'COVID, FDA and Science;' campus events including an art exhibition on 'Visual Acts of Radical Care,' a CSEAS Seminar on 'Vietnamese Refugees and Repatriates' and a CMES Colloquium event on 'Islam is a Foreign Country;' other opportunities including the 'China and International Legal Order' Virtual Symposium and the 2021 Jean Pictet Competition.

September 14, 2020

Featured in this issue: YLS events including an information session on Human Rights Programs at YLS, a COVID-19 workshop on 'COVID and Ethics, Medical Rationing and Disability,' and a workshop on 'Elite Kinship Network and State Strengthening;' campus events including World Fellows Week, a CAS Lecture on 'Digital Democracy and Analogue Politics in Kenya' and a Jackson Institute Joint Degree webinar; other opportunities including applications to the Kerry Initiative and ASIL's Virtual Midyear Meeting.

September 7, 2020

Featured in this issue: YLS events including an information session on Gruber Fellowships, a talk on the 'Proliferation of Commercial Spyware' and one on 'National Security Policy;' campus events including a CSEAS Seminar on 'Conflicts over Natural Resources in French Colonial Vietnam' and an exhibition of 'Female Artists-Activists from Central and Eastern Europe;' other opportunities including an 'Ask Us Anything About International Law Programs' and applications to the Kerry Initiative.

August 31, 2020

Featured in this issue: YLS events such as a talk on competition and monopoly, a workshop on executive overreach and underreach in a pandemic, a discussion on climate change and fishing policy, and an information session on Gruber Fellowships; other opportunities including the Kerry Initiative and the American Society of International Law.

March 23, 2020

Featured in this issue: a Director’s Note from Mindy Roseman and an announcement on the suspension of funding for international research due to COVID-19.

March 2, 2020

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a conversation between Professor Harold H. Koh and Garth Schofield, a talk on Saudi Islamists and a discussion on Political Violence in Guatemala; campus events including a discussion on the Future of Immortality, the Role of Bolivian Society Today and on Journalism and Human Rights; other opportunities including the Streicker Fund for Student Research.

February 24, 2020

Featured in this issue: YLS events including the Gruber Distinguished Lecture in Global Justice with Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II, a talk on Deploying the Wahhabis, and a discussion on Legal Considerations in the Fight Against ISIS; campus events on Kleptocracy, Japan’s 1930s China Policy, Iran’s Water Bankruptcy, and more.

February 17, 2020

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a talk on Constitutional Attacks in India, Regulating Speech Online, and the EU After Brexit with Annemie Turtelboom; campus events including a talk on Japanophone Literature, a Leitner Seminar on Religious Repression and Political Mobilization in Muslim Majority States, a public address by His Excellency Jonaton Vseviov of Estonia, and a conversation with John Kerry; other opportunities including internships at the ICRC in New York.

February 11, 2020

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a talk on the Internet and International Jurisdiction, a human rights workshop with Nina Jankowicz on Information War and Lessons Learned from Eastern Europe, and a discussion on Vaccine Law and Policy; campus events including a conversation with Ambassador Shinsuke J. Sugiyama on Japan’s Foreign Policy, a CAS Lecture on Artwork as Cultural Ambassadors, and a talk on Nigerian Art as a Cultural Form; other opportunities including the Yale Institute of Global Health Leadership Fellowship.

February 3, 2020

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a conversation with Miguel de Serpa Soares, a Legal History Forum talk on Brexit’s Civil Warrior, and the 10thAnnual New Directions in Environmental Law Conference; campus events including a CMES Colloquium on The Politics and Anxieties of Comparison in Turkey and the US, a South Asia Brown Bag on the Banyan Tree and a Leitner Seminar on the Economic Harbingers of Political Modernization; other opportunities at CitySeed, the 2020 Session of the International Academy for Arbitration Law and the 2020-2021 Dean Acheson Legal Stage Program.

January 27, 2020

Featured in this issue: YLS events including an Ask Me Anything About International Law Programs, and a Spring Break Trip Info Session on Israel Palestine Public Policy; campus events including a talk with Mohammed Hanif, a GLC Brown Bag on Race, Gender and Unfree Labor, and a Leitner Seminar on Invisible Innovators; other opportunities including the Arthur C. Helton Fellowship and the 2020 ASIL Annual Meeting.

January 20, 2020

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a talk on Civil Disobedience during Climate Change, a book talk on Reproductive Rights and Justice Stories and a human rights workshop on the Women of ISIS; campus events on Reclaiming African History, Baloch Gangs in Pakistan, and the 2020 Tokyo Olympics Games; other opportunities including nominations for Gruber Distinguished Lecturers in Global Justice and in Women's Rights, the 50th St. Gallen Symposium Global Essay Competition and CIArb NY’s International Arbitration Scholarly Article Competition.

January 13, 2020

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a talk on Unsafe Harbors and a human rights workshop on the ISIL Trials in Iraq; campus events on Race and Statecraft in the 1893 Columbian World’s Fair and National Security Experiments in Japan; other opportunities including the Abdallah S. Kamel Center Study of Islamic Law and Civilization Fellowships and the YLS Fellowship at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague.

December 2, 2019

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a talk on Internet Shutdowns, Transgender Incarceration Reform, and the Constitutional Right to Self-Government; campus events on Control in Berlin’s Cultural Spaces after WW1, the Greek Revolution of 1821, the Diplomatic Power of Tea, and more; other opportunities including the Yale Law School Fellowship at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague.


November 25, 2019

Featured in this issue: a Director’s Note from Mindy Roseman; other opportunities including theSalzburg Global Seminar/Lloyd N. Cutler Fellows in International Law and the Streicker Fund for Student Research.

November 18, 2019

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a Newman Lecture with Onur Burcak Beli, a conversation with David Whineray on Brexit, and a human rights workshop on Fighting Corruption; campus events including an Iran Colloquium, a Queer Africas Reading event, and a reading of “The Walk” by Pulitzer Prize winning author, Hilton Also; other opportunities including the Kirby Simon Summer Human Rights Fellowship,and the Salzburg Global Seminar/Lloyd N. Cutler Fellows in International Law.

November 11, 2019

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a Newman Lecture with Cristina Vélez Valencia, a human rights workshop on a Zero Tolerance US Border, and an NSG conversation with Avril Haines; campus events including a Leitner Seminar with Abhijit Banerjee, YASA’s Annual Africa Week, and the Latino & Iberian Film Festival; other opportunities including the Guillermo Aguilar Álvarez Arbitration Award.

November 4, 2019

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a Newman Lecture with World Fellow Olena Sotnyk, a National Security and International Affairs Summer Job Panel, and a human rights workshop on the Investment Treaty Regime; campus events on Homosexuality in India, Media Interventions of North American Muslim Women Artists, and more; other opportunities including the Guillermo Aguilar Álvarez Arbitration Award.

October 28, 2019

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a conversation with Todd Stern and Professor Harold Koh on the Future of Climate Change, a human rights workshop on International Legal Ethnography, and a Human Rights Career Panel; campus events including a talk with World Fellow Olena Sotny, a Leitner Seminar on Firms Supporting Climate Change, and the GLC Annual Conference on the History of Slavery; other events including the Yale Slavic Colloquium and the African Film Festival.

October 21, 2019

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a talk on Post-Classical Philosophy in Islam, on the Rule of Law in the Time of Trump, and on North Korean Refugees; campus events including a panel on Brexit Briefing, a Fox Fellowship Lecture on Extrastatecraft, and a Henry L. Stimson Lecture on World Affairs on Capitalism.

October 14, 2019

Featured in this issue:YLS events including a talk on the U.S China Battle for Cyberspace, a discussion on Post-Classical Philosophy in Islam, and a human rights workshop on Litigating for Social Change in the Inter-American System of Human Rights; campus events such as a talk on Japanese Literary Studies and a South Asia Brown Bag on Mapping Colonial Coromandel in South Asia.

October 7, 2019

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a talk on the Coerced Sterilization of Mexican-American Women, a discussion on Animals, the Climate Crisis, and the Future of Public Interest Law, and a lunch lecture on Stakeholder Boards; campus events including a series on the United Nations and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and a conference on Women’s Economic Empowerment at Yale.

September 30, 2019

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a Wasserman Workshop on Supranational Supervision, a conversation with Ambassador Samantha Power on her book, the Education of an Idealist, and a mini-conference on Trial by Media; campus events such as a South Asia Brown Bag on Water Worship, a CSEAS Brown Bag on Democratic Reversal in Cambodia, and more; other opportunities with the American Society of International Law, and CIArb NY.

September 23, 2019

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a Gruber Fellowships Information Session, a discussion on Building Trusted Police Organizations in Mexico, and a book talk with Justin Marceau on Animal Law; campus events including a talk on the Feminiños Project, a South Asia Brown Bag on Innovation in Afghanistan, and the Global Innovation Symposium with the 2019 World Fellows; other opportunities including the Lowenstein Human Rights Project.

September 16, 2019

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a talk on Adapting to Cybersecurity Threats, a workshop on Human Rights in Hong Kong and a symposium on the Market as a Legal Construct; campus events including a lecture with Rory Stewart and one with Yannis Stournaras, a talk on the Politics of Freedom in Africa and a colloquium on Jews in Early Egyptian Cinema; other opportunities including the CIArb Article Competition and the Streicker Fund for Student 

September 9, 2019

Featured in this issue: the 2019 Gruber Distinguished Lecture on Women’s Rights by Ruth Rubio Marín; YLS events including a talk on Conservatism and War Powers, on Hong Kong’s future, and an introduction to human rights programs at Yale; campus events on U.S. and Pakistani Women during the Early Cold War, How the UN Recognized the Rights of Peasants, and more; other opportunities including the Immigrant Justice Corps Fellowship, and the CIArb Article Competition.

September 2, 2019

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a Paul Tsai China Center talk on U.S. Policy Towards China, a talk on Facebook Under Investigation and a presentation on U.S. Foreign Policy and Central America’s Exodus; a campus event on the Role of the UN in Global Affairs.

August 26, 2019

Featured in this issue: a Director’s Note from Mindy Roseman; YLS events including a talk on Facebook Under Investigation and a presentation on U.S. Foreign Policy and Central America’s Exodus; a campus event on the Role of the UN in Global Affairs; other opportunities such as the Streicker Fund for Student Research and the Oscar M. Ruebhausen Fund.

April 29, 2019

Featured in this issue: campus events such as a talk on "Japanese Diaspora to the Americas: Literature, History and Identity" and a symposium on African studies; other opportunities including the MacMillan Center Academic Year Fellowship for Language Study and the Global Legal Forum Annual Conference.

April 22, 2019 

 Featured in this issue: YLS events such as a book talk on the "Official Secrets and Oversight in the European Union" with Vigjilenca Abazi and David Pozen; other events such as a seminar on “Performing Sufism in Java: Wali Songo, Wayang, and Whirling in Indonesia” and a talk on the "The Coming of Age for Radical Right Populism in the European Parliament"; opportunities including a call for abstract submissions by the 2019 ASIL Research Forum and the Howard M. Holtzmann Fund in International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution.

April 15, 2019

Featured in this issue: YLS events such as a talk with Laurel E. Fletcher "Let’s Talk about The Boteros: Law, Memory, and the Torture Memos at Berkeley Law" and a workshop on "Engaging the Oppressor: How to Talk to and About Human Rights Violations”; other events such as the Early Modern Empires Workshop on “Asylum between Nations: Trading Diplomacy in the 1790s” and the Henry L. Stimson Lecture on World Affairs; opportunities including the 2019 World Fellows Liason Program and the Global Legal Forum Annual Conference.

April 8, 2019

Featured in this issue: YLS events such as a Human Rights Workshop with Hala Al-Dosari and a lecture on "U.S.-China Relations & the Future of the International Economic Order" with Wally Adeyemo '08; other events such as the Henry L. Stimson Lectures on World Affairs with Vernon Bogdanor and a talk on the "Promises of Progress: US and Pakistani Women’s Encounters in the Early Cold War" with Elora Shehabuddin; opportunities including the 2019 World Fellows Liason Program and the Global Legal Forum Annual Conference.

April 1, 2019

Featured in this issue: YLS events such as the Bernstein Symposium on "Borders, Refuge and Rights" and the 2018 - 2019 Sherrill Lecture with Professor David Kennedy; other events such as a workshop on "Colonial Governance, Feudal Law, and the Iberian Influence on Slavery in Early America & the British Empire" and a talk on "The Humanities, Race and Caste: Modernity in the Home: A Reflection on 20th Century India"; opportunities including the 2019 World Fellows Liason Program and the MacMillan Center Academic Year Fellowship for Language Study.

March 25, 2019

Featured in this issue: YLS events such as a workshop on "Human Rights and Partisanship: Can We Defend Universal Rights in a Divided World? The Case of the 2018 Presidential Elections in Brazil" and a talk on Secularislamized Law; other events such as a talk on “Everyday Ecology: Writing an Environmental History of Modern Korea with Albert L. Park, Claremont McKenna College” and a lecture on International Development Challenges and Career Pathways, Conversation with UNDP’s Kanni Wignaraja; other opportunities including the Douglass Fellowship and 2019 World Fellows Associate Program.

March 18, 2019

Featured in this issue: YLS events such as Human Rights Workshop with Jeffrey S. Kahn '10 on "A Brief History of US Border Externalization"; other events such as a lecture on "The Legal and Public Health Implications of Sex Trafficking"; other opportunities including the Douglass Fellowship and 2019 World Fellows Associate Program.

March 4, 2019

Featured in this issue: YLS events including the Gruber Distinguished Lecture in Women's Rights by Dr. Natalia Kanem and a talk on  "China’s Surveillance and Mass Incarceration of Uyghurs in Xinjiang"; other events a talk on Culture, Conservation and Meaning: The Politics of Heritage in Afghanistan and a lecture on “Distant Justice: The ICC and African Politics” with Dr. Nicola Palmer; opportunities such as the Holtzmann Fund in International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution and the Ruebhausen Fund for student domestic research.

February 25, 2019

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a talk on "Human Rights and Criminal Law in the Context of Gender, Sexuality and Human Rights" and a lecture with Liu Xianon on "The Emergence of Gender Discrimination Litigation in China"; other events including "Democracy in the Era of Demagogues" with Aruna Roy and a three day lecture series with Ira Katznelson; opportunities such as the Holtzmann Fund in International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution and the Ruebhausen Fund for student domestic research.

February 18, 2019

Featured in this issue: YLS events including "The (Intersectional) "Right to Flee" Under International Law" with Dr. Violeta Moreno-Lax and "Colombia's Special Jurisdiction for Peace: An Embattled Transition" with Julieta Lemaitre; other events such as a panel discussion "Towards an Anti-War, Anti-Security State Politics of Feminism Race & Empire" and a seminar on "Humanitarian Smuggling and the Limits of Legitimate Criminalization"; fellowships including the Streicker Fund for Student Research and the Oscar M. Ruebhausen Fund.

February 11, 2019

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a human rights workshop on "Reversing the Liberal Retreat and Establishing Constitutionalism in Emerging Democracies in Asia" and a "Yale Cyber-Security Initiative Lunch Talk " with Chris Hetner; other events including "Communists, Criminals, and Caravans: The Social Construction of Central Americans as Crisis" and a colloquium on "Iran's Water Bankruptcy"; fellowships such as the Yale Law School Fellowship at the Permanent Court of Arbitration and the Howard M. Holtzmann Fund.

February 4, 2019

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a human rights workshop of the externalization of migration controls and a talk on 'Abortion Law Reform and Social Movements'; other events including a talk on 'Nuclear Diplomacy with North Korea' and a lecture on the 'Arid Identity of Empire in 18th Century Xinjiang'; opportunities such as the 2019 Arthur C. Helton Fellowship and the International Court of Justice Judicial Fellows Programme.

January 28, 2019

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a lecture on " The State and Business with Marc Allen: Geopolitics' Intersection with Industry" and workshop on "The Populist Threat to Individual Rights"; other events including a talk on "The Everyday Life of Law in the Indian Republic" and a lecture on "Reintegrating Rebel Collaborators After Conflict"; opportunities such as the 2019 Arthur C. Helton Fellowship and the International Court of Justice Judicial Fellows Programme.

January 22, 2019

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a human rights workshop on interrogational abuse and a screening and discussion on "Hombres Nuevos"; other events including a seminar on the "Last Days of the Mighty Mekong" and a book talk on "Afghanistan Rising Islamic Law and Statecraft"; other opportunities including the 2019 Arthur C. Helton Fellowship and the International Court of Justice Judicial Fellows Programme.

January 15, 2019

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a "Discussion with Philippe Sands QC: East West Street: On the Origins of ‘Genocide’ and ‘Crimes Against Humanity'" and a talk on "The Work of the Permanent Court of Arbitration"; other events including a talk on "Reimagining the Middle East" and a workshop with Rebecca Spring on "Credit Crises, Persons, and Things in the French Second Republic"; opportunities such as the 2019 Arthur C. Helton Fellowship and the International Court of Justice Judicial Fellows Programme.

December 10, 2018

Featured in this issue: campus events such as a workshop on Chinese legal theory and an "Insider's View into the Transformation in Ukraine"; opportunities including the International Arbitration Student Article Competition and the Ruebhausen Fund for student domestic research.

December 3, 2018

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a talk with Dr. Nancy Krieger on "Embodying Social Justice" and a book talk on the European Convention on Human Rights; other events including a conversation on North Korea with Major Dongyoun Cho and Vincent Ni and a Seminar on Brokering Authority in Indonesia; fellowships such as the Streicker Fund for Student Research and the Oscar M. Ruebhausen Fund.       

November 26, 2018

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a panel on "Strengthening the Rule of Law in the Central African Republic" and a talk on commercial dispute resolution in China; other events including a colloquium on "Women, War & Peace in Manipur, India" and a talk about "France at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919"; fellowships such as the Streicker Fund for Student Research and the Oscar M. Ruebhausen Fund.     

November 12, 2018

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a book talk with Honorable Virginia Kendall and a talk on the "Impact of Judicial Activism on Socioeconomic Rights in the Global South"; other events including a seminar on "The Cambodian government's response to the genocide" and a colloquium on "Genuine Fake News in China"; fellowships such as the Streicker Fund for Student Research and the Oscar M. Ruebhausen Fund.     

November 5, 2018

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a book talk with Honorable Virginia Kendall and a lecture on "Free Expression in an Age of Surveillance" with Alex Abdo and Jon Penney; other events including a career talk with Janine di Giovanni on "War Reporters as Enemies of the State or Truth Tellers" and a seminar on the Cambodian government's response to genocide; opportunities such as the Salzburg Global Seminar/ Lloyd N. Cutler Fellowship in International Law, the Streiker Fund for Student Research, and the Howard M. Holtzmann Fund. 

October 29, 2018

Featured in this issue: YLS events including  a discussion with Professor Harold Hongju Koh on "The Trump Administration and International Law" and a conference on the "Law and Policy of AI, Robotics, and Tele-medicine"; other events including a book talk with former NYT Columnist Anand Giridharadas and panel discussion on the "Innovations in Technology and Visualization for Human Rights"; opportunities such as the Salzburg Global Seminar/ Lloyd N. Cutler Fellowship in International Law, the Streiker Fund for Student Research, and the Howard M. Holtzmann Fund. 

October 22, 2018

Featured in this issue: YLS events including Gruber Lecture with Esther Duflo on "Science Against Poverty" and Workshop on Private Law Theory in North America; other events including "Russian Politics and the Strategy of the Russian Opposition" with Leonid Volkov and talk with James E. Miller on "Can Democracy Work? A Short History of a Radical Idea, from Ancient Athens to Our World"; fellowships such as the Streicker Fund for Student Research and the Oscar M. Ruebhausen Fund.

October 15, 2018

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a talk with Leta Hong Fincher and Lu Pin on "The Feminist Awakening in China" and a human rights workshop with Efrén C. Olivares, '08 on "Family Separation: Human Rights Implications of the Zero Tolerance Policy at the Texas-Mexico Border"; other events including a talk with Dr. Valeriy Solovey on "How Russia Lives, Survives, and Is Governed" and CLAIS Lunchtime Colloquium with Paula Moreno; fellowships such as the Streicker Fund for Student Research and the Oscar M. Ruebhausen Fund.


October 8, 2018

YLS events including YLJ Alumni Speaker Series: Cornell Brooks, Former President and CEO of the NAACP and Wasserman Workshop: "The Death of Corporate Law" with Zohar Goshen and Jerome L. Greene. Other events including an Early Modern Empires Workshop with John Shovlin "Free Trade and the Burdens of Empire: Political Economies of Franco-British Imperial Competition, 1761–1774" and talk on "American Diplomacy in Africa and Beyond" with U.S. Ambassadors. Opportunities such as the Streiker Fund for Student Research and the Howard M. Holtzmann Fund.

October 1, 2018

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a lunch talk on "Fighting for Gay Marriage in China" with Evan Wolfson and a book talk with Scott Stern on "The Trials of Nina McCall and the Government's Plan to Imprison "Promiscuous" Women"; other events including SASC Brown Bag talk on Clearance Operations Against the Rohingya and lecture featuring 2018 World Fellow Sultan Sooud Al Qassemi on the Rule of Law in Egypt; fellowships such as the Streicker Fund for Student Research and the Oscar M. Ruebhausen Fund.

September 24, 2018

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a "Theoretical Investigation into Postclassical Islam" with Asad Ahmed and a workshop on "Jewish Human Rights: The Past and Future of Legal Cosmopolitanism" with James Loeffler; other events including lecture on "Rethinking Media Censorship: the China Case" with 2018 World Fellow Vincent Ni and colloquium with Doris Gray on ”Women and Transitional Justice in Tunisia); fellowships such as the Streicker Fund for Student Research and the Oscar M. Ruebhausen Fund.

September 17, 2018

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a workshop on "Lessons Learned from Rights and Justice Work in Closed or Closing Societies" and talk with Dr. Herb Lin on the US Government's response to "Cyber-Enabled Information Warfare"; other events including a colloquium on "Crowds and Popular Justice in Bangladesh" with Nusrat Chowdhury and a lunch talk on the repression of Nicaraguan women with Erendira Vanegas; fellowships such as the Streicker Fund for Student Research and the Oscar M. Ruebhausen Fund.  


September 10, 2018

Featured in this issue: YLS events including talk on China's Digital Surveillance State with Buzzfeed World Correspondent Megha Rajagopalan and lecture by Lord Mervyn King on "Uncertainty, Probability, and the Law"; other events including a seminar with David Schonholzer on "Creative Destruction in the European State System: 1000-1850" and a symposium on "(De)constructing the Spectacle: Cultural Memory, Heritage Practice" Urbanism in the UAE"; fellowships such as the Streicker Fund for Student Research and the Roddenberry Fellowship.

September 3, 2018

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a lunch talk with student organizers from Majorie Stoneman Douglas High School and a discussion with Professor Dieter Grimm on the "Constitution of European Democracy"; other events including talk with 2018 World Fellow Julio Guzman on "Why Does Peru Not Graduate? From Trickle-Down to Middle-Out Economics" and Iran Colloquium: The Role of Art Projects in the Evolution of Social Participation in Public Spaces; fellowships such as the Streicker Fund for Student Research and the Roddenberry Fellowship.

August 27, 2018

Featured in this issue: YLS events including Yale Law Women's Annual Reception for Incoming Students, the YLS Student Activities Fair, a lunch talk with student organizers from Majorie Stoneman Douglas High School; campus events including "The Disease of Commerce: Yellow Fever in the Atlantic World" with Julia Mansfield and a book talk with Professor Richard Blackett on "Fugitive Slaves, the 1850 Fugitive Slave Law, and the Politics of Slavery"; academic resources and other opportunities. 

April 23, 2018

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a conversation with Assistant Attorney General of the Office of Legal Counsel Steven Engel, round-table featuring Human Rights Watch researcher Bethany Brown, and panel on "How Should We Regulate Social Media"; other events including a debate on "Populism in Europe and Latin America" with Professor Cristobal Rovina Kaltswasser, a political theory workshop with Professor Pratap Bhanu Mehta, and the South Asian Studies Council's Annual Conference; fellowships such as the International Travel Research Fellowship and GovLab Summer Fellowship.

April 16, 2018

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a discussion on "What Can Be Done When Contractual Commitments Are Used to Suppress New Reporting", a talk on "Autonomous Weapons and the Future of War" by Paul Scharre, and a discussion on "Black Panther: Fact Fiction, and History"; other events including a talk on "The Role of Civil Society in the Colombian Armed Conflict" with Charles Laratt-Smith,the Language and Authority Conference, and part of the 2018 Yale Arab Conference "Refugee and Immigrant Student Education's Multicultural Festival"; fellowships such as the International Travel Research Fellowship and GovLab Summer Fellowship.

April 9, 2018 

Featured in this issue: YLS events including “Facebook, Cambridge Analytica, and the Law” and a discussion with Todd Stern on “The Future of the Paris Climate Regime”; campus events including the George Herbert Walker, Jr. Lecture in International Studies by Roy Stewart and “Realigning America’s Strategy toward Korea”; other opportunities such as the Women Entrepreneurs and Innovators at Yale Summit and the Geneva Challenge 2018. 

April 2, 2018

Featured in this issue: YLS events including “Clean Food: The Next Clean Energy Revolution”, an event with Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and a Quinnipiac-Yale Dispute Resolution Workshop; Campus events including “Anger and Support for Vigilante Justice in Mexico’s Drug War”, the Nineteenth Annual John W. Hall Lecture in Japanese Studies, and Africa Salon events; Other opportunities such as Kerry Fellows, World Fellows Liaison Program, and the Keio Academy of New York Summer Program internship. 

March 26, 2018

Featured in this issue: YLS events including the 2017-2018 Sherrill Lecture: “After Globalization: International Law and the Backlash against Global Rule”, a lunch talk with Steven A. Mirmina, NASA General Counsel, and the Chirelstein Colloquium with David Richter, the Global Head of Business and Corporate Development for Uber; campus events including the 8thAnnual Global Health Week Movie Night Kick-Off, a book talk by Professor Samuel Moyn, a Genocide Studies Program Seminar, and a Brazil Activities Fair; other opportunities such as summer grants through the Program on Refugees, Forced Displacement, and Humanitarian Responses, the Yale Conference for African Peace and Development, and a UNHCR Geneva and Trafficking in Persons Research Opportunity.

March 19, 2018

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a lunch talk with David Kris, former Assistant Attorney General for the National Security Division of the Department of Justice and a Human Rights Workshop: “The Expansion of—and Backlash Against—LGBT Rights in the Americas”; fellowships such as a GovLab Summer Fellowship and Postdoctoral Fellowships in African Studies (Social Sciences and Humanities); other opportunities such as a “Human Rights in the Time of Populism” conference and a summer research program in Turkey. 

March 5, 2018

Featured in this issue: YLS events including an information session on the Kirby Simon Summer Human Rights Fellowships and a lunch talk “General Principles of Law and International Due Process”; campus events including “US, China, Russia in the Changing International System” and the Coco-Cola World Fund at Yale Lecture: “Government in the Public Interest: Under Assault?”; other resources such as the Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law and a Middle East Studies Library Resource.

February, 26, 2018

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a lunch talk with Ambassador Rosemary DiCarlo, the Gruber Distinguished Lecture in Women’s Rights with Ai-jen Poo, and a lunch talk with Secretary of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson; campus events such as “Policy Advice in a Complicated World” and “Archaeofaunal Discoveries from Teotihuacan”; other opportunities such as a graduate mentoring opportunity and internships at the Growald Family Fund.

February 19, 2018

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a lunch event with Allison Jaslow, Executive Director of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America and an event sponsored by the Paul Tsai China Center; campus events such as “Water Resources and Conflict” and “The Moustache, The Gamchcha and the Superman Costume: Strategic Embodiment and Rights Claims in the Indian Men’s Rights Movement”; other opportunities such as an African Women’s Leadership Conference and teaching opportunities at Smith College in Middle East Studies.

February 12, 2018

Featured in this issue: YLS events including "Marriage, (Sex) Equality and National Identity: Examining the Transnational Culture Wars through the 'Obergefell of Europe'", “Accountability for the UN’s Role in the Haitian Cholera Epidemic”, and "Islamic Family Law in American Courts”; campus events such as a Genocide Studies Program Seminar, a Conversation with Gareth Evans, and a Book Talk on “The Ukrainian Night: An Intimate History of Revolution”; other opportunities such as internships with funding at nonprofits in Hong Kong and New Haven, a seminar "A Change is Gonna Come: Exploring Islamic Theologies of Political and Social Transformation”, and the Crossing Cultures Senegal Program of Intercultural Dimensions.

February 5, 20018

Featured in this issue: YLS events including 2017-2018 Storrs Lectures by Professor Guy Standing, “American Leadership and International Order” with Jack Sullivan, and a Human Rights Workshop with Professor Karuna Mantena; campus events including an Early Modern Empires Workshop, a conference on “Global Encounters and the Archives: Britain’s Empire in the Long Eighteenth Century”, and a screening of “Shahrzaad’s Tale” as part of the Council on Middle East Studies Cinema; other opportunities such as a fellowship at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague and a Forest and Livelihoods Geography job opportunity.

January 29, 2018

Featured in this issue: YLS events including “The Religious Economy of Modern Islam” and “The North Korea Dilemma: Nuclear Weapons and Missile Defense in the Trump Era”; campus events including the International Society of Tropical Foresters 2018 Conference and a lecture by William R. Polk sponsored by the Henry L. Stimson Lectures on World Affairs and the MacMillan Center; other opportunities such as International Travel Research Fellowships and World Food Programme Summer Internships.

January 22, 2018

Featured in this issue: YLS events featuring Ambassador John Bolton and Professor Frank Pasquale; campus events such as the conferences “Popular Music and Society in Iran: New Directions” and “The Crisis of Democracy: Conceptual and Institutional Perspectives”; other opportunities such as CMES Student Fellowship Applications and New Course Offerings in African Studies.

December 11, 2017

Featured in this issue: A Director’s note; the YLS event “Jewish Law Students’ Association Chanukah Extravaganza”; campus events such as those part of the Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies Faculty Lunchtime Speaker Series, Modern Europe Colloquium, and the Program on Order, Conflict, and Violence Speaker Series; other opportunities such as jobs, fellowships, and grants.

December 4, 2017

Featured in this issue: A YLS event “Forensic Science in Colonial India: Handwriting Analysis as a Suspect Science”; campus events including a Yale Climate Change and Health Initiative Special Seminar, a book talk on Iran, and a Baltic Studies Lecture; other opportunities such as a call for applications for the 2018 Global Health Justice Partnership Clinic.

November 27, 2017

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a Quinnipiac-Yale Dispute Resolution Workshop, book talks, and an event featuring LTG Sean MacFarland and Emma Sky; campus events including the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Annual Lecture with Michael Dukakis, an event part of the Ethnography and Social Theory Colloquium, and a “Slavic Music Matinée”; other opportunities such as a scholarship contest and the Arthur C. Helton Fellowships.

November 20, 2017

Featured in this issue: A note from the Director, a YLS event “TA3M: Techno Activism 3rd Monday Surveillance Mapping”, and other opportunities such as community college teaching fellowships and a Persian translating opportunity.

November 13, 2017

Featured in this issue: YLS events including the Surbeck Inaugural Lecture, a lecture on gender integration as part of the Woman and Foreign Policy Lecture Series, and a conference on “The State of Anticorruption Efforts: Lessons from Latin America”; campus events including the Stimson Lectures on World Affairs with John J. Mearsheimer, a Political Theory Workshop, and Jackson Institute Career Conversations; other opportunities such as a seed grant for work in gender studies, internships at the Middle East Institute, and fellowship opportunities.

November 6, 2017

Featured in this issue: YLS events including events sponsored by the Schell Center for International Human Rights involving East Africa, Yemen, Poland, and other topics; campus events including Africa Week events, an event on Women in Security, and film screenings; other resources such as an announcement for instructor positions available for the Yale Young African Scholars program.

October 30, 2017 

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a National Security Summer Internship Panel and event on “Sexual and Reproductive Health Impacts of Zika on Communities in Brazil and El Salvador”; Campus events including World Fellow events and a conference on “Language and Group Boundaries in the Early Modern Mediterranean”; other opportunities such as a call for applications for the Salzburg Lloyd N. Cutler Fellows Program.

October 23, 2017

Featured in this issue: YLS events including events on Venezuela, Guantánamo, Gaza, and China; campus events including the Council on Middle East Studies Fall Reception, a Baltic Studies Lecture, and a Kerry Conversation with Al Gore; other opportunities such a Middle East Studies Library resources and fellowships.

October 16, 2017

Featured in this issue: YLS events including the Binger Inaugural Lecture, a Women and Foreign Policy Lecture, and a Human Rights Workshop; campus events including an International Security Studies Brady-Johnson Colloquium in Grand Strategy and International History event and a Gilder Lehrman Center Brown Bag; other opportunities such as fellowships and a call for proposals.

October 9, 2017

Featured in this issue: YLS events included a Quinnipiac-Yale Dispute Resolution Workshop with Jake Sullivan and a Congress and Foreign Policy Conference; campus events such as an event part of the ISS Brady-Johnson Colloquium in Grand Strategy and International History, the Chubb Lecture with Bill McKibben, and one of the 2017 Castle Lectures in Ethics, Politics, and Economics; other opportunities such the Critical Language Scholarship Program, the Zahedi Family Fellowship, and a Greenberg World Fellow application announcement.

October 2, 2017

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a Center for Global Legal Challenges event, Meetings with Mentors in Residence, and lecture by Professor John Pachankis as part of the China Health Lecture Series; campus events such as the South Asian Studies Annual Gandhi Lecture, World Fellow events, and Career Conversations; other opportunities such as various fellowships and grants. 

September 25, 2017

Featured in this issue: YLS events including the Gruber Distinguished Lecture in Global Justice, Workshop on Formal and Informal Governance, and book talks; campus events including an Early Modern Empires Workshop, the Council on African Studies Fall Reception, and a Cuba Initiative Lunchtime Talk; other opportunities such as fellowships and calls for papers.

September 18, 2017

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a Yale Visual Law Project introductory meeting; campus events including the Yale Climate Conference and a Leitner Political Economy Seminar with Scott Abramson; other opportunities including the Obama Foundation Fellowship, Boren Awards, and the Foresight Project. 

September 11, 2017

Featured in this issue: YLS events including lectures on “U.S. Foreign Policy in a Time of Uncertainty” and “The German Election: Issues and Implications” and an information session for the Gruber Global Justice and Women’s Rights Fellowships; campus events including the China Health Lecture Series and Windham-Campbell Prizes; other announcements such as the opportunity to volunteer with Lawyers Without Borders.

August 28, 2017

Featured in this issue: A Director’s note from Mindy Jane Roseman; YLS events including a talk by Professor Robert Turner; campus events including a language fair; other resources for the upcoming 2017-2018 academic year.

May 1, 2017

Featured in this issue: A Director’s Note from Mindy Roseman; campus events including the George Herbert Walker, Jr. Lecture in International Studies given by Ambassador Nicholas Burns; other announcements including a job opportunity for a curriculum developer.

April 24, 2017

Featured in this issue: YLS events including the Global Justice Speaker Series featuring Amy Goodman from Democracy Now!; campus events including a “Conversation with Secretary of State John Kerry”; other opportunities such as Aryeh Neier Fellowships and the Yale Clinical Fellowship in Global Health Justice.

April 17, 2017

Featured in this issue: YLS events including the 2016-2017 Judge Ralph K. Winter Lecture; campus events including the Chubb Address by Dr. Hawa Abdi; other opportunities such as the MacMillan Center’s Foltz Journalism Award.

April 10, 2017

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a Conference on Cyberspace and U.S.-China Relations; campus events including “Ubuntu: Collaboration for African Development”; other announcements including job openings at Médecins Sans Frontières. 

April 3, 2017

Featured in this issue: YLS events including events on China’s Judicial Reforms and Investor-State Arbitration; campus events including the Judaic Studies Annual Colloquium; other opportunities including application announcements for the 2017 World Fellows Liaison Program and Kerry Fellows.

March 28, 2017

Featured in this issue: YLS events including the Yale Cyber Leadership Forum; campus events including a lecture by James Cameron on “Climate Change Agreements in the Post-Paris World”; other opportunities such as the Foreign Direct Investment International Arbitration Moot Global Rounds.


March 20, 2017

Featured in this issue: YLS events sponsored by the Information Society Project, the Center for Global Legal Challenges, and the Yale Law & Technology Society; a campus event on how midwifery contributes to global health; other opportunities including the Squire Patton Boggs Public Policy Foundation and the Rotary Peace Fellowship Program.

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March 6, 2017

Featured in this issue: YLS events including lectures on “The Constitutional Right to Health” and “Damages in International Arbitration” as well as a Paul Tsai Center event; campus events including talks about the Paris climate change agreement, the history of consumer society, and security in the Black Sea; other opportunities including fellowships and travel grants.

February 27, 2017

Featured in this issue: YLS events including book talks, a Video Evidence Workshop, and movie night; campus events including the 13th Annual Yale European Cinema Conference and Southeast Asia Spring Cultural Festival; other opportunities including the ARTICLE 19 “Internet of Rights Fellowship” Programme and 2018-2019 Core Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program.


February, 20, 2017

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a Law and Globalization Seminar and luncheon with Major General Lori Reynolds and Mr. John Wilcox; campus events including a career conversation with Sir John Jenkins and a "Social Innovation and Humanitarian Responses"panel discussion and other opportunities such as the Model World Trade Organization and ASMEA Research and Travel Grant. 

February 13, 2017

Featured in this issue: YLS events including the International Law of Whistleblowers Conference; campus events including a program on Humanitarian Intervention and Responsibility to Protect (R2P); other announcements including language study programs, a call for papers, and the Yale Cyber Leadership forum. 

February 6, 2017

Featured in this issue: YLS events including the Gruber Distinguished Lecture in Global Justice by Rebecca Gomperts; campus events including the opportunity to learn how to play the angklung at the Peabody 2; Other opportunities including a Teach Africa webinar series, CGI application, and New Directions in Environmental Law Conference. 

January 30, 2017

Featured in this issue: YLS events including events sponsored by the Abdallah S. Kamel Center for the Study of Islamic Law  and Civilization and Legal History Forum; campus events including a Russian Studies Lecture; other resources for fellowships, study, and opportunities.

January 23, 2017

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a lecture and workshop sponsored by the Orville H. Schell, Jr. Center for International Human Rights; campus events including a career conversation with Tom Graham and CMES cinema; other opportunities such as volunteering at Lunarfest.

January 17, 2017

Featured in this issue: a YLS event, “Accountability for War Algorithms” sponsored by the Center for Global Legal Challenges and ISP; campus events including the Order, Conflict, and Violence Speaker Series and International Relations Workshop; other announcements including a new course offering and fellowships.

December 19, 2016

Featured in this issue: a Director’s Note from Mindy Roseman; Fellowship announcements; other opportunities including the Yale Cyber Leadership Forum, a 10-Day Course on Shi’a Islamic Studies, and other internships.

December 12, 2016

Featured in this issue: campus events including the program on Order, Conflict, and Violence Fall Speaker Series; resources including a book exhibit in honor of the United Nations Human Rights Day; other opportunities for work and fellowships.

December 5, 2016

Featured in this issue: campus events including an event co-hosted by the Jackson Institute and the United States Army War College Carlisle Scholars program; resources including information about the Streicker Fund for Student Research and the Howard M. Holtzman Fund in International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution; other opportunities including a call for applications for the 2017 Global Health Justice Partnership. 

November 28, 2016

Featured in this issue: YLS events including events sponsored by the ISP and the Schell Center for International Human Rights; campus events including an event part of the Yale Himalaya Initiative, a UN Ambassadors’ Roundtable, and a Chubb Fellowship Lecture; other resources including an announcement of a deadline extensions for the Gruber Post-Graduate Fellowships for Global Justice and Women’s Rights.

November 21, 2016

Featured in this issue: Announcements about the Streicker Fund for Student Research and Howard M. Holtzman Fund in International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution; opportunities to work at the International Tribunals; fellowship announcements including a postdoctoral fellowship in African Studies and CMES sponsored fellowships.

November 14, 2016

Featured in this issue: YLS events including events sponsored by the Visual Law Project, the Immigration Theory and Practice Workshop, and the Arthur Liman Public Interest Program; campus events including a US Ambassadors’ roundtable, other resources for fellowships and summer opportunities.

November 7, 2016

Featured in this issue: YLS events including an event sponsored by Yale Law Women, the Women of Color Collective, and the Yale Society of International Law entitled, “Changing the Global Landscape of Gender Equality: Lessons from Afghanistan, Iceland, Kosovo, Mexico, and Somalia,”; campus events including film screenings and Colloquiums; other opportunities such as the 2017 Salzburg Lloyd N. Cutler Fellows Program.

October 31, 2016

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a Lowenstein Clinic student presentation and movie screening of Jalanan by the Visual Law Project; campus events including a lecture sponsored by the Climate Change and Health Initiative; other resources including fellowships and possible funds for international research.

October 24, 2016

Featured in this issue: YLS events including events sponsored by the Schell Center for International Human Rights and the Center for Global Legal Challenges; campus events including debates, Religion and Politics and CMES Colloquiums, and the Coca-Cola World Fund Lecture at Yale; other opportunities such as an opportunity to learn Wolof and volunteer for Lawyers Without Borders.

October 17, 2016

Featured in this issue: YLS events including lectures on National Security, Brexit and Foreign Policy, and U.S. Refugee Policy; campus events including World Fellow events and a special webcast with Henry A. Kissinger; other opportunities such as a fellowship announcement in human rights and an international humanitarian law competition.

October 10, 2016

Featured in this issue: YLS events including an announcement for an upcoming lunchtime talk by Avril Haines, Deputy National Security Advisor, and Brian Egan, the Legal Advisor to the Department of State; campus events including movie screenings, talks, and Greenberg World Fellow events; other opportunities such as a conference, call for papers, and fellowship opportunities.


October 3, 2016

Featured in this issue: YLS events sponsored by the Paul Tsai China Center, Yale Law Women, and Yale Law National Security Group; campus events that included various discussions, art spectacles, and lectures; student spotlights on a student-created human rights curriculum in Hope Village, Somalia and a WIRAC Client Challenging Nationwide Immigration Injunction.

September 26, 2016

Featured in this issue: YLS events including a Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law Workshops; campus events including announcements about the Program on Order, Conflict, and Violence Fall Speaker Series and World Fellow events, other opportunities such as fellowships and competitions for students.

September 19, 2016

Featured in this issue: YLS events including an information session for the Gruber Global Justice and Women’s Rights Fellowship; campus events including a lecture by Mr. Krzysztof Szczerski, the Secretary of State, Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland; other opportunities.

September 12, 2016

Featured in this issue: An announcement about the 2016 Gruber Distinguished Lecture in Women’s Rights; YLS events including a Human Rights Workshop; academic resources and other opportunities.

September 5, 2016

Featured in this issue: YLS events including multiple events about Brexit; campus events including an invitation to meet the 2016 Maurice R. Greenberg World Fellows; a spotlight on the Global Health Justice Partnership.

August 29, 2016

Featured in this issue: A start of the year note from our Director Mindy Roseman; list of YLS centers and programs, travel funding resources for academic research and and other opportunities.

May 2, 2016

Featured in this issue: An end of year note from our Director Mindy Roseman; calls for applications and information about grants, fellowships, funding resources and other opportunities.


April 25, 2016

Featured in this issue: YLS Events including the 2016 Dialogic Constitutionalism Conference; Campus Events including a talk by Christos Stylianides, the European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management; calls for applications and information about grants, fellowships, funding resources and other opportunities.


April 18, 2016

Featured in this issue: YLS Events including a discussion of Obama's Guantanamo Legacy with Omar Farah, attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights; Campus Events including a talk about international reforms by Ernesto Zedillo, former President of Mexico and Director of the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization; calls for applications and information about grants, fellowships, funding resources and other opportunities.


April 11, 2016

Featured in this issue: YLS Events including a conference on Comparative Perspectives on the Constitution of Canada with a keynote address by The Rt. Hon. Beverley McLachlin, Chief Justice of Canada; Campus Events including Yale's First Conference on Sustainable Development in Latin America; and information about funding resources and job opportunities.


April 4, 2016

Featured in this issue: YLS Events including the Robert L. Bernstein International Human Rights Symposium; Campus Events including the Inaugural Charles E. Scheidt Family Lecture on Atrocity Prevention delivered by Retired Lieutenant-General, the Honorable Romeo Dallaire; information about grants, fellowships, travel and funding resources, and other opportunities.


March 28, 2016

Featured in this issue: YLS Events including a talk by Ambassador Jeremiah Sulunteh, Liberian Ambassador to the United States; Campus Events including a Conference on Migration and Human Safety; information about grants, fellowships, travel and funding resources, and other opportunities.


March 21, 2016

Featured in this issue: YLS Events including a talk by the director of the China Maritime Studies Institute, Professor Peter Dutton, on law, power and politics in the South China Sea, and a Human Rights Workshop on The Right to Food and the Development of Administrative Law in India; information about grants, fellowships, travel and funding resources, and other opportunities.


March 7, 2016

Featured in this issue: YLS Events including a lunch talk with Todd Stern, Special Envoy for Climate Change at the State Department; Campus Events including Indigenous Feminist Activism & Performance; information about grants, fellowships, travel and funding resources, and other opportunities.

February 29, 2016

Featured in this issue: YLS Events including a talk with Iain Levine, Deputy Director of Human Rights Watch; Campus Events including a Latino and Iberian Film Festival; information about grants, fellowships, travel and funding resources, and other opportunities.

February 22, 2016

Featured in this issue: A note from our new Director, Mindy Roseman; YLS Events including a talk with Margaret Huang, Executive Director of Amnesty International USA; Campus Events including a Symposium on the Politics of Gender and Sexuality in Africa; information about grants, fellowships, travel and funding resources, and other opportunities.

February 15, 2016

Featured in this issue: YLS Events including a talk by Anannya Bhatterchargee (Asia Floor Wage International Coordinator) and Ashim Roy (Founding General Secretary of the New Trade Union Initiative, India); Yale Campus Events including Russia Studies FOCUS RUSSIA Speaker Series; information about grants, fellowships, travel and funding resources, and other opportunities.

February 8, 2016

Featured in this issue: YLS Events including the Gruber Distinguished Lecture in Global Justice featuring T. Alexander Aleinikoff ’77, Deputy High Commissioner, UNHCR; Yale Campus Events including a talk by Ambassador Robert Ford, Kissinger Senior Fellow at the Jackson Institute for Global Affairs on Syrian Peace Talks; information about grants, fellowships, travel and funding resources, and other opportunities.

February 1, 2016

Featured in this issue: YLS Events including a talk by Chilean artist Alfredo Jaar; Yale Campus Events including a talk by Norma Moruzzi (University of Illinois at Chicago) on being a woman in Contemporary Iran; information about grants, fellowships, travel and funding resources, and other opportunities.

January 25, 2016

Featured in this issue: YLS Events including a Human Rights Workshop on the Colombian Peace Deal; Yale Campus Events including an Inter Asia Discussion Forum on International Development in Central Asia; information about grants, fellowships, travel and funding resources, and other opportunities.

January 19, 2016

Featured in this issue: Spring 2016 course offerings at YLS; information about grants, essay contests, and other opportunities including funding for academic research travel and post graduate fellowships.

November 23, 2015

Featured in this issue: Grants, fellowships, information about travel and funding resources, ASIL benefits, and other opportunities for students interested in international, transnational, foreign, and comparative law.

November 16, 2015

Featured in this issue: YLS Events including a conversation with Avril Haines, Deputy National Security Advisor; Yale Campus Events including a lecture series by Anne-Marie Slaughter, President and CEO of New America; information about travel and funding resources, call for papers, ASIL benefits, and other opportunities.

November 9, 2015

Featured in this issue: YLS Events including the Gruber Distinguished Lecture in Women’s Rights featuring Catherine E. Lhamon '96, Assistant Secretary, Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education; Yale Campus Events including a talk by Yale 2015 World Fellow Njoya Tikum; information about travel and funding resources, call for papers, ASIL benefits, and other opportunities.

November 2, 2015

Featured in this issue: YLS Events including a Human Rights Workshop on The Greek Crisis and the Failure of European Solidarity; Yale Campus Events including a talk with Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Executive Director of UN Women; information about travel and funding resources, call for papers, ASIL benefits, and other opportunities.

October 26, 2015

Featured in this issue: YLS Events including a panel on Women and Peace-Making in Israel; Yale Campus Events including a Contemporary African Book Fair; information about travel and funding resources, ASIL benefits, and other opportunities.