- Partner: Our Children’s Trust. Scope: support youth climate constitutional litigation.
- Partner: UPROSE. Scope: research and develop recommendations on implementing urban agriculture programs and zoning policies to advance a regenerative local economy in Brooklyn.
- Partner: Kanji & Katzen. Scope: support litigation to protect Tribal sovereignty and environmental protection.
- Partner: NRDC. Scope: identify international law and policy mechanisms to implement a global forest protection accountability framework.
- Partner: NRDC. Scope: develop legal and policy recommendations for advancing equity in the establishment of marine protected areas.
- Partner: NRDC. Scope: conduct legal research to support the defense of state climate accountability laws.
- Partner: Climate Change & Animal Agriculture Litigation Initiative. Scope: develop legal theories and litigation strategies to address the climate harms from industrial animal agriculture.
- Partner: Yale Law, Environment & Animals Program. Scope: support state policy advocacy campaigns to improve greenhouse gas emissions reporting.
Past Projects by Semester
- Partner: Our Children’s Trust. Scope: support youth climate constitutional litigation.
- Partner: UPROSE. Scope: research and develop recommendations on implementing a community composting program and decarbonizing local businesses in Brooklyn.
- Partner: Elevate Policy Lab. Scope: implement civic justice engagement training to support community-led efforts to remediate contaminated sites and restore creek/waterfront in Bridgeport, Connecticut; develop community education materials to support grassroots engagement in environmental decision-making processes.
- Partner: Kanji & Katzen. Scope: support litigation to protect Tribal treaty fishing rights.
- Partner: NRDC. Scope: build legal advocacy toolkit to support grassroots campaigns fighting environmental injustices in detention facilities.
- Partner: NRDC. Scope: research and draft petition to the EPA to update hazardous substance list under the Clean Water Act.
- Partner: NRDC. Scope: identify international law and policy mechanisms to implement a global forest protection accountability framework.
- Partner: NRDC. Scope: develop strategy roadmap for rural villages in India to achieve net-zero carbon emissions.
- Partner: NRDC. Scope: develop legal and policy recommendations for advancing sustainable management of marine fisheries along the Atlantic coast.
- Partner: UPROSE. Scope: develop community-led models of offshore wind development; identify strategies for strengthening climate resiliency and sustainability of local businesses in Brooklyn.
- Partner: Elevate Policy Lab. Scope: implement civic justice engagement training to support community-led efforts to remediate contaminated sites and restore creek/waterfront in Bridgeport, Connecticut; develop community education materials to support grassroots engagement in brownfield remediation processes.
- Partner: Kanji & Katzen. Scope: support legal challenge to pipeline on behalf of Indigenous tribe; research legal remedies to protect Tribal treaty fishing rights from unpermitted discharges.
- Partner: NRDC. Scope: research and draft petition to enforce California water efficiency laws against non-compliant municipalities.
- Partner: NRDC. Scope: research and draft petition to the EPA to update hazardous substance list under the Clean Water Act.
- Partner: NRDC. Scope: develop advocacy strategies to build support within the public and private sectors for a global forest protection accountability framework.
- Partner: NRDC. Scope: analyze institutional arrangements and financial mechanisms for supporting the net-zero transition of villages to clean energy in India.
- Client: Our Children’s Trust. Scope: support constitutional climate litigation.
- Client: UPROSE. Scope: develop community-led models of solar development; analyze opportunities to center local businesses and workforce development in just transition; develop environmental justice recommendations for implementation of climate law.
- Client: Elevate Policy Lab. Scope: apply civic justice engagement to support community-led efforts to remediate contaminated sites and restore creek/waterfront in Bridgeport, Connecticut; contribute to development of practice-to-policy, place-based environmental justice framework.
- Client: Kanji & Katzen: Scope: support legal challenge to pipeline on behalf of Indigenous tribe.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: conduct data analysis to support advocacy on water affordability and utility transparency in Illinois.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: develop advocacy strategies to hold Canada accountable for environmental harms related to forest management.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: develop recommendations for financial regulators on equitable management of climate-related risks at small banks, including mission-driven banks.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: research policy options to regulate research and development of ocean-based carbon dioxide removal technologies.
- Client: Our Children’s Trust. Scope: support constitutional climate litigation.
- Client: UPROSE. Scope: develop community-led models of solar development; analyze opportunities to center local businesses and workforce development in just transition; develop environmental justice recommendations for implementation of climate law.
- Client: Junta for Progressive Action. Scope: develop advocacy tools and frameworks for disaster resettlement and environmental justice in New Haven, Connecticut.
- Client: Earthjustice: Scope: research and draft petition for rulemaking on pesticide data transparency in Maryland.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: develop advocacy toolkit on leveraging NEPA to support campaigns against new and expanded detention facilities or conditions affecting the health of those incarcerated.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: research and draft bill to hold companies accountable for global impacts on environment and Indigenous rights.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: develop recommendations for financial regulators on equitable management of climate-related risks at small banks, including mission-driven banks.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: research policy options to regulate research and development of ocean-based carbon dioxide removal technologies.
- Client: Our Children’s Trust. Scope: support Juliana litigation.
- Client: Kanji & Katzen. Scope: support legal challenge to pipeline on behalf of Indigenous tribe through development of legal arguments and expert testimony
- Client: UPROSE. Scope: develop community-led models of solar development; analyze opportunities to center local businesses and workforce development in just transition; develop environmental justice recommendations for implementation of climate law
- Client: Rochester Police Accountability Board. Scope: support Rochester PAB to constitute itself and execute its vision through legal and policy research
- Client: NRDC: develop opportunities for promoting regenerative agriculture in Farm Bill and appropriations process.
- Client: NRDC and Earthjustice. Scope: research opportunities and constraints for clean grid buildout in New York City region.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: support consumer protection actions and legislative advocacy to hold companies accountable for impacts of products on environment and Indigenous rights.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: support legal challenges to the development of Pebble Mine in Bristol Bay.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: develop white papers on adaptive management in offshore wind development and international approaches to fishing in wind farm areas.
- Client: Our Children’s Trust. Scope: support Juliana litigation.
- Client: Kanji & Katzen. Scope: support legal challenge to pipeline on behalf of Indigenous tribe through legal and policy research
- Client: UPROSE. Scope: research policy options to create an equitable, community-led solar economy and develop recommendations for implementation of clean buildings law in Sunset Park, Brooklyn.
- Client: Rochester Police Accountability Board. Scope: support Rochester PAB to constitute itself and execute its vision through legal and policy research
- Client: Sierra Club. Scope: support advocacy to reduce risks of chemical spills and flaring in the Gulf South.
- Client: NRDC and Earthjustice. Scope: research opportunities and constraints for clean grid buildout in New York City region.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: investigate impact of Covid-related environmental protection rollbacks on Indigenous rights in Ontario and Quebec.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: support legal challenges to the development of Pebble Mine in Bristol Bay.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: conduct research and analysis on right to access drinking water and sanitation; draft legislation to support water rights.
- Client: Our Children’s Trust. Scope: supporting Juliana litigation.
- Client: Police Accountability Board, City of Rochester, NY. Scope: research and develop draft procedural rules that will serve as foundation for internal justice system.
- Client: Kanji & Katzen. Scope: support legal challenges to existing pipeline through legal research and an amicus brief.
- Client: UPROSE. Scope: in response to New York State’s CLCPA legislation, how can we ensure a just transition for the Sunset Park community in New York City?
- Client: NRDC. Scope: strategies to support regional producers and processors in the meat sector; mapping exercise of meat processing facilities included.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: provide research and recommendations for grant programs that will support riparian restoration on private lands in Montana.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: provide scientific research on ocean-based CDR and geoengineering technologies as well as statutory guidelines for their implementation.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: explore capacity for various states to adopt or expand clean vehicle rules, as well as California’s capacity to introduce an equity provision in future standards.
- Client: Our Children’s Trust. Scope: supporting Juliana litigation.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: conduct comprehensive survey of scientific and regulatory developments in the aquaculture industry.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: conduct a technical and legal analysis of strategies to implement carbon takeback legislation.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: support legal challenges to the Jordan Cove Energy Project (pipeline and export terminal).
- Client: NRDC. Scope: support legal challenges to the development of Pebble Mine in Bristol Bay.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: identify priority areas for agroforestry restoration in Montana and design an ideal restoration program to support expanded implementation.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: explore policy options for nature-based climate solutions and oil and gas commitments under the US-Canada bilateral cooperative framework.
- Client: Our Children’s Trust. Scope: supporting Juliana litigation.
- Client: Conor Reynolds, YLS. Scope: understanding the history of redlining in Rochester, NY.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: support legal challenges to the development of Pebble Mine in Bristol Bay.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: legislative avenues for California to regulate or bar the sale of international forest products not meeting requisite sustainability and equity standards.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: identify best practices and model policy for regenerative agriculture solutions in select states.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: explore novel legal instruments to expand marine protected areas in the US.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: identify state of the art attribution science for climate change as well as attribution studies for establishing legal causation.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: explore avenues to achieving a legally enforceable right to safe and affordable drinking water in Michigan.
- Client: Our Children’s Trust. Scope: supporting Juliana litigation.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: explore avenues to achieving a legally enforceable right to safe and affordable drinking water in Michigan.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: understand the breakdowns in Canada’s logging consultation process that lead to inadequate Indigenous representation of land management.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: protecting the Atlantic right whale through innovative approaches to dynamic fishing closures.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: explore the potential and ideal structure of an industry-funded climate adaptation fund.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: what tools does the international community have to respond to the wildlife migration crisis caused by climate change?
- Client: Our Children’s Trust. Scope: supporting Juliana litigation.
- Client: Harvard Food Law & Policy Clinic & Farm Bill Law Enterprise. Scope: how does the Farm Bill’s Forestry title address climate change? How can we improve it?
- Client: NRDC. Scope: legal pathways for establishing a right to safe drinking water in Michigan; understanding public health impacts of current water crisis.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: legal pathways to halting the Pebble Mine in Bristol Bay.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: capacity for the Clean Water Act to protect Columbia Basin salmon.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: advancing policies to implement a carbon pricing scheme.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: what tools does the international community have to respond to the wildlife migration crisis caused by climate change?
- Client: NRDC. Scope: what are the shortcomings of Canada’s Species at Risk Act?
- Client: NRDC. Scope: expanding clean water access to communities in need.
- Client: Environmental Defense Fund. Scope: strategies for laying the regulatory foundations for electrification in US regions where natural gas is dominant.
- Client: Conservation Litigation Project. Scope: what legal standards limit a “lease everything” approach on public lands regarding energy development?
- Client: Humane Society of the US. Scope: identify where grazing and wildlife conflicts arise and what legal authorities govern a response by public agencies.
- Client: Environmental Defense Fund. Scope: explore cast studies of high-performance integrated fishery-aquaculture systems and recommend policy to promote their establishment.
- Client: United Nations Development Programme. Scope: develop a guidebook on nature-based climate solutions in anticipation of Climate Summit of September 2019 in New York.
- Client: Rocky Mountain Institute. Scope: synthesize the practices and policies that are relevant to the aviation industry and double counting of carbon offsets
- Client: NRDC. Scope: explore avenues to achieving a legally enforceable right to safe and affordable drinking water in Michigan.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: support legal challenges to the development of Pebble Mine in Bristol Bay.
- Client: Riverkeeper. Scope: Assessing Ecosystem Impacts and Informing Citizen Campaigns for Hudson Riverkeeper as Part of the SWIM Coalition
- Clients: NYS Office of Attorney General & NY DEC. Scope: how are drones being used for environmental surveillance and what is the regulatory structure for drone usage?
- Client: Pinchot Institute for Conservation: how can Cap and Trade systems be put in place for agriculture and rural economies? What are the environmental justice concerns?
- Client: Compassion Over Killing. Scope: what is the best strategy for promoting veganism?
- Client: NRDC. Scope: how are we addressing affiliate contracts in natural gas pipeline development?
- Client: World Wildlife Fund. Scope: Does marine protected areas expansion lead to a dilution of resources necessary for effective management?
- Client: Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense. Scope: ocean protection for climate change mitigation and adaptation in Latin America and the Caribbean.
- Client: EDF. Scope: how is China addressing sustainable fisheries management?
- Client: Islands First. Scope: research how climate risk is taken into account by the World Bank in their asset management and project funding decisions?
- Client: Sun Mountain International. Scope: What are Pacto stakeholders’ values, needs, and assets with regards to climate-smart agricultural development?
- Client: Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes. Scope: aid Tribes in continued research to protect water resources and land rights through various legal mechanisms.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: How can NRDC support Navajo NGO water rights advocates in the Black Mesa region? Mapping component included.
- Client: Acadia Center. Scope: what are the existing policies in New England and Mid-Atlantic for expanding offshore wind?
- Client: CT DEEP. Scope: what policy options exist for Connecticut to meet the greenhouse gas reduction goals set out in the Global Warming Solutions Act?
- Client: Riverkeeper. Scope: Which energy policies should Riverkeeper support to sustainably replace Indian Point once it retires in 2020, and how should it advocate for them?
- Client: Ocean Conservancy. Scope: understand historical conflicts of natural resource management in the Bering Sea as well as strategies for indigenous co-management.
- Client: Conservation Litigation Project. Scope: how can the Congressional Review Act be used to enforce Department of Interior conservation protections.
- Client: Our Children’s Trust. Scope: provide support for Juliana litigation.
- Client: Rocky Mountain Institute. Scope: Evaluate the policy, regulatory, and environmental concerns around biofuels adoption in shipping and aviation at global and regional levels.
- Client: Futaleufú Riverkeeper. Scope: understand the process for creating a World Heritage listing and its feasibility in Los Alerces.
- Client: unknown. Scope: understanding water resource management and disaster risk reduction in Ica, Peru in response to El Niño.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: comparative study of how science is institutionalized in fisheries policy, ultimately informing China fisheries policy.
- Client: Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes. Scope: aid Tribes in continued research to protect water resources and land rights through various legal mechanisms.
- Client: NextGen Climate America. Scope: Draft a white paper on expected clean technology infrastructure deployment in California by mid-2020s with policy integration ideas.
- Client: MIT and PSFC. Scope: how should fusion energy be regulated?
- Client: City of Portland, Oregon. Scope: Investigation of third party funding structures for superfund cleanup sites.
- Client: NextGen Climate America. Scope: compiling and characterizing the various domestics commitments in the US to address climate change.
- Clients: Connecticut Sea Grant & The Nature Conservancy. Scope: identifying data gaps for shellfish industry in Long Island Sound; included stakeholder engagement and mapping.
- Client: Earthjustice. Scope: how to pursue a ban on organophosphates in New York State.
- Client: Compassion Over Killing. Scope: understand barriers to transparency in animal agriculture industry.
- Clients: National Congress for American Indians; Kanji & Katzen. Scope: litigation support for challenges to the Enbridge pipeline.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: understanding how regionalization impacts energy expansion in California.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: how to prevent or challenge God Squad exemption for the Snake River Dam, and provide scientific justification for removal of existing dams.
- Client: Regulatory Assistance Project. Scope: how can California’s Distributed Energy Resources Provider market platform and the Energy Storage and Distributed Energy Resources stakeholder process be improved?
- Client: Sierra Club. Scope: what are the legal obstacles for raising additional income from the transportation sector on the eastern seaboard? What of carbon pricing policies?
- Client: Centro Ecoceanos. Scope: provide recommendations on halting expansion of Atlantic salmon farming in Chile; analyze regional impacts in Chile as well as import policy of the U.S.
- Clients: UNDP & The Equator Initiative. Scope: provide recommendations for scaling up community-based sustainable development.
- Client: Wildlife Conservation Society. Scope: identify critical areas of forest connectivity in Honduras as well as leading drivers of deforestation.
- Client: NYS Office of the Attorney General. Scope: create factual and legal bases for climate adaptation in climate justice communities and create a draft complaint.
- Client: Farm Bill Law Enterprise. Scope: provide policy interventions for Congress to enact in Farm Bill to support rural livelihoods and agricultural economics.
- Client: Earthjustice. Scope: understand environmental impacts of Federal Crop Insurance Program; is NEPA being violated if we are not conducting EA’s and EIS’s?
- Client: Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes. Scope: draft a tribal probate code for trust and non-trust property, as well as a cultural waterways and protected areas ordinance.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: how to improve buyer-side mitigation rules for clean energy policy.
- Client: Connecticut DEEP. Scope: evaluating proposed utility plans to evaluate potential for grid modernization with comparison of progress relative to other states in the region.
- Client: Sierra Camp. Scope: to design rural strategy plans for smart growth and natural resource management in California that work with existing urban strategy plans.
- Client: EDF. Scope: provide methane emissions analysis for analyzing disproportionate impacts of climate pollutants, including a policy memo and mapping exercise.
- Client: NextGen Climate America. Scope: to write a rule to get the US light duty vehicle fleet completely decarbonized by 2050.
- Client: Oceana. Scope: to identify whether Western Aleutian Islands can be listed as “distinct population segment” under the ESA in order to protect Steller Sea Lions.
- Client: NYS Office of the Attorney General. Scope: to develop factual and legal bases for encouraging climate adaptation in environmental justice communities.
- Client: Center for American Progress and NRDC. Scope: to analyze how CAA Section 115 can be used to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
- Client: Office of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency at the Department of Energy. Scope: to identify barriers to energy efficiency financing in rural and impoverished communities.
- Client: Earthjustice. Scope: to analyze the environmental consequences of the Federal Crop Insurance Program and assess whether NEPA can help enforce better standards.
- Clients: National Congress of American Indians and the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center. Scope: to protect native women and tribal sovereignty through legal support.
- Client: Oceana. Scope: to petition for legal protection of anchovy in California.
- Client: WRI. Scope: to understand the process for registering land as communal in Canada and the Philippines.
- Client: WCS & Identidad Madidi. Scope: creating a digital communication campaign for biodiversity conservation in Bolivia.
- Client: Green Climate Fund. Scope: understanding how GCF defines climate action and allocates/prioritizes its funding to support small island developing States.
- Client: Futaleufú Riverkeeper. Scope: resisting new hydropower development in Patagonia through economic development and renewable energy advocacy positions.
- Client: Lahore Waste Management Company. Scope: how to develop a waste pickers cooperative in the city of Lahore.
- Client: National Farm Bill Research Consortium. Scope: Analyze history, gaps, and policy needs of Title X in the Farm Bill.
- Client: EDF. Scope: distill enabling conditions for sustainable fisheries into a policy evaluation framework.
- Clients: Southeast Alaska Conservation Council & Inside Passage Waterkeeper. Scope: understanding human rights and environmental abuses in Alaskan watersheds.
- Client: International Monsanto Tribual. Scope: legally define ecocide and find examples of Monsanto amounting to the crime of ecocide.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: pursuant to Hughes v Talen Energy Marketing, answering which features of state-mandated long-term contracts increase the risk of preemption.
- Client: CSKT Tribal Lands Department. Scope: research and develop a draft tribal probate code and non-trust property to help consolidate fractioned interests.
- Client: National Congress of American Indians. Scope: draft a model brief that defends the constitutionality of the “special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction” in the 2013 Violence Against Women Act.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: what local laws and policies inhibit “no mow” practices for lawncare.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: to what extent can we quantify the impacts of GHG emission strategies in urban centers?
- Client: Conservation Law Foundation. Scope: how to expand the Legal Services Food Hub to serve farmers as it expands into Connecticut.
- Client: Fundación Gaia Pacha. Scope: Assess status and potential of Cochabamba’s urban forestry planning.
- Client: Chesapeake Bay Foundation. Scope: impacts and legal challenges of three pipelines in the in the Chesapeake Bay region.
- Client: Earthjustice. Scope: what are the key challenges in food production impacting climate change and how should Earthjustice intervene?
- Client: Monsanto International Tribunal. Scope: how has Monsanto violated its obligations to the UN and what are the strategies in place for prosecution?
- Client: Center for American Progress. Scope: evaluate non-fiscal policy obstructions to off-shre wind energy development.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: How does Chinese FDI affect wildlife trafficking in Africa, and what integrative policy solutions could help address these issues?
- Client: High Seas Alliance. Scope: What are some possible alternatives to a common heritage of mankind legal regime for marine biodiversity on the high seas?
- Client: Earthjustice. Scope: create legal and factual record to support civil rights complaint filed with EPA against the New Mexico Environmental Department.
- Client: NRDC. Scope: possibilities for state action against CAFOs; included mapping exercise.
- Client: NextGen Climate America. Scope: draft comment on federal coal program for the BLM.