Susanne Augenhofer

Visiting Professor of Law
(fall term)

LL.M., Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, 2004

LL.M., Yale Law School, 2003

Doctorate in Law, University of Vienna, Austria, 2001

Magister iuris, University of Graz, Austria, 1999

Courses Taught
  • European Integration and Distintegration: Seminar
Susanne Augenhofer

Susanne Augenhofer is a Visiting Professor of Law at Yale Law School. She is a Professor of Law at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, holding a chair for Business Law. Before she was a Professor of Law at Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany, as well as at the University of Erfurt, Germany. In spring 2018 she was taught at NYU School of Law, where she was a Global Hauser Senior Fellow in 2016–2017. In spring 2016 she served as Visiting Professor of Law at Columbia Law School.

Before her appointment as Associate Professor at Humboldt University in 2009, she conducted research at the Max-Planck-Institute for Comparative and International Private Law (Hamburg, Germany), the London School of Economics (Great Britain) and the European University Institute (Florence, Italy). Professor Augenhofer studied law at the University of Graz (Austria, Mag. Iur.), the Universitá Statale di Milano (Italy), the University of Vienna (Austria, doctor iuris), and as a Fulbright scholar at Yale Law School (LL.M.) as well as at the Free University Berlin (Germany, LL.M.), where she was supported by a Yale Fox Fellowship.

Her focus in teaching and research ranges from (international) contract and consumer law to fair trading (advertising) law and antitrust law—with a special emphasis on the enforcement of rights and legal comparison in the context of the harmonization of private law in the EU and transnational settings. Her current research focusses inter alia on the liability of businesses for corporate speech, self-regulation of privacy law, the legal assessment of social media influencer, and the private enforcement of antitrust law as well as the current state of class actions in the US and Europe.

Professor Augenhofer is a Fellow of the European Law Institute (ELI). She has advised the European Parliament and the European Commission on various issues regarding European fair trading as well as consumer law (including product liability) and its enforcement. She was the co-founder of the Humboldt Consumer Law Clinic, the first German legal clinic for consumer rights.