Dr Vigjilenca Abazi is an Assistant Professor at Maastricht University, the Netherlands. She was a Resident Fellow at Information Project Society at Yale Law School ('19), Emile Nöel Fellow at NYU School of Law ('18), and Fulbright Scholar at Columbia Law School ('15). Her most recent book is 'Secrecy and Oversight in the European Union' (Oxford University Press, 2019).
Vigjilenca holds a PhD ('15) and LLM ('11) degree from University of Amsterdam and LLM degree from Yale Law School ('19). She has over 30 scientific peer-reviewed publications in leading journals and has been invited to over 50 lectures and talks at universities worldwide including at Harvard Law School, Oxford University, European University Institute, University of Tokyo, FGV Brazil, NYU (campuses: Abu Dhabi, New York, Florence, Paris), Sciences Po Paris. Her work has been translated in Russian, German, and Spanish and featured in news media such as Bloomberg, Der Spiegel, and Le Monde.
Vigjilenca has offered legal advice to the European Parliament and the Council of Europe and co-drafted the model EU Directive for protection of whistleblowers. In 2018, Vigjilenca was awarded the prestigious VENI grant from the Dutch Research Council given to "outstanding researchers who display a striking talent for scientific research" to expand her research on empowering public interest voices.