Yale Law School Online Photo Directory (Graduate Programs)

Graduate Programs Photo Submission

The photograph that you upload here will be used by Yale Law School and the Graduate Programs Office in two ways.

First, the photograph will be included in the Yale Law School online community directory that includes pictures of students, faculty, and staff. The online photo directory serves as a valuable reference tool for members of the Law School community, especially at the beginning of the academic year. In addition to your name and photograph, the directory includes a listing of the degrees you have received, the years in which you received them, your major(s), and your permanent city, state, and country of residence.

Second, the photograph will be used in Graduate Programs materials, including, for instance, a poster of graduate students in the Graduate Student Lounge and a student list distributed at Graduate Orientation.


Please provide the information below as you would like it to appear. When choosing a photograph, please use an image you would feel comfortable sharing with a faculty member or prospective employer, since both groups routinely use the Yale Law School online photo directory.

If you do not want this information to appear in the Yale Law School online photo directory, after completing the form, e-mail gradpro.law@yale.edu or write to the Graduate Programs Office with your request to have this information withheld . This request applies only to the Yale Law School online photo directory. In the fall, you will be asked by the Registrar whether you want a variety of other personal information withheld from public directories.

The photograph requested here is separate from the photograph that you will be requested to send to the Yale University Identification Center.

Please note that all majors and degrees must be verified by an official transcript from the registrar of the institution that awarded the degree.

Your YLS Photograph
Name your photo as follows: LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME.jpg. If you scan an existing photo, crop the shot to include just your head and shoulders, and scan at 300 dpi. Photo must be a head and shoulders shot against a plain background, taken at your camera’s HIGHEST resolution setting. An iPhone or similar smart phone will work, but MUST be delivered in the original (high) resolution.
One file only.
8 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
Permanent Address
Enter as FOUR-DIGIT year.
Include name of the institution, major, degree, and year of graduation.
Graduate Degree
Enter as FOUR-DIGIT year.
Include name of the institution, major, degree, and year of graduation.
Please check the box to verify that the information you have provided is accurate.
This will be used to verify the form submission.