Blair Kauffman Receives AALL’s Highest Honor
Blair Kauffman, Law Librarian and Professor of Law, will receive the 2016 Marian Gould Gallagher Distinguished Service Award from the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL)—the organization’s highest honor. Kauffman will retire in June 2016 after 22 years at the helm of the library.
“In addition to providing education and professional development, the American Association of Law Libraries has provided numerous service opportunities during my career,” Kauffman said. “I am delighted to have been chosen as a 2016 Marian Gould Gallagher Distinguished Service Award recipient, and I look forward to working with other members on future service efforts.”
Established in 1984 to acknowledge sustained service to law librarianship, exemplary association support, and outstanding professional literature contributions, the Gallagher Award is presented to individuals who have completed or are nearing completion of an active professional career.
The American Association of Law Libraries was founded in 1906 to promote law libraries’ value to the legal and public communities, foster the law librarianship profession, and provide leadership in the legal information field. With nearly 4,500 members, AALL represents law librarians and related professionals who are affiliated with law firms; law schools; corporate legal departments; courts; and local, state, and federal government agencies. For more information, visit