Call for Applications: Peking University CPPSS-Yale PTCC Fellowship Program
The Peking University Law School Center for Public Participation Studies and Supports (CPPSS), a close partner of the Yale Law School Paul Tsai China Center (PTCC), is pleased to announce they are now accepting applications for the inaugural CPPSS-Yale PTCC Visiting Fellows Program. Between 2-3 fellows will be invited to take up residence at Peking University for a three-month research trip focused on government transparency, public participation, and political-legal reforms in China. Applicants must have research and/or practical experience in government transparency and/or public participation, preferably though not necessarily with a masters or doctoral degree in law, political science, sociology and other social science disciplines. Fellows will be chosen according to the relevance and quality of their research. Detailed instructions and background on the CPPSS-PTCC program can be found in the PDF file attached here. Applications should be submitted by June 20, 2017, at: