Critical Race Theory Conference Slated for February 29

Yale Law School’s 2020 Critical Race Theory Conference will take place on Saturday, February 29, 2020.
In the past few years, a number of social movements dedicated to the liberation of communities of color have gained momentum. These movements have been impacted by critical race theory scholarship, which informs and critiques the goals of organizing efforts carried out by advocates for racial justice. Yet, this relationship is not always linear; the work of social movements, in turn, also shapes the objectives of ongoing critical race theory scholarship.
For the fourth biennial CRT Conference, organizers hope to explore the relationship between two modern social movements – reparations and prison abolition – and critical race theory scholarship through this year’s theme "Critical Race Theory in the New Decade: Reparations and Prison Abolition."
Through a collection of panels, presentations, and breakout sessions, the conference will address the following questions: How has CRT discourse informed the movements for reparations and prison abolition? How have these movements informed CRT? What are the limitations of academia to achieve reparations for slavery or to abolish prisons? How can we use the resources of academia to make space for reflection and chart a path forward?
Registration is free for all those interested. Please use the following link to register.
For questions or concerns, please email and