Global Health Case Competition to Take Place Feb. 15
The second annual Yale Global Health Case Competition will take place on Saturday, February 15 from 9 - 4 pm. at the Yale School of Public Health. A total of 109 students representing Yale College and eight graduate and professional schools have registered to compete.
Twenty teams consisting of four to six students with representation from at least three schools at Yale will spend one week tackling a complex global health problem. This year, they will explore the UN's response to the cholera outbreak in Haiti, providing recommendations for how the UN should respond to it. This builds off of work done at Yale by the Global Health Justice Partnership, which last year issued a report detailing the UN's responsibility for the epidemic and its inadequate response to that epidemic thus far. Teams will then present and defend their proposals in front of a panel of judges consisting of global health professionals, academic researchers, and industry experts. These experts include several Yale professors, NGO, and former UN officials who have worked extensively in Haiti, such as Professors Gary Desir and Gordon Geballe, Emily Dally from Partners in Health, and Jessica Faieta, the former UN Development Program country director for Haiti.
Prizes will be awarded to the top three winning teams as well as the team with the most innovative proposal. The winning team will represent Yale at the international global health case competition hosted at Emory University in Atlanta. Last year's Yale team placed second overall at that competition, which included 24 teams from top universities across the country.
The presentations will be open to the public; first round presentations will take place from 10:40 am – 1 pm while final round presentations will take place from 1:50 pm - 3:40 pm. The awards ceremony will take place at 4 pm.
The competition, which is free and open to the public, will take place at Winslow Auditorium, LEPH 60 College Street, New Haven, CT.