Health Affairs Posts Blogs Leading up to Medicare and Medicaid at 50 Conference

Leading up to the Medicare and Medicaid at 50 Conference taking place at Yale Law School November 6 and 7, Health Affairs will be posting blogs related to past, present, and future challenges of Medicare and Medicaid, written by some of the leading scholars participating in the day and a half long event.  The blogs can be found on the Health Affairs site here(link is external)4.  

This first–of–its kind conference is an interdisciplinary gathering of the nation’s leading health law and policy scholars as well as policymakers who have played an instrumental role in designing and implementing these landmark statutes, and put on in conjunction with the Yale Health Law and Policy Society, Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law, and Ethics, Health Affairs, and the National Academy of Social Insurance.  

The schedule for the day and a half long conference can be found here5, and registration for the conference can be found here(link is external)6.  If you are unable to attend, you can watch live stream of the event here(link is external)7, or follow along on twitter with @YaleHealthLaw(link is external)8 and #MM50(link is external)9