Joshua Rosenstein ’02 Promoted to Partner

The following news article was written by Megan R. Wilson and published on

Washington, DC – As the political law firm Sandler, Reiff, Young & Lamb celebrates its sixteenth anniversary, it's welcoming a new partner and changing its name.

The firm — which will now be known as Sandler Reiff Lamb Rosenstein & Birkenstock — is adding Caplin & Drysdale attorney Joseph M. Birkenstock and promoting of counsel Joshua Rosenstein ’02 to partner.

"Our new name reflects our recognition of Joe Birkenstock’s critical importance to our firm and to the practice of political law, as well as Josh Rosenstein’s value to our clients and his wide-ranging expertise in the field of advocacy regulation,” said partner Joe Sandler, a former co-chairman of the Task Force on Federal Lobbying Laws at the American Bar Association.

Birkenstock had been with Caplin & Drysdale since 2005. Prior to that, he served as the Democratic National Committee (DNC)'s chief counsel and worked at a law firm in Los Angeles.

While at the DNC, he worked on the litigation efforts of the Democrats as they went through the presidential vote recount in 2000. Overall, he ensured that the party's political committee complied with a patchwork of state and federal campaign laws.

Sandler Reiff specializes in advising clients on law and regulations pertaining to the political world, such as campaign finance and lobbying. They also help to organize and manage non-profit organizations.

For example, partner Jim Lamb is an advisor to Ready for Hillary, a super-PAC that's raising money and urging the former Secretary of State to run for president in 2016. In addition to working as an attorney for Clinton during her Senate campaign in 2000, Lamb counts Sens. Sandy Levin (D-Mich.) and Joe Manchin (D-W. Va.) as clients.