Professor Kapczynski Testifies in D.C. on Drug Prices
Professor Amy Kapczynski ’03 testified before the U.S. House of Representatives Ways and Means Health Subcommittee on March 7, 2019 in Washington, D.C. The hearing was titled “Promoting Competition to Lower Medicare Drug Prices.”
Kapczynski outlined how the drug pricing problem is at its core a monopoly problem, where originator drug companies can set high launch prices and increase those prices with few constraints.

Professor Kapczynski went through a list of steps Congress could take to mandate fair pricing, increase competition, and enhance R&D.
“The highest priority for Congress should be legislation that can ensure fair prices in both the public and private sectors, while also ensuring adequate returns to companies,” said Kapczynski. “Also important are a series of measures that can improve competition in pharmaceutical markets, and that can begin to explore alternative R&D structures as well as compensate for gaps in our current R&D system.”
Watch the hearing5 (Kapczynski begins at the 18:40 mark).
Professor Kapczynski is also the Faculty Co-Director of the Global Health Justice Partnership, and Faculty Co-Director of the Collaboration for Research Integrity and Transparency. She is an expert on information policy, intellectual property law, international law, and global health. She has written extensively on the cost of prescription drugs.