Roya Hakakian Discusses the Recent Uprisings in Iran

Journalist Roya Hakakian, right, led a Human Rights Workshop in November. Joining her is Hope Metcalf, Executive Director of the Orville H. Schell, Jr. Center for International Human Rights Law.
Writer and journalist Roya Hakakian discussed ongoing civil protests in Iran at the Nov. 17 Human Rights Workshop, “Woman, Life, Liberty: How Iran Became the Cradle of George Washington's Legacy.”
Hakakian works in both film and print journalism. Her reporting has been featured on network television, including 60 Minutes (CBS). Her essays appear in the leading English language journals, including The Atlantic, where she has been writing about Iran's recent uprisings. A cofounder of the Iran Human Rights Documentation Center, Roya came to the United States on political asylum.