Seven Yale Graduates Selected as the 2014-15 Peter and Patricia Gruber Fellows
Seven Yale graduates and current students have been selected as the 2014-2015 Peter and Patricia Gruber Fellows in Global Justice and Women’s Rights.
This outstanding group will work to advance the rights of diverse populations in a multitude of settings, including China, Latin America, Myanmar/Burma, Antigua and Barbuda, and the United States. Their projects tackle a wide range of critical issues, including LGBT rights, gender and the environment, global access to medicines, mass atrocities and international relations, microfinance, and immigrant domestic workers’ rights. The Gruber Fellows will work to develop innovative advocacy strategies, research, and policy recommendations with potentially far-reaching impact. Of this year’s group, four fellows come from Yale Law School, two fellows come from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, and one fellow comes from the Jackson Institute for Global Affairs.
To read more about each fellow and their upcoming work, click here.
2014-15 Gruber Fellows
Hannah Brennan (Yale Law School ’13)
Hilary Oliva Faxon (Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies ’13)
Lia Nicholson (Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies ’14)
Celso Perez (Yale Law School ’14)
Shayak Sarkar (Yale Law School ’13)
Julia Spiegel (Yale Law School ’13)
Daniel Tam Claiborne (Jackson Institute for Global Affairs ’14)
The Gruber Fellowships in Global Justice and Women's Rights help foster international understanding and dialogue in the fields of global justice and women's rights. These post-graduate fellowships allow recent graduates (within three years) of Yale graduate and professional schools to spend a year working on issues of relevance to the fields of global justice and/or women's rights.
The Gruber Program for Global Justice and Women's Rights is a Yale University Program administered by Yale Law School. The program consists of three core components: 1) the Global Constitutionalism Seminar; 2) the Gruber Distinguished Lectures in Global Justice and Women's Rights; and 3) the Gruber Global Justice and Women's Rights Fellowships. It was established in 2011 by philanthropists Peter and Patricia Gruber as part of The Gruber Foundation.