YLS Alumnus Makes Large Donation of PPE to Yale New Haven Hospital

Donated materials being processed at YNHHS’s Regional Operations Center in West Haven. Photographs courtesy of YNHHS

A Yale Law School alumnus has made a large donation of personal protective equipment (PPE) to Yale-New Haven Hospital to assist in its efforts to treat patients with COVID-19.

An opened cardboard box with packages of surgical masks inside
The alumnus, who wishes to remain anonymous, is a generous supporter of Yale Law School. Having witnessed the effects of COVID-19 on his own country, he was eager to help the Yale and New Haven communities. The alumnus reached out to Yale Law School Dean Heather K. Gerken to see if New Haven needed help and she moved swiftly to connect him with hospital administrators. Yale-New Haven Hospital, like hospitals across the country, is facing a critical shortage of PPE to protect its frontline healthcare professionals as they treat patients affected by the COVID-19 virus.

“The alumnus’ donation was quite extraordinary,” said Dean Gerken, noting that it included 400,000 surgical masks, 40,000 surgical gowns, 4,000 goggles, and 100 ventilators. The shipments began several weeks ago and the hospital has now received all materials. 

A woman stands in front of many cardboard boxes on pallets inside a warehouse.

“I was so moved by the generosity of our graduate,” added Dean Gerken. “It means so much that he would help Yale and New Haven in its time of need. His gift will save lives, and his support embodies the very best values of this Law School. We will be forever grateful for this life-saving assistance.”

“Yale New Haven Health and all of our hospitals have been overwhelmed by the generosity of donors throughout this unprecedented time,” said James Fusco, Supply Chain Manager, YNHHS. "Generous donors like this have really helped us in the battle to keep our staff and patients healthy and safe. We extend our deepest gratitude to each and every one.”

“We are moved by the generosity of this anonymous donor,” added Nancy J. Brown, Dean of the Yale School of Medicine. “This gift will help us heal our sickest patients and protect our heroic frontline workers.”