LSO Client Wins in Federal Court
Arnold Giammarco, a deported Connecticut resident recently subpoenaed by the Connecticut Judiciary Committee to testify at a hearing on April 4, won a victory in federal court.

Law Professor Kaaryn Gustafson to Give Thomas Lecture on March 21
Kaaryn Gustafson, Professor of Law at UC–Irvine School of Law, will give a lecture titled “Bastardy, Debt, and Social Control” on March 21, 2016, at 4:30 p.m. in the Faculty Lounge. This 2015–2016 James A. Thomas Lecture will highlight Gustafson’s historical research on America’s orphan and bastardy laws.

Senate Confirms John B. King Jr. ’07 as Education Secretary
The U.S. Senate confirmed the nomination of John B. King Jr. ’07 to be Secretary of Education on March 15, 2016.

Justice Susanne Baer to Give Newman Lecture on March 28
Justice Susanne Baer of the Federal Constitutional Court in Germany will deliver the Judge Jon O. Newman Lecture on March 28, 2016, at 4:30 p.m. Her lecture is titled “Rights Under Pressure: Practicing Constitutional Law in Turbulent Times.”

Students Meet Judges & Policy Makers in DC
Students from the Yale Law School chapter of the American Constitution Society and Yale Law Democrats met with policy makers and elected officials during an annual trip to Washington, D.C. on March 3-4, 2016.

Professor Koh Joins Scholars in Signing Letter About SCOTUS Nominee
This week, scholars of American history and law wrote a letter to President Barack Obama to share their views on the Senate republicans' refusal to fulfill their responsibilities as laid out in the Constitution. Professor Harold Hongju Koh joined in writing and signing the letter. The letter argues that denying the President's Supreme Court nominee a hearing is unprecedented in this country's history. "We express our dismay at the unprecedented breach of norms by the Senate majority in refusing to consider a nomination for the Supreme Court made by a president with eleven months to serve in...

Training for Police Departments in Procedural Justice
The National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice launched a three-day procedural justice training in its six pilot sites in February 2016.

Two Solomon Center Visiting Faculty Release New Books
Dr. Joseph J. Fins has published Rights Come to Mind: Brain Injury, Ethics, and the Struggle for Consciousness and Dr. Aaron Kesselheim was co-editor, along with Christopher Robertson, of the book Blinding as a Solution to Bias: Strengthening Biomedical Science, Forensic Science, and Law.