Students Arrive to Participate in Latin American Linkage Program
Ten students selected to represent seven leading law schools in Argentina, Brazil, and Chile began their three-week residence at Yale Law School on Wednesday, January 27, 2016 by touring the campus and the libraries.
Professor Elliott’s Writing Cited As Top Study
A book examining the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership that Professor E. Donald Elliott co-authored was ranked as the Best Policy Study Report Produced by a Think Tank in 2015 by the University of Pennsylvania’s annual Global Go To Think Tank Index.
Lecture Series on Latin American Law Debuts
A new lecture series titled "The State of the Rule of Law in Latin America: Contemporary Challenges and Crises," will debut at Yale Law School on February 1 at 12:10 p.m.
Study: Haiti’s Cholera Epidemic Could Have Been Prevented
New research by scientists at Yale School of Public Health, in partnership with colleagues at the Yale Law School, has found that simple and inexpensive interventions—which the United Nations has yet to implement—would be effective in preventing future outbreaks of the cholera.
T. Alexander Aleinikoff to Deliver Gruber Lecture Feb. 8
T. Alexander Aleinikoff, Deputy High Commissioner in the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, will deliver the Gruber Distinguished Lecture in Global Justice on February 8, 2016.
Artist Alfredo Jaar Gives JUNCTURE Initiative Talk on Feb. 3
Alfredo Jaar, a Chilean-born artist, architect, and filmmaker based in New York, will give a lecture titled “It Is Difficult” on February 3, 2016.
President Obama Cites ASCA/Liman Report on Solitary Confinement
President Barack Obama cited a groundbreaking report published by Yale Law School’s Arthur Liman Public Interest Program Tuesday in a Washington Post oped announcing the end of solitary confinement for juveniles.
EPI Reveals Decline and Progress in Global Environment
The 2016 Environmental Performance Index (EPI), a Yale-based initiative that evaluates how 180 countries protect ecosystems and human health, finds cause for both optimism and serious concern. The world’s nations have expanded access to water and sanitation while creating more protected areas than ever before, yet countries have failed to reverse degradation of air quality and decline in fisheries, the report finds. The EPI, which measures national and global protection of ecosystems and human health from environmental harm, draws out trends and highlights data gaps in priority areas including...